Categories > Books > Harry Potter > more than you ever thought possible


by zackseawolf 2 reviews

Harry prepares for the summer

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-07-06 - Updated: 2009-07-07 - 1982 words

Here we go with the second chapter, still working on my storyline and such so don't expect much but outline and background in this chapter. I am working on the length also J



Still laying in the hospital wing, shock mixed with hope clearly in the eyes of the green eyed young man, after a moment he managed to choke out " Headmaster, I'm not entirely sure what to say. I was expecting to have to talk you into this "

"Harry, of course I would train you, your honesty and explanation of why you wish to be trained strike me as something I should have suggested, not the other way around." The old man let a sigh escape as he finished with, "Please, forgive me for not suggesting this the moment I met you, you have the aura of one with a destiny to fulfill. I should have realized this and begun training as soon as you entered Hogwarts."

"What exactly do you mean Headmaster? Aura of one with a destiny to fulfill?"

"Harry, do you think it was a coincidence that you ended up facing the Mirror of Erised the first time to learn exactly what its function was? Or that you received the various clues that led you to the stone, you will learn that there are no such things as coincidences, destiny has its methods of getting what it seeks, you seem to be one such person that is placed here to do so."

Not really trusting himself to speak, Harry decided to just be happy that the Headmaster agreed to train him. The destiny thing could wait until he had a chance to understand Dumbledore's ways of thinking a bit more after training for a while.

"So when do we begin Headmaster?" Harry softly asked, not wanting to push his luck farther than it was willing to take him.

"Although I'm sure you want to start right away Harry, first we must wait until Madam Pomfrey decides you are of sufficient health to leave the infirmary. There are also several preparations I must do within the Ministry, and you must return to the Dursleys for at least a week this summer to keep them safe-" waving off Harry's upcoming question "All this will be explained in good time. We shall begin training two weeks after the term ends, I will come pick you up from Privet Drive then."

Madam Pomfrey, after seeing the discussion ending starts to walk up, potions in hand.

"I see that our time is up Harry, I will call you up to my office before you go home to discuss everything with you." With a twinkle in his eye Dumbledore strides off, softly closing the doors to the Hospital Wing on his way out.

"It is time to take your potions, once you wake up you will be free to go."

Deciding that arguing was pointless, Harry takes the potions from her and drinks them in quick succession, hoping the tastes will somehow cancel each other out.

They didn't, But the tastes slowly faded away with the rest of his senses as the potions took effect.



Albus Dumbledore sat in his office thinking about the past hour. The boy had surprised him, that one thing was for sure. He was oddly mature for his young age, perhaps the Dursleys had something to do with that, hopefully the way it happened was positive, not through harsh treatment as it had appeared when he first saw Harry after all those years, too skinny, looking very malnourished. Maybe he was just getting over a sickness? He would have to look into this while Harry was home until everything was set straight with the Ministry.

He considered how to train Harry. Obviously he would have to start off with some sort of intense physical training program, along with plenty of food and nourishment potions to get his body up to where it would need to be for intense magical training programs. Most wizards did not realize that physical training was key to magical, without the first, a wizard could not reach his maximum magical potential. He did not look like it, but Dumbledore still ran every day in the Room of Requirement, his body appeared frail, but it most definitely was not. Another common misconception was that a wizards lifespan, albeit longer than that of a muggle, was not more than 150 years. A wizard would only die when he allowed his mind to stop learning, allowed his body to atrophy.

Of course there were limits, without something like the Sorcerers Stone, he didn't believe that a person could really get to the other side of 200, but he would do his damndest. At his168 years, he could prove that it was possible to go past 150. He looked like he was not a day past 100 years old, and he was proud of that. If he could keep senility at bay for at least the next fifteen years, long enough to train Harry to his maximum potential, he could peacefully go off to the next adventure knowing he did everything in his power to keep the wizarding world safe from the reign of the Dark Lords.

Throughout the ages, there has always been one Bastion of the Light. One to whom all good people look up to and the dark fear. There was always just one, trained by the previous master, who would give everything he had for the light, until it was time to train the next and pass the mantle down to him. Harry was the next Bastion, and Dumbledore would train him to keep the dark at bay.





Precisely eight hours later, Harry slowly awoke as the potion wore off. Madam Pomfrey, with her usual alacrity, strode over to his bed as soon as he started stirring, casting diagnostic charms even as she walked.

"Well Harry, it seems your ready to head to the leaving feast, just in time too, it starts in about fifteen minutes, you have time to run to your room and clean up a bit."

"Thank you Madam Pomfrey, I'm sure I'll see you soon" Harry replied with a grin.

"Let us hope not Mister Potter, I see you enough as it is." Her words were softened with a smile and a wink as she looked at the young man who had become her third most frequent visitor, after those Weasley twins.

"Oh yes, Headmaster Dumbledore requested that you visit him as soon as you can after the feast, apparently he forgot to tell you that before he left this afternoon."

Harry nodded in reply as he stood up, then went to the bathroom to change into his school robes.

As he walked to Gryffindor tower, he realized he was going to be late no matter what. Seeing Neville passing he called out a "hello" and ran to join him instead of going to the tower. He knew that if Neville was ahead of him, he was going to be very late indeed if he changed.




After the leaving feast, Harry feeling the euphoria of winning his first House Cup and the sluggishness of eating way too much in celebration at the feast, made his way up to the Headmasters office. When he finally reached the guard gargoyle that marked the headmasters office he realized he had no idea what the password was. Instead of trying to guess the password which was, basically, a pointless action, he strode up like he had business there and was surprised when the gargoyle sprang to the side. Thanking luck yet again, he walked up the spiral staircase that led to the Headmasters office, before he even reached the door he heard a voice say. "Please come on in Harry."

Wishing he knew how the Headmaster seemed to know how everything that happened in the school, he kept walking and pushed open the door, seeing the headmaster in the same robes he wore to the leaving feast, midnight blue with silver comets moving along the borders, sitting in the chair behind a desk with stacks of books laying on it.

"Hello Headmaster"

"How are you, son?" the headmaster stared at Harry with his piercing blue eyes, the eyes that seemed to peer into your soul as you stood there.

Matching his gaze, "I am doing very well Sir, although I am very surprised and happy about the results of the House Cup"

"Well I do have to say that everyone who received those points did deserve them very much, If not for the heroism of you students, a great evil would have happened today. Anyways lets get down to business, I have several books ranging from basic fitness, to mind magic, to battle transfiguration. I would like you to start reading them, Beginning with the fitness book" He said this holding up the books he talked about in turn. "In this fitness book you will find techniques to stretch, run, and do weight training. This is the first topic we will begin with, and I would like you to be in some sort of shape when I come to pick you up from the Dursleys. When you have read through this and have started a fitness routine for every day, I would like you to start the mind magic, and do the techniques contained. The rest of these books can be looked through and the theory worked on, but of course you cannot work on any of the spells until you are back at Hogwarts.

Harry sat silent through this until the last, then asked "Sir, how am I to practice spells during the summer? "

"That is part of what I will be setting up while you are home, I will be filing paperwork that will get you immunity to the restriction of spell use during the summer. Usually this would take months to process, but given our two reputations, it should not take more than a week to go through due process."

"Why do I have to go to the Dursleys? Earlier you said that it was for their protection, I'm not sure I understand.

Making a split second decision to tell Harry everything he had the maturity to ask about, Dumbledore said, "When your mother died, right before Voldemort tried to kill you as a baby, she used a long forgotten protection that she had previously researched upon hearing that Voldemort was after you. It used her murder to place a seal of protection on you from her murderer. When he used the killing curse on you, this seal rebounded his curse on himself, leaving you only your scar and ripping him from his body. This protection, once the sacrifice has been made, protects the person the sacrifice was made for, and the blood relatives that currently provide for the object of the sacrifice. You are safe here at Hogwarts, but without a renewal of this protection every year, your relatives will not be safe."

Harry, not completely understanding, but getting the point of it, asked no further questions.

"Is there anything else I need to know sir?"

"So far, nothing other than that I will be there to pick you up in one week after you return home, and to do your exercises and readings. The exercises are the priority, as they help all things magical, especially magical power and the focus needed for the mind magics."

Seeing Harry still taking all this in, and his obvious fatigue, he decided to call this a night, "Harry, you have a long day tomorrow, perhaps it is time you head off to your room and get packed for the train tomorrow. I will see you in one week and one day."

"Thank you Headmaster, Good night. I will work on those things you told me." Picking up the books, Harry turned and walked off to his common room.

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