Categories > Original > Drama > Rain Child

I Take One Cause I Needed To Feel It So Much

by westie 0 reviews

Despite her brave words, I could tell she was tense. I was slightly tense, too. It was always weird for me, doing this...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Published: 2009-06-27 - Updated: 2009-10-21 - 659 words

Chapter 7
I Take One Cause I Needed To Feel It So Much
Seth’s POV

“Okay, Seth. I’m ready.” Elli settled back in her chair, looking up at me. I shifted a bit, making sure the piece of ice was held against the back of her ear.
“Hold this for me,” I told her. I handed the ice to her and she placed it where I had held it. “Are you nervous?” I asked as I picked up the sewing needle and the lighter.
“I’ve done this so many times that I don’t get nervous anymore,” she replied. I chuckled as I lit a candle and proceeded to sterilize the needle, slowly turning it in the flame like a spit.
“I think it’s ready now,” I told her, pulling it from the flame.
“Oh, hooray,” she said apathetically. Despite her brave words, I could tell she was tense. I was slightly tense, too. It was always weird for me, doing this.
“You ready?” I asked as I positioned the needle above her ear and took the ice from her. "Wait, where do you want it?”
She pointed out a spot. “I need one right there. I have two on each side. I want another one on that side, so make it like a line of holes.”
I took a deep breath and she did the same. “Okay, on three. One, two, three.” I pushed the hot needle deep into her ear, stabbing the ice on the other side and making her cry out. When the pain had passed, she took the needle and ice from me and sat up. I handed her the new piercing she had bought that morning. She put the ice down and pulled out the needle, wincing a little.
“Elli?” I asked, pulling up a chair and sitting backwards in it.
“Mhmm?” she answered, concentrating on getting the piercing in before the hole closed up.
“Why do you always make me pierce it for you, instead of just getting it done professionally?”
She looked at me, confusion on her face, and all the while she was still trying to get that damn earring in. Getting a new piercing to go in can be a bitch. “I dunno. Why? Does it bother you?”
“No, it’s just…” I didn’t finish my sentence. I wasn’t really sure what I was going to say.
She rose, her piercing finally in place. “I want a tattoo, but I’m not old enough and there’s no way Mom and Dad would let me get a tattoo. And I’m also not old enough to get piercings done unless I have Mom or Dad with me, and that would be so annoying. I’m only 17, remember.” She tapped on his forehead. I brushed her hand away and we laughed.
“Yeah, but I’m 18,” I reminded her. “I can get whatever I want, as long as I have the money.”
“Well, whoop-de-frikkin-doo,” she laughed, throwing her hands in the air.
I punched her in the arm, laughing.
“Here. Let’s go get something to eat,” she said. “For some reason, I’m not in the mood for Hot Pockets.”

Later, I sat in my bathroom, wrapped in a towel and staring at the bottle of pills I had set on the counter. I only had 5 left. Shit. They were expensive and I had no idea how or when I would be able to get more. I sighed and swiped the bottle from the counter, opening it and popping one in my mouth. I took a big drink of my Monster, which took away the taste. Ritalin always tastes funny.
I put the bottle back, taking out my sleeping pills for good measure. They were heavy-duty, and if I didn’t sleep when I took them, I usually hallucinated. I wasn’t tired, so I figured now might be fun for seeing things. I took two.
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