Categories > Original > Poetry

Speak up

by bannb 0 reviews

Anothere poem for an annonomys friend. Not yet cured...

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-06-23 - Updated: 2009-06-23 - 139 words

Do you feel like no one cares
Or that no one understands
the feelings you've had
that no one understands
This pain and this urge
The voice in head that says
To give up, to let go, stop trying

Well I understand
It's not just you
It's every one
We all know
We've all been there
Bad times come from any where
But only you can let them go

You may think you have know one to talk to
About what you've seen or what you've seen
Or maybe even what you've done
You think that if you fall
No one wll be there to catch you
To help you up, to lend a hand
But thats just what you think
Some will always be there
Some one can always help
Some will understand
Maybe some one like me.
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