Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Sucks [Might chenge.]

Alive and Kicking

by E-JayLovesGerard 7 reviews

Has work ever gotten in the way of something you love?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2009-05-06 - Updated: 2009-05-07 - 1346 words - Complete

I sat on Gerard's bed, knees to my chest. I was confused. Why did I kiss him? Why did my heart sink when he left? I managed to convince myself it was because he was my friend and I didn’t want him to get hurt.
‘Frank?’ Mikey asked, walking into the room slowly. ‘If you’re upset over me laughing, I’m sorry. I know how har-‘
‘Mikey, it’s not about that.’ I cut him off. His face brightened up a little. ‘I was just thinking about... Jamia.’ I lied, though she wasn't far from my thought train. Then I suddenly remembered. I jumped up from the bed and ran past Mikey. I dug through my back, pulling out my phone. 4 messages, all from Jamia.
Frank. Please, can we talk about this please?
Frank! Txt me back. We need to talk about this.
IERO! If you don’t fuckin txt back or call, I’ll tell your mum you kissed Gerard.
Fuck you.
I sent a quick text telling her to stop texting me. I shut my phone off, throwing it back in my bag. She wasn’t game enough to tell my mum about me and Gerard. Even if she did, it was a dare. What she knew was a dare. I wasn't even sure what the rest was. I felt like I needed Gerard. I needed him to touch me, kiss me. I couldn’t say I loved him. I’d known him for a few days. A crush maybe? Whatever it was, I wasn't ready to give it up.
‘Hey Mikey. I have to go home for a little bit. I’ll be back tonight, okay?’ I asked, walking into the lounge room where he sat. He looked up at me and nodded, eyeing my pants. ‘Yeah, I’m getting changed.’ I ran back to Mikey’s room, getting changed and writing Gerard a note.
When I get back, can we talk? Won’t be long…

I left the note on his bed and ran out the front door. I had to get everything in place so I could move on. Meaning, a visit to Jamia’s. I knew she was staying in some dingy hotel with her mum, Carol. She’d given me the number of the room she was going to be in 1 week before I left Nutley.
I knocked on the door, the golden numbers rattling as I did.
‘Hey Frank! What do we owe this visit?’ Carol asked in her usual chirpy tone. She was a lot like Jamia, perky and loud.
‘Hey, Mrs. Nestor. Is Jamia about?’ I asked, trying to sound upbeat. A down-right scary smile spread across her face.
‘Yeah, I’ll get her.’ I waited for a few minutes, hearing a hushed argument. Jamia burst through the door, slamming it and pulling me by the wrist. She stopped out by the pool, which was green and icky looking. She turned to me, fury pulsing through her expression. I should have seen it coming. She slapped me like a bitch, across the face.
’What the fuck was that for?’ I yelled, rubbing my cheek.
‘For breaking up with me!’
‘Long distance doesn’t work, Jamia! Sure, we can talk on the phone but we can’t be there with each other! Do you really want that?’ I hadn’t realized how close I had gotten to her, I was right in her face.
‘No.’ she whispered. I felt badd, she was a really nice girl.
‘I’m sorry. I have to go. I hope we can still be friends.’ Lie
‘Of course.’ I kissed her on the cheek. She smiled and wished me well. I took the long route back to Mikey’s, having just figured there was 2 ways to get there. On the long route, I passed a cemetery. I decided to make a trip in, not to mourn the loss of a loved one but to feel the peace. It was starting to get dark when I had left the cemetery, leaving an oddly spooky gloom over the headstones.
‘Look at the emo!’ Some strange voice called as I exited the gate. At least 10 boys on bikes were approaching, all shouting.
‘Gonna run and cut yourself? Huh? Fucking emo!’ Another called. I didn’t know what their deal was. They didn’t know me, my habits. ‘What the fuck is your problem?’ He asked again. I shrugged and walked down the street that would take me back to Mikey’s.
‘We’re talking to you!’
‘I know. I don’t want to talk to you so take the hint and fuck off!’ I wasn't in the mood for this shit. I’d broken up with my girlfriend and I was almost regretting it.
‘We don’t take orders from anyone! Specially not from the “New-Kid”.’
‘Is that what I am now? Will I be deemed that title till a new new kid comes? Or will I be referred as the old new kid? Huh? Exactly, fuck off!’ They looked at me with blank expressions. I giggled to myself and kept walking down the street. I made it to the end of the street with no more interruptions.
‘You think we’re done with you?’ The same boy yelled.
‘Oh for fuck sake! Would you leave me alone? I have much better things to do right now!’ I just wanted to get back to Gerard so we could talk, maybe kiss some more too.
‘We’ll leave you alone when we’re through with you!’ 3 of them jumped of their bikes and walked up to me. I didn’t move or flinch.
‘Give me your best shot.’ I spat at them. I let one of them hit me first, I never believed in throwing the first punch.
Back in Nutley, I was always fighting so this wasn't a challenge. Sure, I got hit a few times. But some of them left with far worse injuries than me.
‘Watch yourself kid! This aint over!’ One of the only remaining boys said. Most of the others had picked their bikes up and ran home. There were 2 left out of 10.
‘See you next time.’ I said in an upbeat tone, smiling while they rode down the street with their tails between their legs. I giggled all the way back.
‘What happened to you?’ Gerard asked as I stepped into the house. I hadn’t checked my face yet and I had a pretty clear thought of what it looked like. I kept my eyes on him. Unfortunately, he was dressed in normal jeans and a random band shirt.
‘Arsehole kids. All taken care of though.’
Gerard took my hand and dragged me to the bathroom, standing me in front of the mirror. It wasn't as badd as I thought it’d be. Cut lip, few scratches down my left cheek. Nothing major.
‘Why did you get in a fight?’ He asked, dabbing my lip with a cotton ball.
‘They called me emo.’ I whined, sounding like a little kid. He lifted my hands up, turning them palm up to inspect my wrists.
‘You’re not emo.’
‘No shit Sherlock!’ I rolled my eyes.
‘I was just checking. Nothing wrong with that.’ He threw the soiled ball in the bin, pecked my lips and left me in the bathroom. I wasn't having that. I chased him and jumped on his back. With my face right next to his.
‘How do I know you’re not emo?’ I whispered in his ear. He simply held his wrists up. Nothing tainted his perfect skin. I traced his veins with one finger, trailing all the way up to his bicep. His muscle twitched under my fingertips.
‘That tickles.’ He giggled.
‘What are you doing?’ Mikey appeared from the lounge room, staring at us. I froze, this looked badd.

Im not exactly sure how long this on is. But meh, dont kill me yet... dont you wanna know what happens? anyways, tell me what you think. xox E
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