Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance


by C0okie524 2 reviews

ORIGINAL!!! Vampires

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Humor,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-06-26 - Updated: 2009-06-26 - 998 words



Stop! I told myself, I had been doing this for years. So why did tonight seem so different? The sounds of the little city were no louder, the air no cooler, and the moon no paler, than any other night.
I didn't know why, or where the feeling came from, but I thought something was going to happen tonight. My palms began to sweat. Stop! I repeted to myself. I tried to clear the feeling out of my head. I concentrated on my footsteps, they made a soft tip tap on the wet, black street that was lit by one lone street lamp.
Dong! The tower bell clock struck one in the morning. I was going to be late, but it wouldn't be the first time. I quickened my pace and turned right at the next street corner. If only I could move faster, as if my speed wasn't fast enough. The wind blew into my face, causing my hair to go everywhere, good thing I knew where I was going. I knew the minutes were ticking by, but I couldn't push myself any faster. I turned two more streets and down the familiar alley. I saw the group at the end, waiting by the back door as always.
All seven heads turned to stare at me. I knew they must have heard my sprinting footsteps from a block away. I slowed my pace and ran my fingers through my hair.
"Hey" I smoothed out my jacket as I met them at the door.
"Late" Nanceh told me in her soprano voice.
"Like it really matters?" Luc muttered, arm around Meesha.
"Let's just go in!" Casie complained reaching for the door knob.
We piled in the dark spacious room, rock music blaring from the depths of the front walls. I took my spot on a stool at the bar with the others. It was nice, in a club like this none of us really stood out or looked diiferent. That was, unless some random person took the time to talk to one of us.
Then again there were always a few people who stared at us when we arrived every saturday night. I honestly could not blame them. We were pretty much eight teenagers (that was what we appeared to be) who walked with the same gracefulness, talked in the same appealing voices (without trying) and had abnormally pale skin. Before I go into too much details I should point out that all of us were different. For starters there was Nanceh.
Nanceh could have easily taken control over the group, but she never would. We didn't have a leader, we led eachother. She was about as tall as me, and had a mess of brown hair. There was no doubt that that she was the smartest of the group, she could fix almost any kind of situations. The most alarming thing about her was her voice, she could sing any song on any key. The pitch of her voice could go so high, sometimes it made my ears bleed. And to make my ears bleed was a whole other concept itself.
Then there was Gerard. It was almost as if he lived on a whole different world sometimes. He didn't talk a lot and was polite, unless you ticked him off which you didn't want to do. The truth was, none of us really knew much about him. Casie and I found him alone and abandoned one night years ago. He had pitch black hair that framed his face and fell just above his shoulders. His milky brown eyes could always stare you down.
Casie was the energetic one. She had short, choppy ash-blonde hair and was always up-to-date with the latest book on the market. She could cheer up anyone of us, even Gerard. Casie was delighted by the theatre. Every time the local theatre down town had a new play she would be there. Occasionally she would drag a few of us along, it got fun sometimes, and our 'fun' can get interesting.
Next there was Luc and Meesha. The two were hardly ever seperated. The strange thing was we didn't find them, they found our group back when it was only Nanceh and Casie. Luc was the tallest in the group, only about an inch taller than Gerard. Sometimes he would share one of his songs or poems, they are normally good and never failed to have a meaning. He could always make us smile, no matter what. Meesha had long curling black hair and always had nicknames for each one of us. She was a great friend and gave out numerous hugs. She cared about all our problems and one time she even tried to teach me to dance. ( I didn't get too dar.) Between the two, you really couldn't find a better match.
After that, we found Sasumi and Xandra, they had been the last to join our group. They had arrived about two centuries ago and Sasumi and Luc had been best friends ever since. Xandra and Sasumi were two parts that made a whole. Sasumi had long blonde bangs and a huge smile. He was normally quiet but he could draw very well, though he didn't believe it. Xandra was very hyper. She was fun to be around and could always manage to find something for us to do. If you saw the two in the corner, it wasn't hard to figure out that they were lip-locked. They didn't like to be apart from eachother.
Lastly, I was Renee, by choice. I couldn't remeber what my name used to be, so when the group took me in I chose the name Renee. I was one of the youngest of our group, but that didn't matter. I was quiet and like Casie, I was reading whenever I could. The only problem was I was the defect out of everyone.
Oh, and did I mention we were all vampires?
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