Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Crawling Towards the Sun

Dance Hall Drug & All The Damage Done

by adalae 3 reviews

FicWad is giving me issues so here's chapters 6 AND 7. if you've read six, skip down to seven :)

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] [R] [?] - Published: 2009-07-02 - Updated: 2009-07-02 - 3215 words - Complete

AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry its short but i promise its very important to be separate from this next chapter i will be posting up in the next couple of days. alright. the end :)

Juliette found herself oddly bored since William had been called away the night before. After asking around she discovered that he was meeting with other vampire leaders to discuss…something. It wasn’t often she found herself at a loss of something to do so she decided to go and explore the mansion. Though she lived with the vampires for over a year she still found more and more things to observe and new rooms to discover. She let out a sigh as she walked down one of the hallways when she noticed a door was cracked.

She took a few steps closer to it and peered inside, seeing nothing she continued in. It looked to be a study mixed with a lounge; books lined the walls and the room was scattered with large comfy looking reading chairs. Superimposed on the gorgeous library look that Juliette began to adore was a huge flat screen television and large black sectional couch. “Juliette?” A voice asked from the shadows behind one of the bookshelves. Out from the darkness stepped none other than Brendon. “What are you doing here?”

“Exploring,” Juliette said quickly, taking a step back. Since the incident with Brendon trying to attack her and such she had been uneasy about being around him. William saw to it that they weren’t in the same area at the same time but he hadn’t accounted for Juliette wanting to explore. “Sorry,” she muttered, “I’ll leave.”

“No,” Brendon said softly, “I mean,” he sighed, “I just wanted to apologize. It was not my place to try and attack you…” he said. He took a few steps closer, looking sincere he continued, “I’m not used to having others around who win over William so easily… it’s… unnerving.”

“I’m sorry,” Juliette said, not knowing what else was appropriate.

“I want to make it up to you,” Brendon said quickly, “It’s only appropriate.” He rushed back into the shadows.

Juliette grew a bit concerned, “No really she said as Brendon appeared from the shadow’s holding a bottle of wine, “Wine?”

“Please,” Brendon said, “It’s the very best I have and I would love to give you the bottle as a symbol of a new friendship.” Brendon held the bottle for her to inspect but continued speaking, “And as a friend I would love to share one, and only one, glass with you before you go on your way….exploring the house.”

Juliette felt the need to leave but was afraid to offend Brendon. Slowly she nodded and he disappeared once more into the shadows. Brendon looked over his shoulder as he uncorked the wine, watching Juliette settle onto one of the couches. While he noticed that she began to distract herself with a book Brendon slipped a little silver tube out of his shirt pocket. With a wicked grin he popped off the lid and poured its contents into Juliette’s glass of wine. He removed all evidence of the white powder from himself and the glass and waltzed over to the couch where Juliette was sitting. With a friendlier grin he placed down the bottle and the glasses of wine and held his to her, “To friendship,” he announced.

Juliette smiled a little and grabbed her glass, “Friends,” she muttered and tapped their glasses together. Letting out a sigh Juliette forced a grin and took a sip. “This tastes. Off” she muttered staring at the glass.

“I probably should have let it breathe for a bit,” Brendon said, sliding next to her on the couch, “It’s been so long since I’ve had the taste of wine…. You see all we taste is the pure alcohol… which is why most of us don’t drink it.. I enjoy it though. I find it…” Brendon paused and took a slow sip of his drink, “rather invigorating.”

Juliette simply nodded and took another sip of the wine and realized it was much less bitter than the first sip. She was uncomfortable with Brendon sitting next to her but found herself unable to muster up the will power to move away. She didn’t even flinch when Brendon put his arm around her but she continued to drink thinking that the faster she finished her drink the faster she could leave.


William stepped out of the limousine and let out a sigh as he stepped towards the house. He had spent the last twelve hours arguing with other vampire leaders to leave the rogue vampire situation (namely that annoying one Pete) in his control for a bit longer. “Why they made me trek half way across the world I haven’t a clue but… at least I know all is well in my home.” He muttered to himself. William made his way through the house, stopping first at his office to check on some things. As he fumbled through his computer, which he hated, his mind drifted to the night before where he and Juliette had been rudely interrupted. He wondered whether or not to pursue the matter any further and what her intentions were, if any at all. He scrubbed the thoughts form his mind as he set out to settle the matter once and for all.


Juliette’s head was spinning. She knew where she was and who she was with but couldn’t believe how she felt. She looked over at Brendon, who was removing the empty glass from her hand, and felt magnetically attracted to him. “Alright,” Brendon said standing up, “One glass. That’s what we agreed on.” He smiled a grin as he put the glasses away and held out his hand to help Juliette up, “You may go back to exploring, or whatever it was you were doing.”

Juliette took his hand but instead of standing she pulled him down to her, “I’ve been so wrong about you Brendon,” she said slowly, “So very very wrong..”

Brendon let out a low chuckle and sat back down on the couch, “really now?” he asked trying to pretend to be innocent, “what made you come around?”

“I don’t know,” Juliette said wrapping her arm around his neck and entwining her fingers in his hair, “it’s like my mind is clear for the very first time and I’ve realized that I’ve hated you because I’m extremely attracted to you.”

Brendon was beyond satisfied with the work his drugs had done. Never in a million years could he have planned out a better situation. “What about William?” he asked pulling away from her.
“What about him?” Juliette repeated quietly as she let her other hand trace circles along his neck. “It’s always been you Brendon, I don’t know why I’ve never seen it before.”

Brendon couldn’t help but smile as he pushed her backwards on the couch. He kissed her hungrily and pressed himself down on her. She reciprocated by tugging at his shirt to slide it off. As her hands explored the planes of his back and chest he quickly got rid of the outer layers of her clothes, his lips never once leaving her skin. She wrapped her leg around his as he tugged at her hair when they heard footsteps enter the room.

“Juliette?” William asked horrified at seeing Brendon on top of her, “What’s going on?” he asked angrily.

Juliette was to busy nibbling at Brendon’s neck to notice William in the room. Brendon looked over at his maker with a wicked grin, “Sorry Will,” Brendon scoffed, “She chose me.” Juliette looked over at William and grinned as she wrapped her hands around Brendon’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss. William said nothing and left the room, the sounds of expensive vases and tables breaking could be heard throughout the house.

After the door closed Juliette looked up at Brendon, “It’s time,” he said wickedly, pinning her down onto the couch by her neck. Confused Juliette struggled but she was no match for Brendon’s strength. Brendon’s eyes flared red and his smile showed his fangs has lengthened. Juliette began to scream but was silenced by Brendon’s hand. He forcefully pushed her head to the side and brought his lips to her ear, “I’m not going to say it isn’t going to hurt,” he whispered, “And you probably will not like it,” he continued, “but I’m going to enjoy this.”


Juliette woke up to the smell of death. She never knew that death had a smell but it definitely was not a pleasant one. She didn’t have the strength to push herself up but she opened her eyes. Where was she? She was in Brendon’s room, she recognized the carpet from the night before. She let out a soft moan and noticed she was clutching at her stomach. Her head felt like an anvil was sitting on it and her heartbeat was….absent. Juliette moved to sit up but ended up vomiting water and blood onto the carpet.

“You really did it,” A voice murmured from the shadows.

“Yes I did,” Brendon said taking a few steps forward, staring at Juliette on the ground, “I turned her.,”

“Does William know?” the voice asked, Juliette recognized it but it wasn’t anyone important.

“Yeah, well…” Brendon shrugged, “I think he got the memo when he walked in on us.”

“And you’re still walking around?” the voice said astonished, “how in the hell?”

“Well she may have had a little encouragement. As far as William is concerned she came in and seduced me when he left and begged me to change her,” he said squatting down and petting the hair out of Juliette’s eyes, “Good afternoon my pet,” Brendon said wickedly, “How’re you feeling?”

Juliette couldn’t say anything as he helped her up. She clung to him out of need, not out of desire, so she could stand. Whoever the other person was must have left because looking around Juliette saw no one else. Suddenly she felt very dizzy and pushed herself from him, “What the fuck happened?” she yelled with all of her energy.

“Well my dear,” Brendon said taking a stride over to her, “Last night you became one of us.”

“What?” was all Juliette could say. She braced herself against the dresser for stability, “What do you mean?”

Brendon said nothing as he walked up to her and turned her towards the mirror and moved her long blonde hair to the side. He kissed his way softly from her ear to the two dark fang marks on her neck. Juliette gasped and clutched her stomach once more. Brendon wrapped his arm around her waist and spun her to face him. He pushed her hair back behind her ears, “You’re mine now pet,” he said with a grin, “All mine.”

Juliette spun back to the mirror, “But..”

“Yes,” Brendon said rolling his eyes, “We can be seen in mirrors, we just don’t generally like them. They remind us that everyone else ages and we don’t. Personally I love it.” He fixed his hair in the mirror and smiled, revealing his fangs. Juliette quickly opened her mouth and found that now she had two shiny white fangs. “You’ll learn to retract them soon enough,” Brendon said demonstrating. Juliette began to sob and as she crushed her hands against the handles of the dresser one of the metal rings broke off. “You’ll get used to your strength,” he muttered as he began to play with her hair once more.

Juliette’s mind was reeling. Her sight was perfect, her sense of smell was much more refined and her hearing was astonishing. She was in shock but she had an idea. With all of her newfound strength she pushed backwards, sending Brendon flying to the other side of the room, smashing into a bookcase. “I won’t be your plaything Brendon,” she said venomously. Before he could react she ran.

She made her way through the hallways until she reached it, the patio balcony. Except for leaving the house it was the only place that could even get sunlight. It was late afternoon according to the clock she had seen in Brendon’s room. She stared at the heavy black velvet curtains that hid the doors for the Balcony. All she could have to do is find the part and the door and run outside. She would die. She refused to live as Brendon’s pet, his plaything. If her heart still beat it would have been pounding out of her ears. She closed her eyes and whispered a prayer for what was left of her soul and for her sister and reached for the part. She began to pull it aside and felt the sun burn the skin of her hand even through the glass paneling. She cringed in the pain but was set on continuing. She took a step forward to throw the curtain open when a hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her back and brought her to the ground.

Juliette began to sob uncontrollably, “I won’t be this!” she yelled as familiar arms wrapped around her and held her. She didn’t have to look to see it was William that was clutching her burnt hand and petting her hair comfortingly. “I would rather die than be his pet!” she said in between sobs. She began to fight against William but he had much more experience and strength then she did and he kept her confined.

“Sssh,” she heard him whisper into her ear as he tightened his hold on her. She felt her arms being moved around his neck and being lifted up. She cradled her head against his chest as he carried her off to his room.

In the year she had been at the mansion, never once had she seen William’s actual room – his office, yes but not his room. It was pretty much what she expected, countless books, a large bed, some furniture, and nothing else. No paintings, no decorations, nothing. He laid her down on the bed and left her for a moment. She curled up into the fetal position and focused on the feel of the satin sheets against her skin. She felt William sit down next to her and take her burnt hand. Looking at it you could tell it had started to heal but sun never really healed on its’ own. “This’ll help,” he muttered and put some remedy on it. Juliette said nothing in return, she couldn’t even bring herself to look up at him.

Her mind thought of the night before, she couldn’t remember everything that had happened. She remembered the drinking with Brendon, then she couldn’t bring herself to leave, she was undressing him and when she kissed him… William had walked in. It all clicked together for her, Brendon had drugged her. She let out a sob and buried her face in the sheets. She felt William get up and with her new hearing she could hear him pacing around the room incessantly as she drifted off to sleep.

Numerous people had come and gone knocking at the door but William sent them all away without anything more than a “Leave.” But he couldn’t help but stare from a chair on the other side of the room at Juliette on the couch. How could she do this to him? What had he done to drive her to Brendon? He watched her writhe on the bed from what he guessed were still after effects of her transformation. He was going to leave her to have her privacy, transformation was a very vulnerable process, when she awoke. “William,” she muttered, clutching her stomach. Her body convulsed slightly and she moaned a bit in pain.

William couldn’t bring himself to leave her when she asked for him. Out of spite he wanted to leave her alone or send Brendon in, she obviously wanted him more than William. But as cold hearted and cruel as William was, he couldn’t be that way with Juliette. He walked over towards the bed and sat next to her and picked up her head. He laid her head gently down on his lap and stroked her hair, “It’ll be over soon,” he said quickly, “It’s all done, it’s just…hitting you…” he said trying to phrase it so she could understand. In the drawer of his nightstand he pulled out a silver flask. He popped the top open and held it to her lips, “drink it,” he ordered, “It’s blood. Freshly stocked each after noon.” Usually it was there for when he woke up but after being so upset by Juliette and Brendon the night before William took his wrath out upon a dozen or so of the citizens out in the country, he was content.

Juliette drank eagerly and William couldn’t help but be overcome with different emotions. He was intrigued that she was now of his kind but on her it seemed so wrong. Being a vampire didn’t suit her, she wasn’t pure but…she wasn’t evil. She didn’t deserve to live for eternity with no soul. He reminded himself it was her choice, that she must have known was getting involved with Brendon meant. After she drank she sat up next to William and brushed the blood from her lips, “thank you,” she muttered and looked over at him.

William couldn’t bring himself to pretend to be okay any longer, “Why did you do this?” he asked simply. “You let Brendon turn you. Why?”

“I…” Juliette said. William had most likely lost all trust in her so she wasn’t sure if he’d believe the truth. She let out a sigh and stared at the ground, “It wasn’t supposed to happen,” she whispered.

“Well… did you go looking for him? I mean, you guys seemed pretty involved when I found you.”
Juliette cringed at the memory of Brendon undressing her and kissing her. She looked over at William, her face full of pain and disgust and he said nothing. Gently he wrapped his arm around her and held her to him. William bit his lip so hard it bled, every other time Brendon had involuntarily taken someone William had let it slide. It was never really a big deal, they all died anyways. But this… he left Juliette alive and knew it would get to him. William looked down at the girl who was cradled against him, “I’m so sorry Juliette,” he whispered to her. Brendon was his own and even though he fucked up royally many times William still couldn’t bring himself to banish him - -but at least he’ll wish he killed her- he thought to himself.
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