Categories > Books > Harry Potter > It's A Halloweeny Time of Year?

I Need You Here With Me

by My--Toro--Romance

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Erotica - Characters: Lucius,Lupin,Sirius - Warnings: [V] [R] - Published: 2009-05-10 - Updated: 2009-05-10 - 1973 words

I need you here with me...

By My--Toro--Romance

A.N I had most of this since I uploaded the last chapter but oh well.
Can’t remember if I did a disclaimer before, if not, only the plot line belongs to me, the characters, and anything else you recognise, probably belongs to JKR, mmk thnx.
Thank you so much for reviewing. You guys are why I do this. ;D


Remus staggered across the grounds of Hogwarts, puffing and panting. He bent over to take a breath, his chest heaving.

“I’m sure this wasn’t as tiring last time,” he gasped, “must lack of...sleep.” He stood upright and continued towards the castle. His muscles tightened and complained with every step and it took almost all of his willpower to continue. He had almost reached the doors when a shaft of moonlight passed over him. He twitched, and turned to see the moon shining down on him, seemingly brighter than it ever had before. Remus cursed and turned to run to the castle but his already exhausted legs would not let him. His knees gave way and he collapsed on the grass. There was a crack and Remus screamed out as his ribs stretched and moved, sending waves of pain through his nervous system. As each bone in his torso cracked and shifted, Remus was driven up onto his knees. He used this to force himself to his feet, lurching back towards the Whomping Willow. It took every ounce of strength in him to put each foot in front of the other as he screamed and cried in pain. His vision was blurring, tears of agony filling his eyes, but still he made his way forwards, knowing it would help keep the rest of Hogwarts safe if he was shut away in the Shrieking Shack. He neared the oddly still tree and fell to his knees, back arched and shrieked. The tree, sensing this, swung into movement, thrashing its branches at him, throwing him from side to side. One particularly club-like branch was swinging towards Remus when he threw himself forwards and down the hole in the tree’s roots. He slid down the tunnel, yelling in pain as the ruts and bumps bashed against his excruciatingly painful torso. He finally came to a stop, shaking on the floor of the Shrieking Shack as the last remnant of Remus Lupin left his head. Its jaws were long and filled with gleaming teeth, each one at least an inch long. His ridged spine poked sharply through the hairless, almost translucent skin of the Werewolf’s back. The pupils, now wide and the darkest black, were surrounded by an iris of sinister yellow. The creature scented the air, smelling for prey. It could smell rats and mice, easy prey for a beast such as it was. All of these were the smells that lingered each and every month, but now there was something new, getting stronger and stronger by the second, the smell came closer and closer to where the Werewolf stood. Its pointed ears swivelled, catching the sound of voices. It was most certainly human, and more than one human by the sound of things. Drool dripped from its mouth and pooled on the floor leaving spots of damp as the werewolf crept closer and closer to the boarded up door.


“I’m looking forward to this, Black, I dare say you aren’t but no matter, I don’t really care what goes on in your head, so long as I get my payment. Ah, we’re here, Goyle, the door.” Goyle released one of Sirius’ arms and lumbered over to the boarded up door to the Shrieking Shack. He started back suddenly, eyes wide. Lucius sighed.

“What is it Goyle, for Merlin’s sake don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how to open a door?” Goyle shook his head.

“N-no Malfoy, it’s just... I heard a-a-” Lucius raised an eyebrow and tapped his foot.

“A what, a cough? A scream?”

“A growl...” Lucius snorted.

“Goyle, stop being such a bonehead. Open the damn door!”

“Y-yes sir.” Goyle raised a meaty fist and started to bash at the door, nothing happened, except for the sound of something that sounded like footsteps from inside. “Won’t open,” grunted Goyle, looking over his shoulder at Lucius.

“Oh for fucks sake! You’re a wizard! Use your bloody wand!” Lucius looked to the sky and muttered, “Merlin, when they send me to Azkaban tell them the murder was just.” Goyle raised his wand and yelled;

“BOMBARDA!” The door exploded inwards, throwing splinters of wood and metal in every direction. Lucius sighed again.

“Alohomora would have been sufficient Goyle, but no matter, in we go. Crabbe, bring Black. Oh and don’t worry about being gentle. I certainly won’t be.” He smirked and Crabbe chuckled thickly. They stepped over the wreckage of the door and into what would have been the entrance hall of the dilapidated cottage. Every surface was caked in dirt and dust. Lucius sniffed and wrinkled his nose, the stench of death and decay was heavy in the air. Several half-eaten rodent corpses littered the floor, entrails spread around them. The floorboards creaked above their heads and Lucius’ head snapped around as he stared at the stairs. Muffled footsteps grew louder and louder, closer to the stairs and then stopped. He shook himself.

“You’ve been very quiet Black” he sneered, “Not scared are you?”

“Of you? Certainly not. Of the Shrieking Shack? Even less so. And as for Dumb and Dumber here, they don’t even mildly frighten me, so scared? Me? No, I wouldn’t say I was. After all, you’re only going to do to me what several others have done to me before.” Lucius’ calm face scrunched up into a frown for a moment before returning to an emotionless mask. He coughed.

“Good. Glad I won’t have to... prepare you then. I’m in rather a hurry here.” Sirius smirked,

“Well get on with it then, I too am eager to return to the castle and get some shut-eye before breakfast.” Sirius’ calmness annoyed Lucius. The others before had worn expressions of fear, anger, disgust, among others. But Sirius’ lack of reaction really pissed him off. This, however, was not going to stop him having his fun.

“Quite. Crabbe? Goyle? The living room I think,” The two thickset teenagers lifted Sirius once more and dragged him into the room at the end of the hall, furthest from the front door. “Now tie him up, no matter how much he says he doesn’t mind me doing this, I don’t want him running away.” Crabbe nodded and pointed his wand at Sirius.

“Petrificus Totalus!” Sirius froze and fell, face down, onto the floor with an ‘oof’. Lucius clenched his fists.

“For fucks sake, you blithering IDIOTS! Just get out, OUT!” Crabbe and Goyle snapped to attention and ran out of the room. Sirius heard them crashing around in the hallway and then stumbling out of the ‘door’. “I don’t know what in hells name I’m going to do with them, honestly.”

“GnnhnhGh” said Sirius, mouthed locked shut by the hex. Using his eyes and various guttural grunts, he indicated that please could Mr Malfoy release him because the position he was stuck in wasn’t really very comfortable. This time it was Lucius’ turn to smirk as he rolled Sirius over with his foot, pressing his heel into his kidneys. Sirius groaned and shut his eyes. Lucius chuckled quietly and released Sirius with a wave of his wand and a muttered “Finite” Sirius rose to kneel from his position on the floor and shook himself, working the blood back into his limbs.

“Don’t get too comfortable Black, Incarcerous!” Sirius swore as he felt the tight ropes bind around his wrists and ankles.

“All you had to do was ask Malfoy, I have no problem with you sticking your cock in my arse!” Lucius raised his eyebrows, partly at Sirius’ crude language and partly in amusement.

“Oh, but where’s the fun in that, me taking you willingly. I find it much more satisfying when my victim,” Sirius snorted “my victim is as uncomfortable as possible.” Smiling slightly, Sirius turned his head to look at Lucius with wide, innocent eyes.

“I bet Narcissa loves sharing you with all these men doesn’t she...?” He saw the closed look on Malfoy’s face and his smile widened “don’t tell me she doesn’t know about it! Why I do believe that gives me the upper hand here Lucy dear”

“Not really no,” Lucius raised a leather clad hand and struck Sirius about the face, snapping it round so he faced forwards. Lucius pushed Sirius against the sofa, backside proffered in the air. Lucius pulled down Sirius’ trousers and unbuckled his own,

[Rape scene: if you don’t want to read it, scroll down until you see bold]

Lucius grabbed a handful of Sirius’ hair and pulled his head back, Sirius coughed and struggled as Lucius bent to whisper in his ear,

“Well I do believe it is I who is in the position of power here.” Sirius gulped, fear entering his eyes for the first time. It gave him thrills to wind him up, but he knew inside just how dangerous Lucius was. Lucius did not like being shamed and Sirius had shown him no respect in front of his men. And for that, he was going to be punished. Lucius tightened his grip on Sirius’ hair and a few glossy black strands came away in his hands. Sirius winced in pain, tears forming in his eyes. The blonde released Sirius’ head, shoving it forward, and gripped his hips with both hands, digging in his sharp nails. A leering grin on his face, he positioned himself at Sirius’ entrance and whispered “Enjoy” before slamming into him right up to the hilt. Sirius screamed in pain, having had no real time to brace himself, the stabbing pain came again and again as Lucius thrust in and out over and over again, head thrown back in ecstasy. The pain was almost too much for Sirius to bear and he retched, throwing up acid. Lucius’ nails drew blood on Sirius’ hips and it trickled off his body, mixing messily with the puddle of tears and bile on the floor.

“S-stop,” sobbed Sirius, prideful smirk gone, replaced with puffy bruised features, “p-please Lucius, s-stop...” Lucius ignored him, continuing to push in and out of the tight ring of muscles, almost screaming out loud with pleasure. The muscles tightened around him as Sirius tried desperately to stop him, tried and failed, Lucius simply thrust harder, determined to finish the job. Sirius screamed and shouted, tears pouring down his face as he screamed for help,

[Non-slashers, read from here]

“HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE... JAMES, REMUS! MOONY HELP!” And as Lucius came, shuddering inside Sirius, a thunderous crash sounded behind them, the splintering of wood and the thud of impact as something big landed on the floorboards. Sirius’ head whipped round and as he saw what stood behind him his eyes widened. Lucius, seemingly oblivious, released the ropes and, now free from his bindings, Sirius leapt to his feet, pulled up his trousers and backed away towards the wall. But it wasn’t him the Werewolf was after. The drained looking blonde climbed to his feet, fastening his trousers and brushing off his robes. He looked up for the first time and saw Sirius flattened against the wall, staring at a point just above Lucius’ head. Slowly, Lucius turned, and then screamed as razor sharp teeth sank into his throat.


AN. Well? Tell me your thoughts!

Tonks. xo
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