Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Demolition Lovers

Welcome to the Last Stop

by Chicago-Kid 0 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2009-05-29 - Updated: 2009-05-29 - 305 words

That taste you get when you wake up in the mornings. It used to sicken me.
Now I sicken me.
Does that make any sense at all? Of course it does now.
Now I can never watch the sundown, the best part of the day.

I am going to kill the Sundown.

My heart goes out to you. I am serious.
I am hoping for your sake that somehow it will keep you safe, ward off predators, but I already know it won't do a thing.

My best advice: Don't try a thing. (just don't bother)
Don't you believe a word the pretty boys say!
Do not bother with locks (they entice them. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!)
Stay as hopeful as you can.

For the majority of the time it will get you far. It will keep you warm at night and fill you with that honey that seeps through your bones and right into your heart.

But once you've been caught, all I can really say is, "You are fucked."
Those are my words. They are the only security blanket you'll have once they've got you.
Once they've got you, you're gone.

You can't affliate with your friends anymore.
In fact, you have to leave town straight away if you care about them enough.

I advise the children of this world to not cry when they get their flu shot.
When you're jabbed, the pain can bring a tear to your youthful eyes, but.. the feeling wears off within the second, and then you get a lollipop.

When your jabbed by one of my friends. You are one of the fucked ones. There's no candy and they'll hope that you can fucking deal with that.

Have fun surviving, and I hope to God that you aren't the kid who's always first out in dodgeball.
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