Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Can You Keep A Secret?

Talk With Me, Dance With Me

by kviciousbenji 1 review


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-05-17 - Updated: 2009-05-17 - 678 words

I blushed and looked down after meeting his eyes,"No it's fine really."
He put on a small smile and put out his hand,"William Beckett." I took his hand in mine and smiled as well,"Sonny Scott." He nodded and paused and glanced around the room searching for words to start this conversation that started with him making me nearly piss my pants. He's a sneaky one...
"So, as I was saying, that was a great set you did up there," He spoke again looking at me once more. I bit my lip trying to hold back a smile,"Thank you. I would have sang myself but I always get nervous in front of crowds."
"Oh you sing too?"
I nodded and looked down again avoiding his eyes. "I bet you're really good," he said, his smile a little wider, his eyes seeming to sparkle. I laughed,"Do you do this with every girl you meet?"
"What do you mean," he asked attempting to look innocent. "Try to win them over with a smile and a compliment or two," I answered looking at him knowingly. He put his hands up,"You caught me."
I shook my head and tucked my long dark hair behind my ear as I looked up to see Nick and Ace laughing over their drinks.
I smell a romance...
"So tell me about yourself," he spoke making me snap my head back to him.
"Well, I'm 22 years old. Moved to Chicago about 2 weeks ago from Phoenix, Arizona and I'm a journalist slash blogger," I said quickly.
"You left out musician," he pointed out. I shook my head,"I wouldn't define myself as such to be honest."
"Why is that?"
I shrugged,"I just never really thought of myself as a muscian. Sure I can play guitar but that doesn't really make me a muscian. I don't even write songs or anything."
He raised an eyebrow,"You're telling me you've never attempted to write one song? No attempt to write lyrics or anything?"
I bit my lip again,"Well I've written lyrics before but they all turned out to be complete drosh."
He laughed,"Well keep writing lyrics. You'll write a lot of horrible ones before you get one that's great."
I nodded and smiled again. Just then Ace walked up,"Sonny lets go home. I'm bloody beat."
William glanced at me and it looked like his mouth was turned down at the sides. "It was nice talking to you," I said and smiled. As I was walking away he grabbed my hand and turned me around,"Hey maybe we can get some coffee sometime? Where can I reach you?" I grabbed a napkin off the bar and wrote down my AIM screen name and handed it to him. With that I rushed out the door.
Once we were back at the apartment Ace began to hum and spin around happily.
"Well isn't someone in high spirits," I noted as she danced around the living area. She stopped and grinned,"Perfection has been bottled and is what I call Nick Santino."
I raised an eyebrow then smirked and shook my head and made my way into my room stripping down and getting into my PJ pants and shirt.
I grabbed my laptop from the living room and went to my bed and opened it up and started typing out the article some more when my IM window went off.
New IM from BexSNS
BexSNS: Greetings.
SonnyHasNoChance: Ello there.
BexSNS: What are you doing up still?
SonnyHasNoChance: Writing up an article for my blog site.
BexSNS: Oh crap. Haha sorry I disturbed you then.
SonnyHasNoChance: No it's fine! I need a break anyway. Been working on it all day today...
BexSNS: So, how about tomorrow, since you are new to good ol' Chi Town...maybe we can go out for coffee?
SonnyHasNoChance: Sure you want to take out a perfect stranger? I may be a serial killer or something. ;)
BexSNS: I'll take my chances.

I looked at the screen with a smile...

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