Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Heartbeats

Ch. 4: The Worst Torture...

by WhiteFang323 1 review

What would Kakashi's idea be of the worst torture?

Category: Naruto - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Kakashi - Published: 2009-05-20 - Updated: 2009-05-20 - 546 words

Kakashi slowly opened his eyes, the world black around him. By instinct, he checked his injuries, and his location.
No matter how much he strained his eyes ahead; there was nothing but the black abyss. His arms were pinned behind him by some unforeseen bonds, and he couldn’t feel his legs. Shades of red were appearing in his vision, and he could make out some of his surroundings.
Oh shit…..
Red clouds appeared in the distance, and Kakashi felt dread bubbling up in him. He had been through this before.
A voice screamed in the darkness. Kakashi’s eyes widened in shock. A thirteen-year-old, spiky black haired kid was running at him. The black goggles around the boy’s head caught Kakashi’s attention, and he struggled to loosen his invisible bonds and run toward him.
“OBITO!!!!” he screamed.
The smile on the boy’s face and the tears in his eyes were clearly visible. Obito was within 10 meters of Kakashi when all of a sudden, a katana edge slashed through his stomach, blood spurting everywhere. Kakashi screamed Obito’s name as Obito slipped to the ground, dead. Itachi stood in Obito’s place next to his body, staring with those unfeeling, cold eyes at Kakashi.
Another voice screamed out his name, this time, to the right. He turned his head to see a magenta-haired girl running towards him, tears in her eyes.
“RIN!! Don’t-“
It was too late. Itachi was on her with his weapon, slicing her in half. The shocked expression on her face was clearly seen by Kakashi before her eyes closed. Kakashi was crying visibly now, and Itachi smirked.
“One left to go.” He murmured.
“Oh, gods, no….”Kakashi stuttered.
This time the voice came from straight in front of him. A brilliantly-yellow haired man stood about 25 meters from him.
“Please………stop it…stop it….I can’t take it anymore…”Kakashi directed his voice towards Itachi.
Itachi just stared at him with his sharingan eyes.
“Tell me what I want to know then.” He simply replied.
Kakashi’s voice stayed silent.
“Alright then.” Itachi whispered, as Minato started walking towards Kakashi, seemingly oblivious to the katana aimed at his head. A sickening crunch of bone, and Kakashi was forced to watch as his former sensei fell to the floor with the katana embedded in his head. Kakashi forced his eyes closed, the tears still spilling.
“It’s interesting that watching the people you care about most die still doesn’t break your spirit. You really are as strong of will as some people say.”
Itachi’s voice was coming right in front of him, but Kakashi didn’t open his eyes. It was taking all of his willpower to not break down, to not cry his heart out in front of Itachi, to not scream and yell and wrestle against his invisible bonds.
“But who says I’m done yet? You still have 71 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds left.” Itachi continued.
Kakashi stifled a groan. Out of all the tortures that could be set on him, Itachi had to choose this one.
It’s gonna be a long three days….. he laughed mirthlessly.
And Itachi was going to make him enjoy every last second of it.
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