Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Haunted Memories
Hi this is my first story, any comments are always welcome, good or bad they will all be gratefully received. This is just the intro, hopefully it will get better as we go along :)
‘Ugh I can’t believe its raining’ I thought to myself as I walked out of Dr. Philips room, glancing out of the window, just my luck to wear ¾ pants and not bring a coat, after all when I left home this morning it had been sunny. I had been seeing Dr. Philips on and off for the past few years and it was decided that the only way I could get through these situations was to keep a journal. This was meant to help me understand my own feelings and why I had built up such a strong barrier, never letting people get intimately close, no matter what the situation.
I walked home in the rain which I found relaxing as my mood was not the best when I left the Psychiatrists office only half an hour before I arrived home totally drenched. The house was empty as both parents were out at work, which I thought was great I could make a start on this stupid journal, which I was convinced would do nothing for me or anyone else.
So here I am sitting in my room, fully dried and in dry clothing, I have my stereo on turned full volume and I’m pretty sure my neighbours can hear each song word for word as I listened to Black Flag. I have been sat here for the almost two hours and all I had written was ‘Dear Journal’ I was stuck as to how I could put what I wanted to say onto paper, I was sat chewing the end of my pen pondering what to write when my favourite song came on ‘Nervous Breakdown’.
Just then the front door slammed shut and the next thing I knew was my mom calling upstairs ‘Bridget?.... are you in?’
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