Categories > Original > Poetry
They say that you're weak,
They say that you'll fail,
Until you hit that streak,
Your mind races and things make sense,
And then your parents freak,
You understand the world now,
And there are still more things to seek,
They worry you know too much,
And then they start to tweak,
They shut your mind and take your hope,
And make sure you stay weak,
Your black belongings are gone,
You were at your peak,
But now you are on the Dark Side,
Were you are blind and you can do nothing but shriek.
They say that you'll fail,
Until you hit that streak,
Your mind races and things make sense,
And then your parents freak,
You understand the world now,
And there are still more things to seek,
They worry you know too much,
And then they start to tweak,
They shut your mind and take your hope,
And make sure you stay weak,
Your black belongings are gone,
You were at your peak,
But now you are on the Dark Side,
Were you are blind and you can do nothing but shriek.
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