Categories > Original > Horror > Water and Blood

Beautiful Model

by Grudge_Lady 0 reviews

Mickey tried to calm Brittany's nerves by taking her picture.

Category: Horror - Rating: PG - Genres: Horror,Humor - Published: 2009-06-16 - Updated: 2009-06-16 - 562 words

Mickey and Brittany walked up the stone steps of the motel. Mickey’s pale hand grazing it’s blue, metal railing. They turned the corner and found what used to be a boarded up room. It was no longer boarded up and the girls stepped inside.

The room was musty but Brittany left the door open. To their surprise, everything was still left in the room. Beds, toilet, shower, sink. “Which bed do you want?” smiled Mickey.

“The cleaner one,” said Brittany taking off her mask. Mickey pulled back both bed comforters and to their surprise they were both clean. “I’ll take the one near the door.”

Mickey decided to take a shower. After all, how often does one get to shower in an abandoned motel? Since the outer bathroom was clear, Brittany decided to remove her make-up. She heard the front door open and close. She slammed the lid of her compact shut. “Amanda get out of here.”

She turned around to throw a glare at her friend only to discover Amanda wasn’t there. Brittany sighed to herself. She got down on her knees by her bed and lifted up the blankets to look under the bed. “Amanda, don’t you dare set up in cameras. All you’ll get is me and her talking. No porn.”

“What about porn?”

Brittany jerked up and screamed. She whipped around and fell on her bottom. She sighed and laughed, “it’s you Mickey.”

“Sorry for scaring you,” said Mickey helping Brittany up, “but what are you doing?”

“Amanda came in,” said Brittany.

“Uh, dude, Amanda is trying to fix the RV,” said Mickey. “She just texted me.”

“But I heard her come in!” cried Brittany.

“I think it’s the rush,” said Mickey.


“You hear strange noises in abandoned buildings and it turns out to be a cricket or a bird, not some psycho, drugged up homeless guy.”

Brittany sighed and shrugged. “What do you want to do? I’m up for anything, I want my mind off this rush.”

“I wanted to take some pictures,” said Mickey. “Like to be my model/photographer?”

“I would love too.”

Amanda sat along the shore, throwing rocks into the sea, watching them skip into the horizon. She sighed and glanced back at the motel. She saw Brittany and Mickey exit and go towards the stairs.

Amanda laughed as she saw Mickey snap Brittany’s picture. “Looks like Mickey found herself a new victim.”

Mickey looked at her camera’s screen of the photograph she had just taken. Brittany sitting on the top stone step of the motel, looking back at Mickey. The polluted sea breeze running through her hair. Her beauty framed by the abandonment of this old structure.

“You’re a great model out here,” smirked Mickey. “Such a contrast.”

“I’ll be seeing them tonight, right?” asked Brittany.

“Of course,” said Mickey.

Brittany stood up. “Let me see them.”

Brittany got up and stood behind Mickey looking down at Mickey’s camera screen. Amanda giggled and called out, “WOOOOO!”

They both looked back at her. Amanda busted out laughing Mickey grabbed a piece of the motel and threw it with all her mite at her best friend’s head. They saw Amanda grab her head and they both laughed.

“Come on, let’s go take some indoor pictures,” smiled Mickey.
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