Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > school like you have never seen it before

school like you have never seen it before

by X_pansy_X 3 reviews

well its a day in the life of mcr at school (based on a true story)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-05-26 - Updated: 2009-05-27 - 758 words

i hope you like this story cause its based on my friends and mine life. just the names are changed to mcr!!! enjoy!!!

its monday morning in the tutor room and gerard and mikey are playing there music for all to hear, frank is air guitaring along to it,ray is sitting at the back reading a book while bob is trying to talk to him.

Eden: turn you emo music off!

mikey looking affended turned to gerard who was having trouble putting the teachers coffee cup up on top of the heater

frank:green day is not emo!

eden:it so is. and so are you

frank:your face is emo!!

eden:what does that even mean?

gerard had finaly put the coffee up on the heater and joined the fight

gerard:it means your face is emo...duh!

eden:what ever

she walks out of the class and bob cheered from the back, ray how ever was still reading the book and had not notice a thing

mikey:can we go to the music room later?

gerard:we cant we were banned for 2 weeks remember

they were in the music room sitting in the dark while playing there guitars and singing when a teacher came in and turned the light on, it had suprise gerard and he had tackled the teacher to the ground making them banned for 2 weeks

frank:then what are we going to do? i am NOT staying in here with these people again

just them Mr Moyer walked in with eden at his side

moyer:gerard, mikey and frank come here please

gerard:great now what?

moyer:look boys you cant insult other people!

frank:we dont thought

moyer:eden says you called her things that just shouldnt be said

gerard:but moyer...we only said she was emo

frank:yeah and if its okay for her say we are emo then well thats just mean

moyer:i dont want to hear it. now get out of the tutor class and wait by the heater.

moyers cannadien accent made those who heared him laugh. so when frank and mikey had slowly left the room, gerard yelled

gerard: no moyer YOU!! get OOT of the tutor room!!!!

moyer:are you mocking me?

gerard:maybe i am!

moyer decided he wanted coffee so he went to get his cup off the desk but then relized it was gone

moyer: gerard were is my coffee??

gerard:cant tell you im being kicked out of the room

and with that he left.

frank:can we go to english?

mikey:yeah, i dont wanna stay here

gerard:sure, wait it will be locked?

mikey:so we can climb through the window

they made there way to english and climbed through the window and took a seat at the back. after about 10 minutes the bell rang and the rest of the class made there way inside

bob:why did you just leave us there?


frank:sorry guys but it was a thing of the moment....thing!

ray:frank that makes no sence

frank:i know that...gosh people these days!!!!

frank got up and walked to the front of the class and sat next to a random person

bob:um is he okay??

gerard:hes fine. i bet hes just going to sit there to annoy that person

mikey:this is boring!!!!!

ray:well yeah class hasnt started yet

mikey:you dont have to be a pan about it

ray;im NOT a pan, you homo

mikey:Shhh im not ready to tell the public yet

mikey looked so serious that they started laughing and he soon joined in which ment he was only joking....but then again....

english teacher:ok class today we will be writing a short story about a haunted house.

gerard and frank:whoo-hoo

english teacher:but first to get ideas were going to wotch a movie that is the oppisite to what your going to write.

frank and gerard:boo!!!!! this sucks

mikey:what movie?

english teacher:high school muciscal 2

as soon as she said it frank, gerard, ray, mikey and bob ran screaming from the room and ran straight in to the wall outside....

well thats all for now...please review!!! oh and the just as a reminder most of this has happened to my friends and i at school...yes even the running, screaming out of the class cause we had to wotch THAT movie...and sorry if there is any spelling mistakes!!!...
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