Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

Chapter 1

by areyounormal 3 reviews

Pete tries to escape

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-06-25 - Updated: 2009-06-25 - 466 words - Complete

Pete watched in silence as the huge ornamental gates swung open slowly. His breathing quickened as he realised that this was his only chance to escape. With its lights flashing and sirens blaring, the patrol car had run every red light on the way to the mansion and only now did it stop as they waited for the hydraulics to pull the gates sufficiently wide enough apart for the car to drive through. Unable to run or fight, barely able to walk in the restricting shackles around his wrists and ankles Pete knew his chances of escape were slim, but they were zero if he didn’t even try.

Raising up his legs, with a grunt of effort, Pete kicked the back of the left hand side seat with all his strength. Briefly watching with a satisfied smirk as the seat dislodged from its housing and both seat and driver were forced forward at speed. A sickening crunch filled the interior of the car as the vampire’s chest was crushed against the steering wheel. Blood poured from his mouth and wounds as he slumped forward. Not waiting for a reaction from the second police officer, Pete crashed through the rear window, tearing his bear arms on the broken glass strewn trunk as he rolled off. Already, he had heard the second vampire cursing and opening the passenger door. His hands and feet chained together, Pete’s brow furrowed deeply as he realised that he couldn’t even stand fully upright. Pulling desperately on the thick and sturdy chains in an unsuccessful attempt to break them, he was forced to accept that his escape attempt was fruitless. At his side in a matter of seconds, the vampire police officer laughed to see the distress and helpless frustration on Pete’s handsome face.

Twisting his features into a cruel sneer, he pushed a hand held taser into Pete’s side. Within moments, the young vampire lay unconscious at his feet.

“You better send someone to the gates,” he snarled into his radio. “There’s been an incident.”


His eyes fluttered open and the young man tried to stretch out his aching limbs only to find that impossible. Joe tried hard to focus his eyes and his mind, at first without much success, but within a few minutes he realised his predicament. Bound hand and foot, he found himself lying on a comfortable couch in a darkened but homely furnished room. Across from him, roughly ten feet away, a slender, pretty young woman with long dark hair, wearing a pale skirt and checked shirt watched him intently. In her hand she held a wooden stake.

“Who are you?” she asked, her expression a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. “What are you?”

A/N - Interested? Shall I continue??
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