Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

It's Always Been You

by deadendveinsx 1 review

For a girl who likes to shut everyone out, except for a few close friends, she seems to want him in. Frank just met her and there's just something about her that makes him try. [First few chapters ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-07-12 - Updated: 2009-07-12 - 2467 words

Chapter 01: Vixen.

Walking up to this school was possibly the most intimidating thing that Frank has had to deal with lately. Thanks to his dad getting a higher position at work, which he didn't hate him for, he had to move to a new part of Jersey. New town, new school. Frank wasn't your average student. He wasn't what most people would define as normal. He had black hair that hung somewhere around his ears and frequently covered his eyes, which were hazel. The back of his hair was a bit short and spiked messily. He had his nose and lip pierced, and his ears were a 0 gauge. He was in the uniform that the school found attractive, but he didn't. It was grey pants, a white button up, red and navy tie, and a navy blazer with the school emblem on the left side. He was wearing his black pyramid belt and black vans. The girls were in grey skirts, white button ups, same tie and blazer, navy knee-highs, and black heals. He rolled his eyes at how short a bunch of the girls had made their skirts.

He finally made his way into the building and to the office. The secretary peered at him over her thick, black framed, glasses, "Can I help you?" He nervously rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm not exactly sure where I'm supposed to go." The woman nodded, "You must be the new transfer. Frank Iero?" He corrected her on how to say his last name. She rolled her eyes and set a small stack of papers on the top of the desk, "There is a class schedule, a map, your locker information and combination. Classes will start soon. Take a seat." Frank sat down quickly and a boy was pushed into the office by a man with white hair, dressed in a suit, "I think I have you in my office almost every week, Mr.Barton. Your sister is not any better!" The boy was tall and muscular with a few piercings. His head was shaved except for the black mohawk that took up the space in the middle of his head. The headmaster looked at Frank, "I'm not familiar with you." The secretary spoke up, "He's new, sir." The man nodded, "Ah. In that case, Mr.Barton can show you to your class." He looked at the boy with a mohawk, "I better not see you again, today." He put his hands up in defense and stood up, "Alright." Frank stood up and followed the guy out of the office, "I'm Matt." He nodded, "Frank." They were walking down the hall when a group of girls caught his attention. The one leaning against the locker had long blonde hair with purple, green, and blue highlights. Random pieces of her hair was braided. Her electric green eyes were lined in a thin layer of black. Her eyebrow was pierced twice, the right side of her lip, her labret, and her ears [which were 00gauge] were also pierced. Instead of regular heals, she was wearing platform boots. Her tie was loose and her blazer was in her arms. Matt smirked, "Don't stare. That group is off limits around here, by their choosing of course. They're like the plague. Normal high school has goth or punk girls. That's what they are. Freaks in uniform." Frank grinned a bit, "Isn't that what you are?" Matt putt a hand on his chest, "Never!" They both rolled their eyes and Matt pointed to girls in cheerleading outfits, "If you play a sport around here, you know. They're allowed to wear their uniforms on game days." He grabbed Frank's schedule, "Hey, you're with me this mod. We have English. Since you're only here today for a half day, I won't be able to show you to your early classes."

Frank made his way out into the courtyard with a tall, skinny boy who had thick framed glasses. His name was Mikey. They sat by the fountain and Mikey pushed his glasses up to their proper place on his nose, "So how is the first day so far?" Frank shrugged, "Weird." Mikey laughed, "You're still in one piece. You obviously haven't run into a Vixen." Frank laughed, "A what?" Mikey nodded, "Right. Uh, they're what my friends and I call a group of girls. They're gorgeous, but won't let any guy near them. Well, unless you peak their interest, which is rare. Their 'leader' is Nicole. But you have to call her Cole if you don't want to piss her off. Then you have Lily and Jade, her right hand women and partners in crime. She always is with one of them, if not both. The last three girls of that group are Angel, Charlotte or Cherry, and Stella." Mikey took a sip of his water, "Cole's brother can be very intimidating, but he's the nicer of the two. You'll want him to come after you before his sister, trust me." A guy with long black hair grinned, "Mikey!" Mikey waved and looked at Frank, "That's my big brother, Gerard." Gerard walked over, "Hey." Mikey smiled, "This is Frank." He nodded and sat down, "Anything good?" Mikey shook his head, "No. Football players are already sitting down, but Vixen's haven't made their way into the quad yet." Frank grinned, "How is that interesting." The school doors opened and Gerard rubbed his hands together, "Just watch." Mikey pointed out the four, "The one with long blonde hair is Cole, the girl with long black hair is Jade, and the girl with short blonde hair is Lily. The guy with the mohawk is Cole's brother, Matt." Frank would have to talk to Matt tomorrow about calling his own sister the plague. Two of the football players stood up as the group made their way over to a large tree. Cole, the smallest even in her platforms, looked up at them, "Can I help you?" The one put his arm around her shoulder, "I'm sure you could." She shrugged his arm off and the other slapped her ass. She smiled sweetly, "Did you enjoy that?" He grinned and she grabbed is private area, making him bend, "Touch me again and I swear you will never be able to feel pleasure again." She let go and sauntered off with her friends. Gerard and Mikey high fived. Frank shook his head with a smile, "Does that happen often?" Gerard shook his head, "It depends on who has the guts to stand up to her. Most guys don't get rejected too nicely." Mikey corrected him, "Rejection is never nice. But Cole is just plain cruel." Frank looked over at her. Her brother waved and blew him a kiss. Frank nodded and she looked at him, raising an eyebrow. Gerard patted his shoulder, "I think you've peaked her interest."

After school, Frank was introduced to Ray and Bob. They were walking to Gerard and Mikey's house to hang out. Frank had already called his parents and filled them in. The heard laughing and looked across the street. A guy with a tall, blue, liberty spiked mohawk was leaning against a tree. He was wearing a Casualties shirt with the sleeves ripped off, tight jeans full of patches, and combat boots. Cole leaned agaisnt him and kissed him, laughing. She looked over at Frank, who was staring. She raised an eyebrow before looking back to her apparent boyfriend and continuously kissing him. Ray sighed, "Yeah. That is her boyfriend, Branden." Bob piped in, "That girl goes through boyfriends like underwear. She gets bored or mad too easily." Frank nodded and followed the guys into a garage that was set up with instruments. They walked into the house through the garage, and straight into the basement. It was dimly lit and full of comic books and video games. Gerard sat on a bed and turned on the Sega under his tv. Frank smirked, "Sonic? Nice choice." They all nodded and he looked around, "Who drew all of these?" Mikey chimed in, "Gee. He's great, isn't he?" Frank nodded and sat on the couch with Mikey.

Cole walked into school with her brother by her side. They were twins and he was older than five minutes, as he reminded her freqeuntly. Matt grinned, "Frank! Hey, bud. How'd it go yesterday? Get my kiss?" He wiggled his eyebrows and Frank nodded, "Yeah. It was sweet of you." Cole raised an eyebrow, "You're the little creep who was staring at me after school." Frank smirked, "Yeah. I go by Frank these days. Creep was never really my thing." She rolled her eyes and flipped her messy, but attractive, dyed hair. Matt sighed, "Now now sis, we talked about those anger issues." She ignored him and Frank raised an eyebrow, "Do you know how I get to the theater?" Matt grinned, "Ey! That's where C is headed." The bell rang and she looked at him, "You coming?" Matt called out, "He isn't, yet." She made a noise of irritation and Frank followed her to the theater. They sat in the front row and a short and plump woman stood on stage. After the start bell rang the teacher grinned, "Good morning class! Today I have a wonderful assignment since we're working on Shakespeare and his beautiful, or tragic, scence of Romance. I will have my aide pass around the hat. You must draw a name and that will be your character and how you find your partner. This project is to rehearse at home and during some of class. You must be ready when I need you too present in a week!" Cole grabbed the hat and drew a slip, passing it to Frank. He passed it along and the lights came on as the stage lights went off. The teacher was too cheery, "Find your partners! Look at the edge of the stage for the sign with your scripts!" Cole walked over to Romeo and Juliet. Frank opened his piece of paper. He sighed and walked over to Cole, "I guess this will be interesting." She looked at him, "Are you serious? Which scene do we have?" She opened the script and glared, "It would be the scene with the kiss, wouldn't it." The teacher's voice made her jump, "That is what we call romance, dear. I need to believe it!" She sort of danced away and Cole looked at Frank, "Come to my house after school, alright." She scribled her address on a piece of paper, along with her cell number. She handed it to him and walked away.

Mikey and Frank had gone to Frank's so he could change clothes. Mikey was trying to show him to Cole's as they walked towards his own house. Mikey pointed to a street, "That's hers. Follow it for a few minutes and her house is on the left. Good luck." Frank nodded and they parted ways. As he walked down the street he realized that these houses were three times the size of his or Mikey's. He found the address and walked up to the door, knocking. Matt opened the door, "Romeo! Hey! My sister's in the basement." Frank stepped in and followed Matt through the house, to a door. Frank went down, closing the door behind him. Her room was dark with black and purple velvet all around. A king sized bed took its throne in the middle of her room, against the wall. There were various punk and goth posters around her room: Rancid, The Cure, Cradle of Filth, Otep, The Adicts, and so on. Cole was wearing ripped up jeans, skate shoes, a pyramid belt, and ripped up white t-shirt that came above her belly button and revealed her clevage. She waved him over, "Sit anywhere." She was at a desk to the right of her bed. Frank sat on her bed and she looked him over, "I guess we should get this shit over with, than." They opened their scripts to the First Act, Scene Five. The teacher had inserted kiss scenes where appropraite, considering there were no stage directions written in Shakespeare to have his actors kiss, except the final act. They started to say their lines and Cole got to her final one before the first kiss, "Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake." Frank looked at her, "Do we?" She laughed, "If it makes you uncomfortable, then no. But practice makes perfect unless you are scared." Frank grinned, "I'm not scared, but you are an intimidating girl." Cole sighed, "Try this again. Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake." She leaned in and Frank filled the space, pressing his lips to hers. Their lip rings sent chills down one another's spine's. Weird how they were on opposite sides and didn't interfere with each other. Frank placed his hands on her waist, pulling her on top of him, falling back onto her bed. She pulled away, "I don't think that's in the script." He smirked, "Scared?" She leaned down and pressed her lips to his. Her basement door opened and a guy cleared his throat, "And you worry about me cheating?!" He walked over and pulled Cole off of Frank, sending her to the floor. He grabbed Frank up by his shirt and raised his fist. Cole glared, "Branden it's not what you think! That's enough!" He took a swing. His fist connected to Frank's face and he stumbled, falling to the floor. Cole got up, "Branden stop it!" He went to grab Frank and Cole hit him. He dropped instantly. For a small girl she had a lot of power in her. She glared, "Go home, now! We are practicing for Romeo and Juliet!" Branden got up, "Bullshit! I know you! You're more distant than that! I had to kiss your ass for years before you looked at me twice! I'm outta here. We're done!" He stormed off, slamming the door. Cole got on her knees and Frank sat up. His lip was bleeding on the opposite side of his lip ring. Such luck. She handed him the kleenex box off of her desk. She pulled one out and gently pressed it to his lip. He sighed, "I'm really sorry..." She looked upset, but nothing drastic, "It's fine...he does it to me all of the time. Guess you did me a favor." She put the box back on her desk and they stood up. She ran a hand through her messy hair, "You should get need to get that lip looked at." Frank nodded and walked away without another word. His first real encounter with her wasn't so bad. They flirted, they kissed, her boyfriend tried to beat him up. Yeah...that went well.
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