Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

CH113 - Fudge's Own Goal

by GuardianOfLight 0 reviews

Fudge's Big Mistake

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Drama - Characters: Angelina Johnson,Dumbledore,Fudge,Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2009-05-02 - Updated: 2009-05-02 - 3296 words

Chapter 113 - Fudge's Own Goal

Dimension: 1375 - Earth
Date: 24th November 2001 AD
Country: Britain - Scotland
Location: Hogwarts Grounds - Quidditch Pitch
Time: Late Afternoon

"What is it Hagrid?" asked the Headmaster moving towards the front of the box.

"It's the Minister Sir!! He's arrested Hermione!!"

Harry was running even before the second 'e' of Hermione had been finished and he was in no doubt that a lot of

the rest of the box plus a large section of the rest of the crowd would be moving in the same direction very

shortly, but he would be one of the first to get there as he was running in the opposite direction to most of

the others.

As he put his feet on then kicked off of the front of the box he extended his rapidly modified cloak and aimed

towards the school, he was barely aware of Fleur and Colette jumping after him already transformed. Cho, shortly

followed by the rest of the Quidditch players (though most only because Cho was going) over took him as they

headed off in the same direction.

It was time to try a new technique or he would only just get there before the crowd.

Locking the front edge of his wing in place he retrieved his wand and extended it back behind him.

"Penitus exuro."

He heard the roar and felt the massive jerk as the flame erupted from his wand just as it would from the back of

a missile; he wavered in the sky for a few moments before stabilising himself a bit and accelerating, he had

never actually tried this sort of powered flight before and it was playing havoc with his aerodynamics.

Rapidly overtaking the slower brooms he quickly matched speeds with Cho and the Veela as they rapidly

accelerated out across the grounds.

Fudge wanted to get back at him for all he had done to oppose him; he wanted to get back at Hermione for

outsmarting him at the Equinox Ball, now he's about to learn why you don't make Harry Potter mad.

As days go Hermione's couldn't really get any worse, she had been sitting quite happily outside the stadium

reading one her books when she suddenly finds herself being accosted by conjured pieces of rope.

After a few seconds of struggle she found herself hogtied of all positions (very thankful that she had worn

jeans rather than a skirt) and gagged lying on the ground in front of a smirking Cornelius Fudge, Dolores

Umbridge and several Aurors, two of whom looked immensely pleased with themselves while the remaining six (some

of whom appeared to be of those who were currently defending the school) looked decidedly nervous and


"Hermione Jane Granger," began one of the nervous looking Aurors "You_ You are under arrest for illegal use of

Underage Magic on the 10th August 2001 at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you are also charged with

illegally entering the Ministry, illegally entering the Department Of Mysteries, of leaving Hogwarts grounds on

several occasions without permission and illegal user of a Time Turner. You will now be taken from Hogwarts to

which you can never return and taken to the Ministry where your wand will be broken; you will be sentenced to

time in Azkaban prison for you crimes before being permanently exiled from Wizarding Britain."

"Let's go." Grinned Fudge as he turned and began walking back across the grounds.

"Sorry little Mud-Blood," grinned one of the Aurors "Looks like you won't be tainting the Wizarding World for

much longer.

This was bad, this was very VERY bad, she knew that the 10th was when Buffy and Adam appeared at Hogwarts and by

that time she was sixteen so she couldn't have broken a law that no longer applied to her by defending herself

from Professor Dumbledore's failed capture of Harry, some of the other 'so called' charges were true but her

worry was that Fudge was in control of the situation so like Sirius she would not get a trial and unless someone

realised she was missing in time her wand would be broken and she would be in Azkaban and she strongly doubted

that she would ever get as far as being exiled from the Wizarding world as she was sure Fudge would suddenly

forget about her once she was locked up and no longer able to undermine his authority and leadership like she

did with her Quibbler article or her counterargument regarding Sapphire during the Equinox Ball.

So unless someone stopped Fudge before they left Hogwarts she would no doubt spend the rest of her life as a

Muggle locked up in Azkaban.

It was quiet the surprise to Fudge, Umbridge and the Aurors when Harry, Cho, Fleur and Colette, just twenty

meters from the castle passed low over their heads causing them all to duck to the floor and causing Hermione to

jerk up rapidly as the Auror levitating her dropped sideways before remembering what his wand was doing.

As they regained their feet Harry, Colette and Cho barred their way; Fleur had flown straight in to the castle,

hopefully for reinforcements.

"Stand aside Potter." Order Umbridge in her usual annoying superior tone "This is Ministerial Business."

"Can't do that I am afraid."

"Potter, I have had enough of you and your friends causing me trouble." Growled the Minister.

"You are not taking Hermione from Hogwarts." Harry stated, drawing Gryffindor's sword from its sheaf on his back

(which like his staff and some other magical items he could summon at will now that he knew how to) at the same

time as Cho and Colette drew their wands and pointed them at the Aurors who likewise drew their own wands.

"It is not a problem Potter, as you will be going with her."

One of the Aurors moved forward and opened a scroll.

"Harry Potter you are under arrest for illegal use of Underage Magic in the year of 2000 in the town of Little

Whinging, you are also charged with casting magic in front of a Muggle, leaving Hogwarts grounds without

permission, illegal entry to the Ministry, illegal entry to the Department of Mysteries, illegal entry into the

Triwizard Tournament and casting the Torture Curse on convicted Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange during

aforementioned entry to the Ministry."

"Quite a list," replied Harry "How long did it take you to think that lot up."

"And I'd love to know where you got that last one from." added Colette, not knowing that he really had tried to

cast that spell on Bellatrix, it just hadn't worked.

"All of those are real charges Potter," continued Fudge completely ignoring Colette "And just half of them would

be cause enough for me to have you expelled from the Wizarding World, do you surrender?"

"In every possible sense of the word no."

Fudge's lips twitched happily.

"Aurors take him down!!"

In a split second the two Aurors who were enjoying themselves launched spells at the trio.

Harry spun his sword around and expertly caused the spells to rebound off the polished sides back towards their

casters much to the surprise of the women at his sides who had both raised shields.

The two spells impacted the casters and knocked both out which included the Death Eater who had been levitating

Hermione who unfortunately the split second before he had been rendered unconscious had flicked his wand skyward

sending Hermione (still Hogtied and until that point very relieved) hurtling upwards.

Hermione screamed into her gag as she was thrown several dozen feet into the air, if she hit the ground from

this height and tied up like this she would likely break her neck.

As she stopped going upwards and started descending she screamed again.

With only four meters to the ground she felt a massive wind blast from above her followed by a large shadow

being cast over her and a sharp tug by something around her midsection. She stopped descending and began to fly

level slowly with a jerking up down motion before gently be set down on the grass near Harry.

Realising who had just rescued her she was not worried when she felt reptilian scales brush against her bound

hands just before the ropes snapped and her limps were released allowing her to move again.

Slowly getting to her feet she removed the gag and breathed a deep sigh of relief, ignoring much of the pain in

her aching muscles.

"Thank you Sapphire." She panted turning to the now two and a bit meter Wyvern, who bowed her head in return,

obviously understanding that she had just thanked her. Thank goodness she grew so quickly or she would not have

been able to carry her even that short distance.

Looking for her best friend she walked over to Harry and giving him a tight hug.

"Thank you, I was really worried that time."

Sending her a sly smile he disengaged from her allowing her to move into the safety of a recently arrived Ron's


Looking at the scene around them she saw that she had missed the disarming of the more reluctant six Aurors who

were standing next to Fudge and Umbridge in the middle of a crowd which consisted of almost the entire school,

the inner most ring of people included the Professors, Adam (who had turned up from somewhere), all those who

had been flying and the fastest runners including she noticed all of the old Gryffindor team, she also noticed

that a fair number of the crowd had wands drawn though only Cho, Colette and Ron had them pointed at them.

"I will have you all arrested for this!!" bellowed Fudge "How dare you attack the Minister of Magic."

"Yet again Fudge you seem to have failed to notice that not a single spell has been sent at you." Replied Harry

bringing his sword up to rest against his shoulder.

"None the less, you Potter, your friends there," he said gesturing at Ron, Hermione, Cho, Colette and several

other members of the crowd who had their wands drawn, presumably from taking part in the Auror disarmament

"Longbottom and Lovegood are all under arrest and will accompany me to the Ministry now!!"

"Minister Fudge!!" came an angry bellow from behind the crowd who rapidly parted to reveal the fuming form of

Amelia Bones accompanied by Fleur and six Aurors "What one earth do you think you are doing?"

"This is none of your business Director Bones." Announced Umbridge moving to confront the Head of the DMLE as

she approached.

"I beg to differ." Replied Madam Bones walking around her as if she did not exist "Minister, you have pulled

four of my Aurors," She said gesturing to some of those who were conscious and had been trying to move away from

the Minister "Away from their duties defending this school and another two away from their posts in the Magical

Detection Office and brought them here to arrest people on warrants that require MY signature to authorise, you

also require MY permission to use MY Aurors, therefore it is very much MY business."

"Then if you would be so kind as to sign these we can arrest Potter, Weatherby," Ron growled at that "Longbottom

and their female friends for breaking into the Ministry last year amongst other crimes and you can arrest that

Veela and that girl there," he said gesturing to Cho "For assaulting the Ministers body guard."

"Firstly Minister his name is Weasley not Weatherby and the girls you are referring to are named Granger,

Weasley, Lovegood, Fontaine and Chang. Secondly I doubt that the Wizengamot will charge any of the former set

with breaking into the Ministry which resulted in the revelation of You-Know-Who's return to the Wizarding World

as well as the capture of several high level Death Eaters and the withholding of a strategic advantage from

aforementioned Dark Lord during said incursion, thirdly when you arrest someone you do NOT hog tie them you

simply put one coil of rope around their wrists behind their back and another coil around rope attached to their

wrists which you hold on to, if they are noisy or abusive then you cast a silencing spell on them, if they

refuse to cooperate you may stun and levitate them, you do NOT humiliate them by restraining them in such a way

that it is impossible for them to move their arms or head without breaking or dislocating their joints and bones

and you do not inhibit their ability to breath by gagging them and fourthly and finally I will not arrest any of

the latter set of aforementioned people until I have proof of illegal activity."

"Director Bones, are you accusing the Minister of Magic of lying?" counter Umbridge moving back in front of

Madam Bones.

"It wouldn't be the first time would it." snorted Katie Bell from amongst the crowd, causing Fudge and

Umbridge's eyes to flick to her, Hermione later found out that the old Gryffindor team tended to come to the

Hogwarts matches to catch up and reminisce.

"Arrest that girl immediately." Order Umbridge "For slander against the Minster of Magic and for assaulting the

Ministers Bodyguard."

"It's not slander if it's true." Continued Angelina Johnson.

"What proof have you?" asked Umbridge, certain that they could not have any.

"Well for a start there are the over two dozen pensieve recordings we could make of these Aurors attacking

Harry, Cho and Professor Fontaine and the three of them defending themselves."

"They were resisting arrest." Countered Fudge.

"You were only trying to arrest Harry from what I overheard." Replied Oliver Wood "And he only acted


"Which still counts as resisting!!"

"In case you have forgotten Minister," interceded Dumbledore "To arrest a member of the Wizengamot another

member of the Wizengamot must be present."

"I am a member of the Wizengamot!!" replied Fudge spinning on the Headmaster.

"You have no family seat and the title of Minister does NOT include membership of the Wizengamot," countered

Neville "Your position merely permits you to attend Wizengamot meetings."

"Well, as there are at least two other members of the Wizengamot present I can arrest Potter and you Longbottom

and if you resist I am fully entitled to restrain them."

"Only if the charges are valid," returned Angelina as she came in for another verbal assault "We all know how

terrible a Minister you have been over the last few years."

"Be quiet." Order Umbridge.

"Forcing the Prophet to print Anti-Harry and Anti-Dumbledore articles." She continued ignoring the insignificant


"Silence!!" ordered Fudge.

"Having charges pressed against Harry in his fifth year because you didn't want to believe V_ Voldemort was


"I order you to be quiet!!"

The rest of the crowd were standing quietly while Angelina who had obviously decided that enough was enough as

far as she was concerned and was fully intending to give Fudge and his annoying pet a piece of her mind.

"Having Hagrid arrested during when the creature of Slytherin was on the loose without any proof."

"You will be silent!!"

"And let's not forget posting Umbitch over there to the school to undermine the Headmaster and having her use

Blood Quills and Unforgivable curses of students to keep them quiet."


The last three words caused utter silence for a period of about two seconds before almost the entire inner ring

of people went from shocked to furious, raised their wands and fired on the Minister who was only saved by being

rapidly tackled to the ground by a fuming Harry and Adam (both of whom literally had smoke coming off of their

hands) who held him to the ground with two swords impaled in the ground either side of his neck before crossing

a few centimetres above his throat.

There were a series of impacts and minor magical explosions as some of the spells hit other spells, student's

shields and a few unlucky others who didn't raise shields in time as every single spell missed their target but

that did not stop the wands of those who were still conscious from turning them on the Minister again with a few

more perceptive members of the student body aiming theirs at Umbridge who had been subtly reaching for her wand

until she noticed those that had just been aimed at her.

"Well well Minister." Said Adam his hands still smoking slightly "I think you just signed your death warrant."

"Minister Fudge." Announced McGonagall stepping forward "Having heard the conversation which just transpired as

a member of the Wizengamot I hereby call for a vote of no confidents in your leadership, also on that evidence I

hereby order an enquiry into the Ministers Office at the Ministry and a further enquiry into the alleged

activities of Dolores Umbridge during her time at the Ministry and at Hogwarts."

"I second the motion." Agreed Dumbledore "Director Bones, as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot I authorize the

holding of Dolores Umbridge and Cornelius Fudge in Ministry holiday cells until such time as the results of the

aforementioned enquiries are complete."

"Yes Chief Warlock." Amelia replied officially thought there was a very large hint of satisfaction as two of the

Aurors who accompanied her took Fudge from Adam and Harry and another pair took hold of Umbridge.

"You will all pay for this." Swore Fudge as they were dragged back to the school.

"I recommend that we hold the enquires tomorrow Chief Warlock," suggested Amelia "At the same time as the vote

of no confidence is decided."

"Agreed, and emergency meeting will be called for tomorrow."

"Director Bones?" interjected Hermione.

"Yes Miss Granger?"

"Am I correct in thinking that racial abuse is treated very seriously in your department?"


"Then I submit that this Auror_" she said walking over to the Auror who had insulted her area and prodded him

rather harder than was necessary in his ribs with her foot "insulted me after I was bound and said I quote

'Sorry little Mud-Blood, looks like you won't be tainting the Wizarding World for much longer'."

"Take him away." Madam Bones instructed one of the other Aurors "He will be suspended pending an investigation."

"Thank you Madam Bones."

The group started to break up as the Aurors and Madam Bones left for the staffroom so they could floo back and

as the students and teachers started migrating back towards either the school to discuss what just happened or

the Quidditch changing rooms to get out of their sports gear.

As the crowd got down to about a dozen or so people Harry, after being hugged again by Hermione, moved over to

Angelina who was currently surrounded by the rest of the old Quidditch team.

"Are you alright?"

"Fine." she nodded and what was strange was that she actually looked it "I was hoping he would snap, I've got

some friends in the Ministry and they told me that Fudge had a very short fuse so I thought I'd take advantage

of it, besides racist insults might be unusual in the Wizarding world as Hermione just proved, but if all the

Muggle-Born's can put up with being called what they are called by Pure-Bloods then I think I should be able to

put up with one insult from that incompetent bastard like him."

"I still regret you having been called that though."

After giving him a bright smile she pulled him into a tight hug.

"If you didn't you wouldn't be Harry Potter, all I ask is that you get him out of the Ministry."

"I promise." He nodded "In the mean time, I have to send a quick message to a friend."
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