Categories > Original > Poetry

Shining Tin Foil

by alloreli 0 reviews

Don't keep holding onto me, Dad. Let me go.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Romance - Published: 2009-05-13 - Updated: 2009-05-13 - 301 words - Complete

When you said I’d always be your princess
I didn’t think you’d meant that you’d
take me away and lock me up in a tower.
But it was all ok, cuz you were my daddy
and I was your little girl. And you loved me.

I watched from above as you fought with
my brother, the prince. I saw the fighting,
heard the screaming and harsh words and I
thought, that’ll never be me because
Daddy loves me.

And one day, I thought, my Prince Charming in shining armor
would come riding up on his white horse and
you would unlock my door and let me out in the world
and he and I would fall in love and it would all be

But my Prince Charming was a Prince in Shining
Tin Foil, and instead of a white horse he only had
his own to feet to walk on.
But it was all ok, cuz he was my Prince Charming
and I was his princess. And he loved me.

Only you didn’t like my Prince Charming.
Tin Foil wasn’t good enough for your princess,
you said.

And because you were my Daddy and I loved you,
I tried to listen and be a good girl and stay in my tower
and follow your rules, but it wasn’t good enough for you.
Instead, you posted a guard by my door and
never let me out.

If you hadn’t tried to control me more, maybe
I would have listened. Maybe
I would have stayed in my tower and been
your princess.

One day, you came to my tower,
and the door was unlocked and
the guard was dead on the floor and
I and my Prince in Shining Tin Foil were
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