Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

Chapter 6

by areyounormal 3 reviews

A failed rescue and Pete's hunger increases

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-07-14 - Updated: 2009-07-14 - 2129 words - Complete

A/N - Huge thanks for all the reviews so far, they make me very happy!! Please don't stop! :D

Without needing to say a word, Beckett invaded Brendon’s thoughts and ordered him to enter the cell. As he pushed the door open once more, much of his anger dissipated as he saw Pete, locked in the sturdy cage, shackled to the wall and plainly scared. He didn’t know what Beckett had said or done, but it had knocked the fight out of him and it was more than enough to draw a satisfied smile from his lips.

“What’s the matter, Wentz?” he smirked. “You don’t look your usual over-confident self. Master William, have you been frightening our guest?”

Beckett sneered, happy to let Brendon enjoy a few minutes of pleasure at Pete’s expense.

“I’m afraid that’s exactly what I’ve done, but I’m going to rely on you to calm him.”
“Calm him?” Brendon’s doubts flooded back at the suggestion, but they didn’t last long.

Raising a remote control device, Beckett silently pressed a button. Pete glanced urgently over his shoulder as he felt a tug on the chains around his wrists and ankles. Slowly but surely, each of the chains were being reeled in; inch by inch, until finally Pete was held firmly against the wall. No amount of pulling or struggling made any difference. It felt bad enough that he was locked up and chained, but this new development brought him whole new degrees of fear. Unable to move, he was helpless against whatever they had planned and the expressions on their faces told him that he wasn’t going to like it.

“Brendon,” Beckett began, his eyes not moving from Pete as he spoke. “We will be feeding our guest soon, but he doesn’t seem to have much of an appetite.”

Pete’s eyes widened at the words and the grimace and pain etched on his face displayed the level of effort with which he now tried to struggle free of the chains. Beckett shook his head and waited, eventually laughing smoothly as Pete finally gave in to exhaustion. Glistening with sweat and gasping for breath, the young vampire, turned hunter, gazed with a mixture of hate and fear at his captors. They were in no hurry, and were more than happy to wait for Pete to realise that they were completely in control.

“There is no escape for you this time, Peter,” Beckett gloated. “You should accept that, it’ll be much easier for you that way.”

Pete’s expression became a mixture of dread and concern as, at the press of another button, the door to his side of the cell slid back allowing Beckett and Brendon to enter.

“Now Brendon, I’m sure our guest would like to make room for his meal, don’t you think?”

Brendon’s smirk grew wide, displaying his long, razor sharp fangs. Moving closer to his chained prey, Brendon reached up and seized a handful of Pete’s hair, before pulling his head to one side, exposing his neck. All the while, Pete fixed him with a defiant glare.

“I’m going to enjoy this,” Brendon hissed with a broad grin demonstrating his delight and eagerness to cause Pete any pain he could.
“Not too much, Brendon,” Beckett warned. “We want our guest hungry, not dead.”
“Yes, Master,” Brendon replied automatically but barely registering the words.

His eyes had already glazed in his desire to make Pete suffer. Leaning in, Brendon delighted in the huff of pain that Pete released as his fangs pieced Pete’s pale skin. Instead of allowing the blood to flow naturally into his mouth, Brendon sucked on the vein, deepening the wounds and intensifying Pete’s anguish. Beneath him, Pete writhed with agony, unable to pull away but refusing him the satisfaction of a cry or scream. To Brendon’s delight, Beckett said nothing and merely looked on with an approving smile. If there was one thing upon which Beckett could rely with his enthusiastic Second, it was cruelty.

“Enough,” Beckett interrupted as Pete’s knees began to sag.

Brendon wanted more; he wanted to suck out every last drop of his rival’s blood, but he didn’t dare disobey Beckett again. Licking the last remnants of blood from his lips, Brendon pulled back and watched with a satisfied smirk as Pete slumped, held upright only by the chains. Stepping forward, Beckett pulled Pete’s head back and couldn’t help but smile as his eyes rolled in their sockets. Signalling to Brendon to follow him, Beckett left the cell and watched as the door slid shut behind him and his aide. Pressing a third button on the remote, Beckett and Brendon watched almost impassively, as the manacles around Pete’s wrists and ankles clicked open and Pete slipped silently to the floor.

“What next, Master William?” Brendon asked eagerly.

Opening the door of the adjacent cell that led to the viewing area, once more using the remote device, Beckett pressed the small black box into Brendon’s palm.

“This is the part you’ll really like, Brendon,” Beckett smirked. “Fetch his hunter friend, Patrick and place him in the cell opposite Peter. When he can’t bear the bloodlust any longer, open the adjoining door.”

Brendon’s eyes widened with his smile.

“You’re going to make him kill Patrick?” he asked impressed at even Beckett’s cruelty.
“Indeed, I am,” Beckett grinned in return. “Very possibly the quickest and simplest way to break him.”
“And cruellest,” Brendon added.
Beckett’s lips turned up at the ends as he noticed the delight in Brendon’s eyes.

“Of course, but, I’m sure I’m not the only one here who believes that he deserves it.” Beckett paused as he placed a finger on his aide’s chest. “But, Brendon, and trust me, this is much more important than you may realise, don’t fail me on this.”
“I’ll see to it, Master William. I won’t fail, I assure you.” Brendon agreed with a broad and eager smile.
“William, Brendon, you may now call me William again.”


Beyond the mansion, hidden in the bushes, Joe and Andrea crouched low and stared up at the main gates.

“You’re telling me that that mansion’s full of vampires?” Andrea whispered.
“Yeah,” Joe replied quietly, his eyes roaming the grounds looking for a possible way in.
“And we’re doing this at night?” Andrea paused, waiting for a reply she didn’t receive. “Why, exactly?
“It’s easier not to be seen at night,” Joe explained with irritation clear in his tone.
“Who by?” Andrea whispered in return. “If their senses are as heightened as you say, isn’t now like daylight for them?”

Joe found himself turning to look at the pretty brunette at his side. Drawing his lips into a thin line, he allowed his shoulders to fall.

“Yeah,” he finally admitted. “But I don’t want to wait, they could be doing anything to the guys in there. If they’re even still…”

Joe turned sharply; steadying himself as he almost lost his balance. Standing over them was the surviving vampire police officer that had brought Pete to the mansion. The vampire’s eyes widened as, looking down, he briefly caught sight of the Electro-Mesh Device that Patrick had rigged up for their group. Without a moment’s hesitation, Joe had pulled the trigger. Unlike the night before, the equipment worked flawlessly, firing out a self-sealing net that clung to the vampire’s body. Flashes of blue and yellow light crackled along the thin but deceptively strong fibres. Within the net, the vampire crumpled to the ground, shaking as if he were having seizures.

“What’s that?” Andrea asked recovering from the shock of being discovered and Joe’s quick response.
“One of Patrick’s toys,” he replied quickly resetting the mechanism and pushing himself to his feet. Stretching a hand down to help Andrea stand, Joe urged her with his eyes to hurry. “Come on! They’ll see that!”
“Where to?” she asked hurriedly, following him back down the small hill to her car.
Taking another look up at the mansion, Joe frowned deeply with frustration and concern.

“Around the back,” he spoke quietly, more out of uncertainty than fear of discovery. “We’re no good to them captured or dead. We have to find another way in.”
“Well… they won’t be expecting us to come now.”
“If they find that cop, they’ll know exactly where we are,” Joe frowned, annoyed with himself for not thinking about it sooner.
“Well, what if we…”

Andrea was cut off as a dazzling bright light was shone in their eyes.

“Damn it!” Joe snapped as he used a hand to shield himself from what he know realised was a searchlight trained on them.
“There!” came a call from above them.
“Get in!” Joe demanded. “Drive!”

Turning towards the passenger side, Joe almost walked directly into the punch. Reeling backwards over the hood of the car, Joe raised his weapon and hoped it would be enough to scare off his attacker. Behind him, the crash of glass and the scream could only mean that Andrea was being attacked. Resisting the urge to look over his shoulder, Joe fired off another net, enmeshing the vampire who had struck him. Now turning, he saw two more; one approaching him and another trying to pull Andrea from the car.

“Start the engine!” he yelled.

Twisting around to land a forceful kick into the chest of his attacker, temporarily disabling him, Joe pulled a stake from his pocket and lunged towards him to finish the job. Before the dust had fallen, Joe had turned a full one-eighty and was driving the stake into the third vampire’s back.

“Start the engine!” he yelled again as he looked up to see more approaching.

Sliding across the hood, Joe was relieved to hear the engine fire up. Andrea reached across and opened the door as he neared it.

“Get in!” she screamed.

Not even stopping to remove the Electro-Mesh Device from around his neck, Joe dived in and Andrea sped off, the wheels spinning and kicking up loose gravel in their hurry to leave.

Turning to look out of the rear window, Joe could see a line of four vampires standing in the road, merely staring back. Looking forward again, he was relieved to see the road ahead was clear.

“That was close,” he muttered, still breathless from the attack.
“Close? Really? You think so?” Andrea snapped in return. “I told you that was a bad idea!”
“If you don’t want to do this, that’s fine, just drop me off and I’ll do it on my own!” Joe barked back.
“I do! I told you I do! I just don’t want to get us killed!”
“You think I want that?” Joe raised both his pitch and his eyebrows at her reply.
“No,” she replied suddenly calm – the unexpected change forcing him to listen to her. “But you are going the right way to make it happen.”

Joe sighed. She was right. He had reacted from the heart, not the head; Patrick was always telling him the same thing.

“We need to go back home, my home. I need more equipment and Patrick’s notes. We’ll come back at dawn, and we’ll be ready for them this time.


Pete opened his eyes slowly. He felt weak, drained, hungry. The first sensation that filled his senses was the smell of blood; sweet, warm and inviting. Licking his lips in his thirst, he tried to block out the overpowering and intoxicating scent.


Pete closed his eyes tightly.


Pushing himself to his knees, Pete glanced over to the source of the sound. In the adjoining cell stood Patrick, right up against the bars. Pete could see the concern on his face for his vampire friend, he could also see the multiple bite marks on Patrick’s neck and wrists, releasing the warm scent even more.

“Get away from the bars,” Pete croaked out.
“Pete, are you all right?” Patrick sounded even more concerned by his reply.
“Trick, you can’t trust me!” Pete begged him to understand, his eyes filled with apprehension and fear. “I’m hungry. They drained me. I don’t know how long I can control myself.”

Shocked at the words, Patrick stumbled back away from the bars, all too aware that a door separated them. A door that he knew, without question, Beckett would open at the height of Pete’s suffering.
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