Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Vampires Will Never Hurt You In Monroeville (I Promise)

by michelle_ellee12 1 review

The town has been invaded by vampires... and he becomes one of them.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-05-25 - Updated: 2009-05-25 - 3556 words - Complete

Ug,ug,ug. So, this is just a short story I wrote at four o'clock in the morning, insomnia sucks. Hopefully this will tide some people over until I can update my frerard story, My Way Home Is Through You. I've had really bad writer's block for it lately. Writing this story has helped lift a shitload off though, so hopefully it'll be updated by next week, or the week after. Oh, and prepare to read a shitlong story... it's really long, sorry about that =P

Gemma limped past all the torn furniture and broken glass in her house and stumbled over to the front door. She clutched the door and, with great effort, jerked it open.
The street was relatively quiet now, as the sun was beginning to rise over the horizon. The roads, sidewalks, and lawns were damp with both dry and fresh blood. Gemma laughed slightly; she though they'd gotten it all.
They'll be back, when night comes again. Gemma thought to herself, observing the punched out streetlights, wrecked homes, broken car windows, etc. Just the thought of it all, and how she could've possibly stayed safe the night before, during the invasion, made her stomach churn with fear and nausea. Those fucking vampires will be back.
But Gemma knew she couldn't think about that right now. Right now, all Gemma had to think about was getting safely to the Way household. Donna Way was like a second mother to her, and she knew that she'd be able to help with her wounded leg.
Unless they had already been turned.
In which case, she'd be screwed.


Gemma breathed a long sigh of relief when she entered the Way's neighborhood to find that it hadn't yet been invaded. A sharp pain suddenly ran through her left leg, and she limped on her right up the front porch steps, grasping the railing, trying her best to disreguard the pain. She staggered up the rest of the steps and knocked hopefully (no, more like banged) on the front door.
Gerard, Donna's eldest son of nineteen, and also Gemma's boyfriend, opened the door after a moment's hesitation.
"Gem...what's the matter? How- How'd you get over here?"
" leg," Gemma grunted in response. Gerard supported her by throwing her arm around his shoulders and carried her to the living room.
"Moooom!" Gerard called, laying Gemma down on the couch. "Gemma's here!"
A few seconds later, Donna trudged down the stairs, joined by Mikey, Donna's youngest of just fifteen, and his three friends Frank, Ray and Bob.
"Gemma, honey, how are you?!" Donna asked, in an unusally perky voice. Everyone sighed. They all knew she was just trying to brighten up a suck situation.

But sometimes it doesn't work too well.

Like, now, for example?

Donna eyed Gemma's bruised leg and her eyes filled with both terror and worry. "Did...were you bitten?" She asked, her voice watery. Gemma shook her head. "No," she replied robotically. "They....they got my parents last night, too... And, and Petey..." The whole room went silent. "And... and they threw around all T.V., it...crushed my leg."
Gerard knelt down and cupped her hand tightly under his. Donna sighed and paced the living room, pressing her fingers to her nose. "Those... monsters, have been at it, taking more and more people, for weeks." she said, frustration in her voice. "And...I suppose it's only a matter of time before they reach this part of Monroeville..."
"Wha- what do they want with us?" Mikey asked meekly. "What else do they want with humans?" Bob replied snootily. "They're hungry, Mikey. They need our blood, to feed." He cringed at the word.
"They're thirsty..." Gemma corrected him, and Bob just grimaced.

"So... what do we do?" Ray asked, twirling a curly brown strand of his afro in between his fingers. He always did that when he got nervous.
"We.... Get out." Donna replied unsurely. "We sure as hell won't survive if we stay here another night."
"But mom..." Gerard protested. "Gemma's leg..."
"Will be fine," Donna intervened, gliding into the kitchen and coming back out with a large ice pack. "If she keeps this on it for a while." Donna finished her statement, pressing it against Gemma's battered leg. Gemma seethed at the contact, but the pain quickly wore off.
"It'll be okay," Gerard whispered to her soothingly.
"Well, I guess we'll need to start packing, or whatever..." Mikey suggested. Donna nodded in agreeance, pulling the boys up the stairs. "Gerard," she called. "Come on, we need help."
He looked over at Gemma, who smiled back with weary eyes. She nodded slowly, and he kissed her forehead gently. "By the time you wake up again, we'll be reaady to go." he whispered, getting up and brushing off his knees before joining his family and friends upstairs. Gemma, though it was an extreme struggle, finally managed to get to sleep.


Gemma awoke again to a large shadow looming over her. When her eyes adjusted some, she realized that it had become nighttime again. Her eyes widened and her heart began pounding out of her chest at the thought of what the shadow could very possibly be...
She felt a firm, cold hand on her shoulder, and she shot up like a cannon.
"Whoah.... it's just me, Gerard..." a voice said calmly in the dark.
"Oh, Gerard!" Gemma sighed in relief. "I thought you were a... a..."
"Shhhh...." Gerard whispered, chuckling. "It's already 11, but things have been pretty quiet around here. Maybe we won't have to leave so fast after all."
Gemma smiled, and Gerard clutched her hand tightly. "I kinda slept all day, then..." Gemma exclaimed, laughing. "You looked like you needed it." Gerard replied sweetly. "You didn't look like you've had much sleep in the past few nights..."
"Yeah, i haven't. It's all just been so... crazy. It all seems like a bad dream."
"Nightmare..." Gerard trailed off.
"Gerard... can you promise me something? That you won't leave me?"
Gerard sighed. "I'm... not sure I can promise that, Gem." he replied honestly. "It's just way too hard to tell right now."
Gemma nodded slowly. "Well, then... Can you stay with me right now?" He smiled and leaned in, kissing her lips gently. "Now, that I can do." He said when they broke apart. She giggled and pulled him in again, kissing him slowly, passionately. She giggled again into the kiss when she felt Gerard's hands begin to wander up her shirt, and she tugged on his, preparing to lift it off...

But then there was a loud bang outside, followed by a blood-curdling scream. Then there was the sound of shattering glass, another scream, and a blaring car alarm.
Gerard scrambled to his feet, pulling Gemma up with him as Donna, Mikey, Ray, Frank and Bob, who were all awoken by the commotion, came rushing to their sides.
"What... what was that?" Gemma asked nervously.
:I have a hunch," Donna admitted to the group. "But I hope i'm wrong." Bob then suddenly opened the front door slowly, and stepped out into the night. "Bob! Robert!" Donna exclaimed. "Robert Bryar, get back here!"
A few seconds later they heard another wail, and Bob came rushing back into the house. "It... it's the vampires," he huffed short-breathed. "They're here."
"What are we gonna do?" Ray asked. Donna contemplated this for a moment. "Downstairs," she ordered. "Everyone, now. We'll be safe down their for the night."
Everyone began shuffling down the hall to the basement door.

All except for Gerard.

"Gerard..." Gemma urged, tugging on his arm. She saw that he was squinting his eyes at the window, trying to make out the dark figure across the street. "Gerard, come on..."
"It's Bert," he anwered monotonusley. "Outside."
"I have to go save him, before they get him."
Gemma looked out the window also, and spotted Bert McCracken, Gerard's best friend, crouched behind a car. He was trembling, with his knees pulled up to his chest. A street light just missed him as it came crashing down, and the shock was so heavy it sent Bert up and running.
Gemma turned back to Gerard. "You cannot go out their now. They'll get you."
"Gem, he's my friend." Gerard protested. She clutched his arm tighter. "And you're my boyfriend! I love you, Gerard."
Just then Bob appeared around the corner. "Guys, hurry up!" he said, trying to sound firm.
"Gerard... don't go!"
"Gemma, I promise you, I will be back..." Gerard said, trailing off.
"How can you be so sure!?" Gemma shrieked.
"Um... guys....?" Bob whimpered nerviously. He motioned for them to go downstairs. Gerard, however, began moving in the opposite direction. "Gerard!" Gemma yelled desperately. "Gee, come back!" He didn't listen and ran off down the road. "GERARD, DUDE, DON'T DO THIS!" Bob yelled too. Gerard didn't listen to him either, he didn't even look back.
Soon all they were able to hear was Gerard's desperate cried for Bert.
Soon Bob gave up, pulling on Gemma's shoulder. "Gem, we need to go back down."
She looked out the window hesitantley.
"He'll be back..." Bob said soothingly. She turned around and dragged her feet down to the basement, not believing Bob for a second.


Gemma woke up for the second time in someone's safe arms. At first, she thought t=it was Gerard, but when she looked at the arms that were holding her, she noticed that they were laced with millions of tattoos. She laughed and looked up at Frank, and gasped when she saw him staring right back at her, smiling cheekily. "Don't ever do that to me again!" Frank just shrugged. "You're my little teddy bear." he said.
"I thought you were Gerard..." she admitted, scanning the crowded basement. Everyone seemed to be there, sleeping soundly on blankets on the floor.

Only... Not Gerard.

"Where... where is Gee, anyway?" Gemma asked, and Frank went silent. Gemma looked at him sternly. "Frankie...?"
"He... he never came back last night," Frank replied in disgust. "He could be anywhere. He... he could be anything."
Gemma immediately denied it. "No... no,nonononono. Gerard's safe, that's impossible." Frank leaned in and whispered into her ear. "It's very possible..." he said shakily. Gemma didn't respond, only removed Frank's hands from her waist and stood up.
"Where are you going?" Frank asked. "It's still very early in the morning."
"I'm going to find Gerard." Gemma said sharply.
"Gemma, listen..."
"No, Frank, you listen." Gemma retorted. "Gerard's out their, and he's alive. I know it."
"Do you?" Frank insisted. Gemma just scrambled up the basement steps, and by the looks of it, the house had, in fact, been invaded.
Frank followed Gemma up the stairs, and stopped short and gasped when he glanced at the destruction.
"Whoah..." he said, utterly speechless. Gemma just brushed it off and made her way out the front door.
"Hey!" Frank called, and she turned around. "What, Frankie, what do you want?"
Frank also made his way past all the glass and furniture, and joined Gemma outside. "Umm... i'll... i'll help you look for Gerard, if you want..." Gemma smiled. "Yeah, sure, thanks." With that, the two made their way outside. Gemma noticed it had looked exactly like her neighborhood had a few nights before. She didn't let it faze her, and she made her way down the road. Frank, seemingly entranced by all the destruction, snapped out of it and followed suit.


The two had been searching all day, and still no Gerard. The sun was beginning to set over the horizon, which made both Gemma and Frank nervous for their lives.
"Gem..." Frank insisted, "Gemma, maybe we should go back. It's getting dark, fast."
Gemma took one last look at her surroundings, then nodded. "Yeah, okay. I think you may be right." They started walking. They got about half-a-mile to Gerard's house, when it got darker. Really dark.
They turned a corner, and came face-to-face with the creature they were so depserately trying to avoid.
It flashed them a pair of shiny, white fangs.

"Gemma, RUN!" Frank yelled, and the two took off. The nocturnal creatures were swooping down all around them, but they managed to perch in a nearby alley.
"Frank, go back, NOW." Gemma ordered, out of breath. "Go get Donna, and everyone else. Tell them... tell them to get stuff together."
"But... but what about you?" Frank asked sympathetically. "I don't want to leave you."
"I'll be there, just go!"
Frank forcibly obeyed, and ran wildly across the street. He got into the Way household perfectly unharmed. Gemma sighed in releif before heading hastily down the alleyway. Only to be confronted by another vampire at the end.
This one Gemma took a good look at.
She recognized it immediately.
"Hey, Gemmy," Bert responded maliciously, his own pair of bright white fangs making insane contrast with his dark face.
They had blood dripping off the tips.
Gemma opened her mouth to scream, but was pinned down against the brick wall behind her by Bert, so fast she could barely feel it.
He held her there against the wall for a second, then began lifting her up off her feet by her neck. She choked and struggled to get out of his grasp, but his cold hand was too strong. Besides, any added pressure would surely cut off air passages, and she'd be dead.
"Get....... OFF!" Gemma yelled, her voice hoarce. Bert just smirked, tightened his grip. "I... I... I... I said, Get... OFF, YOU LEECH!" Gemma choked again. He did, and Gemma lashed out in a fit of coughs. She held her throat. There was a deep imprint of Bert's hand around it. Then she ran. Faster than she ever thought herself capable.
"I'LL FIND YOU!" Bert yelled. She didn't listen, didn't care, just kept running. She ran down alleys, streets, fields. They all looked the same; gloomy and dead.
She stopped at the old Monroeville hospital. It, too, had been raided and drained of all life. She caught her breath, then raced up the three flights of stairs inside, into no specific room. It was a big white room, with a big window overlooking the outside. She turned to find a place to hide, but Bert had caught up to her by then. Faster than the speed of light, he grabbed her shoulders and, once again, pinned her against the wall.
"Found you," he chuckled. She glared at him and he watched her struggled to get away, but to no avail.
"I'm not gonna lie to you Gem..." he said wickedly, a smile slowly creeping across his lips. "When I kill you, it will hurt."
"Bert..." Gemma pleaded. Tears formed behind her eyes as Bert pressed his face against her neck, breathing in her scent. He sighed in pleasure. "You smell..." he said, trying to determine the feeling. As if he could feel. "Erratic."
"Bert... stop this..." she said timidly. He lifted his head up and stared straight into her eyes. She saw that his once icy blue eyes had drained into a colorless black. He rubbed the tender skin of her throat in small, gentle circles. "Now, Gemmy... if you just don't struggle... I can make this as quick as possible..."
Bert's words were very suddenly halted, as his body was lunged towards the big window, coming in contact with it and breaking it. He fell out of the three-story hospital.
Gemma's breath caught in her throat at how quick it all happened. She re-composed herself and slowly hovered over the window, peeking her head out, looking down. Bert lay lifeless, impaled by the hospital's pointy front gates.
The points through his chest worked like a stake through the heart.
Gemma laughed a little at the irony, but froze when she heard stirring behind her. She cautiously turned around, picking up the wooden stake from the hospitl tray closest to her. "Who's there?" she asked cautiously to the air.
She trembled and shook when she recieved no response.
"Who the fuck is there?" she asked, firmly ask she could.
"Gemmy... a voice whispered behind her. She spun around, holding the stake defensivley against her chest.
She dropped it immediately when she came in contact with those beautiful hazel eyes.
"Ger-Gerard..." she sighed.
"Turned.... me..." Gerard mumbled shakily. Gemma noticed his teeth were extremely white. She even thought she caught a glimpse of a pair of fangs.
"W-what?" she asked deafly.
"They. Turned. Me." Gerard repeated, cold and emotionless.
"Gerard..." Gemma sobbed. "They didn't."
"Gem.. i'm so sorry..." Gerard said. And her thoughts were confirmed, the fangs were made visible with every word Gerard spoke. "You were right, I never should've gone for Bert... I... I should've stayed with you guys..."
He stopped when he felt Gemma's warm hand on his shoulder. "How... how can you look at me?" Gerard asked shamefully. "How can you touch me? I'm a fucking monster."
"You're not..." Gemma insisted.
"I didn't want this to happen..." Gerard said quietly, holding back the temptation to bore his fangs into her neck... Her scent was just so strong.
"You can still come with us?" Gemma pressed. Gerard shook his head, "It doesn't work that way, Gem."
"Well then..." Gemma insisted, considering other options. "Bite me, Gee."
"Gemma, you don't want this either. Believe me."
"I know that I want to be with you forever."
"No, you don't." Gerard retorted. "Not like this."
"Gem, I need to you do something for me..." Gerard said, bending down and picking up the wooden stake from the floor, where Gemma had left it. She saw and knew immediately. "No, Gerard. Don't ask me, I- I can't."
"Gemma, please." Gerard begged. "Do it for me. I don't want to live like this. Knowing I can't have you is painful enough, but... knowing i'd have to kill innocent people, that's even worse than any kind of torture."
"NO, GERARD!" Gemma shrieked. "I LOVE YOU!"
"If you love me like you say..." Gerard answered, plastering the wood in Gemma's palms, "Then you won't put me through this pain."
He cupped his hands over hers.
"Gerard, I really can't..."
Gemm shrieked out louder than ever when Gerard began moving their interwined hands towards his chest. "Gerard, please!" she yelled. "WAIT!!"
He stopped abruptly. She pressed her face into Gerard's shoulder. But it didn't smell like the regular Gerard Way smell of cigarettes and coffee.
Now he smelled like... Dirt. And blood.
"Gemma..." Gerard sighed, trying not to give into the temptation of her smell. "Gemma, come on."
She nodded understandingly, sobbing as she shakily began moving the wooden stake with her sweaty hands, towards Gerard's chest. His ice-cold hands never left hers.
"I love you," He breathed, the stake just barely an inch from his snow white flesh.
"I know." Gemma whimpered back. Taking a deep breath, she rose the stake high above her head and dug it through Gerard's heart. He screamed and fell to the floor, writhing in pain. Gemma knelt down and held him in her arms as he cried out helplessly. He squirmed in her arms, and cussed, shrieked and groaned.
"It's okay baby..." Gemma said quietly, trying to stay as calm as she possibly could. The tears were streaming down her face in bucketfulls. "It's okay, i'm here. You're gonna be alright." Gerard stared up into Gemma's light blue eyes, and then he stopped writhing in pain.
He fell limp in her arms, and his cold hand slipped from hers.
She sobbed and removed the stake from his heart, crying into his chest. She threw the stake across the floor, wiping her eyes and kissing his forehead softly, fighting back the fresh tears that were threatening to flood past. She knew she had to be brave, she knew that she had to grow up some.
Eventually Donna, Frank, Mikey, Bob and Ray had found her. She got up off the floor, and stared at all the blank faces around her. Frank looked from her to Gerard's lifeless body behind her.
"Come on, everyone..." Donna said shaikly. "We... we've gotta go."
Before leaving, they all turned back once more, savoring their surroundings. Gemma looked one last time at Gerard, before she followed the other five down the stairs and out the entrance. The sun was just beginning to rise again, and sent off rays of orange and yellow. Gemma stopped again, once at the gate, staring at Bert's also lifeless body. His face was the most disturbing sight, through all of this. It looked distraught, painful, scared. Gemma outstretched her hand slowly and stroked his cheek lightly. She looked at him hard one last time, then the six survivors made their way to the town gate.

Frank turned around, looming over the destruction once more. "Monroeville..." he said, chuckling slightly. "What a town."
And, with that, the group took their leave, walking down the dirt road into the sunrise ahead of them.

WHOOP, WHOOP! EEES DONE! i told you it would be long... =P. R&R? Yesireee. XD
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