Categories > Original > Drama


by jazzyfizzle16 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-04-25 - Updated: 2009-04-25 - 289 words - Complete

The word ‘why’…
It means so much when asked.
One can ask it for many reasons,
And one can get many answers,
So I will ask myself ‘why’?
Why did he decide it was time?
Why did it feel so right for him?
How could he cause so much pain?
Why did dad leave?
Did he not love us? Did he not love me?
For 8 years it was right. Why did it only have to be 8? Why not 9, 10, 11, or as many as it took for our higher power, ‘God’, to take him from this world.
You said you loved me. Was I daddy’s little girl?
When you said goodbye, I begged and begged for you not to leave.
You said you needed to be with your family.
Was that your new born child?
I now have a sister from another mother.
You cheated. You left.
But why? Do you feel any regret?
What do you regret?
Would you change what you did if you could go back in time?
I wouldn’t, know why? This experience has shown me how strong a mother can become!
How she can raise two children all on her own!
So I ask again, why did dad leave?
I miss him so much, and even though he did wrong in leaving,
I can’t hate him, I can only love him.
I want to see him again.
But why should I give him the pleasure of seeing the little girl he once left?
He will see me someday and he will see how much his little girl has grown up.
I only want him to answer on question and he will know what
I want him to explain when I ask…
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