Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > the sleep over

how they met

by X_pansy_X 2 reviews

well this is how they met

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-06-05 - Updated: 2009-06-05 - 1053 words

im trying to do this chapter again so enjoy!!! and please review


my new school is huge and i got lost in my last one almost every day!
tis was not going to be fun. i found my class which was im J block on the first floor thank the lord for that.As soon as i walk though the door every eye looked at me.i walked up to the nerdy teacher.
"im new" i told him and he smiled
"welcome frank" wait how did he know my name? "i was told you would be joining us" and theres my answer "why dont you take a seat next to...gerard, gerard please put you hand up so frank here can see you!"
a pale hand slowly went up and i walked towards it and sat next to the boy who the hand belonged to.
"hi im frank" i said trying to sound happy
"hello im gerard" he answered.
we dressed alike, skinny jeans and a long sleaved band shir that was black. the only difference was that his skinny jeans were red and mine where balck.
"so your new here?" gerard asked
"sure am" i replyed, was he the class idiot? no he had a too good in sence of style to be the idiot.
"so you like the colour balck?" he asked not looking at me
"yep it my life. what about you?" i asked
"it helps me hide" he sounded sad
" um what do we have next?" i asked
"english i think" he opened his bag and pulled out a book, when he opened it some pages fell out but he took no notice to it so i picked it up. and man did they have some awesome drawings on them
"did you draw these?" i asked handing them to him
"yeah" he said quickly putting them in his bag along with his book
"there really good" he looked away and i think he blushed... werid.
"there just stuff i did when i was bored" he said
well since he didnt want to talk about it i decided to change the subject.
"so are there any good music classes here?" i asked
"not really. it depends on what you want to do"
"any bands that i might be able to join?"
"well if you want to join a band and since you seem to have a good taste in music, you should join my band" he said
wow he had a band!!!
"you have a band?" i asked stupidly
" what do you play?"
"guitar and sometimes i sing backup"i said feeling kinda stupid
"cool we need another guitarist and we could use another backup singer. so wanna join?"
hmm should i?
"HELL YES" i yelled


im glad he wants to join my band cause he is kinda cute... i mean....i didnt mean that...
anyway the bell rang and we went to english and sat at the back like i always do, and i got frank to join me since i need a friend.
"so do you want to join me and my friends in the music room today?" i asked
"okay" he replyed as the teacher put a sheet of paper on his desk. he turned to me
"so what are we doing at the moment in this class?" he asked
"writing short stories at last"i replyed. i love writing short stories.
"okay class today we are gong to write a short story about a haunted house" the teacher said
wow first time this class will be really fun. im going to do one with a lot of gore and blood...
"but" she looked at me " no murders or killers of any kind" damit, whats the point then?
"hey what you going to write about?" frank asked me
"i dont know a ghost of a little girl who likes to eat peoples hearts! what about you?"
"someone who goes into a house and gets attcked by a killer butterfly!" he said "its not bad or anything"i laughed, where did he get that from? he was a werid kid. the time went fast and we had to hand in our stories before we left.
"to the music room" i said leading my new friend to the friends and little brother were waiting outside
"hey gerard, whos your new friend?" ray our guitarist asked
"this is frank" i said and introduced everyone.
"um gee the music room is locked all day so we cant get in today" mikey my little brother know it all said,damn i wanted to see how good frank guitar that is...
"lets go to the tutor room"bob said and we followed him.
"so frank i hear you play guitar?" ray asked
"um yeah i do"
"cool, you should bring your guitar tomorrow, we all are"
"okay then"frank seemed destracted.
"well we have to go to our next class"mikey said and the 3 of them left
then out of know where a girl in our class called Ella came up to frank and said
"hey im Ella and i was woundering if you would like to go out with me tonight?" she asked. damn she does this to every new kid. when i was new she did it to me and never left me alone till i tryed to stab her.
"he cant"i said before frank couls say anything
"and why not?" she asked
"cause..."i needed to think quick "he's my boyfriend" i said and kissed him on the lips.wrong move every one in the class was wotching us now...frank how ever looked like he liked it.i know i did.
"eww and to think i asked you out!"Ella walked away.
"hey frank do you wanna stay at my place tonight were having a sleep over?"
"i would love to" he said slowly but he was happy

and then i just knew that he liked me in the non friend way, as in he was gay for me.and i was gay for him i think....

[/and thats this chapter done!!! and yes they only met a few hours before the sleep over!!!please review and i hoped you liked it!!!!
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