Categories > Anime/Manga > Yu Yu Hakusho > My Forgotten Life

My Forgotten Life

by lunettawolf321 0 reviews

A story of a girl discovering her past and meeting new friends along the way.

Category: Yu Yu Hakusho - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Hiei,Kazuma Kuwabara,Keiko,Koenma,Kurama,Yusuke - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2009-05-24 - Updated: 2009-05-25 - 1452 words

this is a second person POV story which of course means you put yourself into the persons perspective. now how about we start with a description of your character.

Name: Allia Sumners
Age: You believe you are 15 years old
Height/Weight: 5'1/ 105 pounds
Style: athletic, laid back, martial arts kinda clothes
Favorite Colour: Grey, Aqua green
Eye Color: Bright Blue
Hair: Blueish-black, goes down to right above your waist
Build: mostly muscle, but soft not like a rock
Attitude: Sassy, likes to be alone, shy when around people you don't know
Life: Woke up in orphanage at age of 6, left at age of 11, believe parents were killed, only memory of life before orphanage is memory of a huge fire, you still have nightmares about the fire and a voice calling out to you. you dont like to get to know people because bad things seem to always happen when there around you. when you were in the fourth grade you remember getting angry at the teacher because she embarrassed you and the next thing you knew half the classroom was destroyed. when you left the orphanage you convinced an old landlord to rent you a small apartment. you work at a small diner in the downtown area of the city you live in. you have only two close friends, yusuke, who is your best friend, and Kazuma Kuwabara, who is a close friend, but he really gets on your nerves sometimes. you also are friends with keiko, but you are not that close. you go to school with yusuke and kuwabara and keiko, but you skip whenever yusuke and kuwabara are away for their "jobs." you are curious about what kind of jobs they have but do not want to bug them about it.
Favorites: your favorite band is yellowcard, and your favorite song is only one by yellowcard. you also love helping yusuke out with his fights. you also love to sing, but only yusuke knows that.
Hates: you hate the colour pink, fake people, and people who try to hurt your friends and who lie to you.

Now that your all introduced(though you will be finding out more about yourself as the story goes on) lets get on with the story. First off, i would like to say i do not own any yyh characters, though i must admit it would be awesome if i did :), or anything by yellowcard.

Broken this fragile thing now
And i can't, i can't pick up the pieces
And i've thrown my words all around
But i can't, i can't give you a reason

The stereo was blaring your favorite song, only one by yellowcard. you were spinning around your cramped little bedroom, singing along. clothes were strewn along the floor in this room, along with a few pairs of battered old shoes. the stereo was probably the newest and most expensive thing in this room actually, and even it had come secondhand. you weren't bothered by any of this though. right now all that mattered was you enjoying hearing your favorite song ever. you flopped down on your bed as the final note came to an end. your thick blueish-black hair was wet from your morning shower and you were still wrapped up in a thick, but scratchy towl. Avoice sounded from the other room.
"Allia? yo, Al, are you up yet?" it was yusuke, your best friend. he sounded extremely irritated. you laughed. of course he was irritated. yusuke never enjoyed going to school. you got up from your bed and quickly through on your clothes for the day. unfortunately, it was nothing more than your school uniform, but you just didn't have the guts to walk into school not wearing the dumb thing.
"Hey Yusuke!" you said walking out of your bedroom. you remembered to swerve left to avoid hitting your oversized couch. yusuke smiled as he looked you up and down.
"Al, are you ever gonna have the balls to dress normally?" you glared at him and shoved him on your way to the fridge.
"Well, excuse me, but i get into enough trouble as it is without those stupid teachers riding me about my wardrobe." you pulled out a carton of milk, checked the expiration date, and began to drink it stright from the carton.
"Sheesh, im glad i don't live here with you. do you realize how unsanitary that is Allia?"
you gave him the finger. " Very lady like." he said. he grabbed your bag from the small table in the corner of the kitchen. Trash from last nights take out fell off it onto the floor.
" Al, you need a bigger place..." he said looking around the apartment. you raised an eyebrow at him.
"it's just me living here. i don't need anymore room." you said taking your bag from him. je shook his head at you. "well, you could at least get a maid. i've seen trash dumps that were cleaner then this apartment." you swung a punch at him but he dodged it expertly. "Bite me, Urameshi." you said before walking out the door.

You and yusuke were walking side-by-side on your way to school. he was giving you some details from his last "case" whatever that meant.
"Okay, so you know how i told you we work for this sort of detective agency kind of thing." you nodded your head. "yea, and how sometimes we get partnered up with uh.. other interns." you nodded again. "well this time we went to this uh... "hideout" kinda thing," he made air quotations around hideout. it was always amusing hearing yusuke use all this "detective lingo." he sounded like the real deal, "well, two guys from another job showed up to help us. and well, to make a long story short we had to storm the hideout and get back this stolen object, it was kinda tough actually." you looked up at him. "what exactly was the "Stolen object" yusuke?" you asked. you loved hearing about his job. it was exciting, even if it was just a bunch of fake robberies made up by some weird after school program. " he looked down at you and smiled, "you won't believe me if i tell you." you grinned. "try me." you said. he smirked. "okay, it was a whistle." you stopped walking. "Your kidding? You were gone for days over a stolen whistle?" he laughed. "hey, i don't come up with this stuff, my boss does." you shook your head. "the best he could come up with was a whistle?" Yusuke shrugged.
"Yusuke! Allia!" a voice called from up the street. you looked up to see Keiko waving at the two of you. you waved back and the two of you ran up to meet her. " hey Keiko," you said when you reached her. she smiled at you. "hello, allia." you and keiko weren't very close. it wasn't that you didn't like her, she was a really nice person. it was just that you were afraid of getting close to another person. you were still surprised by how close you'd gotten to yusuke. "hey keiko, where's kuwabara?" yusuke asked. she turned to him. "oh, he said to meet him at school." "Oh, well darn..." he muttered. "what?" you and keiko and asked. "um, well... okay well i know you'll agree keiko, but i was kinda hoping to have kuwabara to back me up for allia..." "back you up for what?" you asked. yusuke looked uncomfortable. he wouldn't look at you and he rubbed his hands through his hair distractedly. he took a deep breath. "well, you know those friends of mine from my job?" "yea..." you thought hard, "what were their names? Hiei and Kurama?" he nodded. "yep, that's them.well, you see al, they're gonna be in the neighborhood, so i told them we should hang out this evening..." "yea so, have fun." you weren't really getting his point. he shook his head. "well, i told them you were coming." you stopped and he stopped beside you. "you big IDIOT!" you yelled slamming him in the shoulder with your bag. "ouch! damn allia." he muttered. "you know i dont like meeting new people." you said angrily. "come on, these are my friends. you gotta meet them." "yuske's right. you should come." keiko said smiling at you. you sighed and stared at them both. in one swift movement you turned around, slamming your bag into yusuke's shoulder again, and stormed off back towards your apartment.

i know the endings a little blunt, but well to be honest its late and im tired. so i promise the next one will be better. and have a little more action too. :)
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