Categories > Original > Drama

My second chance

by bannb 0 reviews

So this is my introduction to my story, I'm writting out my story first to do editing and stuff so This i the intro:]

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-06-23 - Updated: 2009-06-24 - 124 words

"I know how you feel" they tell me. "I understand where your coming from" I've been told. But nobody really knows.
My parents always think they know whats best for me so they thought that sending me to a shrink would "fix" me.
Apparently if your parents find you over the sink with blood flowing from your wrist and you tell them every thing is okay and your happy as can be, some thing is most defenatly wrong with you.
Oh and don't forget the, I've been to the future, re-lived he past, and got inside peoples heads to realize what I did was wrong and people really do care for me. That might creep out your parents too.

Lets see what you think...
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