Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Backs Against Walls

Backs Against Walls

by erinisavictim 1 review

Brendon was, after all, the original goal to be obtained. And here he was, wrapped tightly in Ryan's arms, thinking of nothing and no one but Ryan, dreaming about their life together. What was one ...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-05-04 - Updated: 2009-05-05 - 538 words

For how badly everything turned out, it's hard to believe that Ryan actually had a plausible plan to start with. The only problem was that he happened to be extremely unfortunate.

For starters, he wasn't supposed to kick over a pot of flowers on his way through the house, alerting its only other inhabitant of his presence. She wasn't supposed to be so prepared for him. He wasn't supposed to have to make her death as violent and bloody as he did (after all, her only sin was loving Brendon, and who could blame her?). Brendon wasn't ever suppose to get off work early and come home to find his best friend trying to stash his girlfriend's mangled body in his linen closet, his hands absolutely painted in her blood. Brendon wasn't supposed to pass out, and he surely wasn't supposed to lapse into a coma for the next six months.

Ryan sighed, leaning his head on the steering wheel of his car, and glanced sideways out the window at the long term residence section of the city hospital. Brendon wasn't suppose to wake up with a severe kind of self-inflicted amnesia that rendered him incapable of remembering anything after the day he met her, two years ago. Some doctor with four books and a wing of the Harvard University library attached to his name explained it all. It was common, for someone who had a particularly traumatizing experience, to make a conscious decision to block out a memory. Be it a few minutes or a few years. And really, that was Ryan's only much-due stroke of luck.

So, smiling ever so slightly, he got out of his car and headed for the hospital.

“Ryan~” Brendon yelled, jumping off his bed to greet him with a tight embrace. “Ry, I'm so glad you're here.”

Ryan laughed, running a hand through the younger man's soft brown hair and rejoicing in the bright, deep chocolate eyes. “I'm here everyday, Bren, same time.”

“Yeah,” Brendon reasoned, placing a short kiss on Ryan's chin. “But I'm glad, none the less. Guess who gets released from this hell hole next week?” By then he was positively beaming.

“No way! That's fucking great, Bren,” Ryan exclaimed, tightening his hold on Brendon. “This is going to be awesome, us finally living together and everything. Just like we planned.”

Brendon pressed his cheek happily into Ryan's neck, exhaling contently. “I know. It's all I can think about, Ry. Ever since that stupid car crash put me in here I've been waiting for this.”

Ryan hummed in agreement. Brendon was, after all, the original goal to be obtained. And here he was, wrapped tightly in Ryan's arms, thinking of nothing and no one but Ryan, dreaming about their life together. What was one white lie, in the long run? Brendon needed Ryan now, to protect him and keep him safe and happy. If that meant leaving out a few details, bending the truth just so, was it really such a bad thing? Inwardly smirking at his good luck, Ryan pressed his lips lightly to his boyfriend's head.

Santi! Brand new story, two year old idea. This is sort of just an introduction. Thoughts on it?
xoxo erin
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