Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Casting for story now!


by ZombiesAteMyParents 10 reviews

Vote for two people you want to leave and one that you most like!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-06-07 - Updated: 2009-06-07 - 116 words

Here are the people that have auditioned (for the full info look at their review)

- Lynai
- Fionnuala
- Laura
- Kitty
- Maeve
- Erin
- Christie
- Ruth
- Brooke
- Paige
- Indiana
- E-Jay

You can now vote for TWO people that you want to leave, and ONE that you most like. People that auditioned are very welcome to also vote.
Please do not take the votes too personally, I don't need any dead voters on my hands thank you, other than that please enjoy.

I will chose the top 5 people to be main characters in my story and I may use others for extras. Thank you very much.

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