Categories > Games > Silent Hill > The Music Man

Fermata in Mistic Air

by littleCentipede 0 reviews


Category: Silent Hill - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Horror - Characters: Alessa Gillespi - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-07-22 - Updated: 2009-07-22 - 758 words

David struggled, wrestling with the media to say that Josh had simply gone on vacation and would be back after he was well-rested. Weeks after the singer had departed his Los Angeles abode without any word of his leave had sent his focus in the music industry into near-total chaos, if not simply just the fan-base. Rumors had plagued the local tabloids, as well as the internet, spreading through word of mouth, rumors that suggested it all simply became too much for him and he either fled the scene or checked himself out. Such things were cold and hurtful to hear of his latest young project, and David was doing all he could to calm everyone down and hush them all up.

That, however, didn’t mean he wasn’t worried. He figured Josh would at least call when he got there. He hadn’t gotten even a single text message. Despite his seemingly apparent mission to remain optimistic about the whole thing, David wasn’t about to admit it wasn’t a tad worrisome. He didn’t know what really to do. He couldn’t call any hotel or motel that Josh might have been staying at—Josh didn’t say which.

At times, he’d sit in his quarters and just beg his cell phone to ring. For Josh to call. But no such thing came. The singer’s family had asked him to come see them, since he was the one who last saw him before he left on the plane. David was reluctant, but he knew it ate away at them as much, if not more, as it ate at him. It was then he came knocking after a phone call from Lindy asking him to see them about their boy.

He was terrified to say the least. He didn’t know what to expect… or even what to say. He had no idea what happened to Josh to keep him from keeping contact with his friends and family. At least let them know he made it and was alright. He knocked on the door, nerves pricking his abdomen on the inside.

Chris answered the door. He wasn’t all too excited to see him. He opened the door silently and allowed the man enter before retreating further into the house an calling to his parents, notifying them that David had arrived.

Jack and Lindy welcomed him and lead him into the living room, offering him a seat in one of the chairs. Jack kept quiet while Lindy did all of the talking, trying to remain strong in her still apparent worry. With everyone sitting—except Chris, who kept to himself in the doorway leading further into the house—Lindy began with a deep breath before speaking, “Now, please… tell us what has happened.”

David felt a pang of guilt in his chest. It was his fault Josh was gone. He should just sent the boy straight to a psych ward. “Well, first thing’s first… Josh hasn’t been feeling well lately,” he started quietly, “He’s been losing sleep… because of recurring nightmares, where he’s in a dark place and is burning up in fire, he says.”

Lindy’s face contorted with concern and fright for her first born. “He got something in the mail some while ago, I’m not sure exactly when… but it’s been tearing him to pieces since he got it,” David continued as he pulled out the card with the message and the unsightly year written on it. “It’s had him worried and ever since he got it, he’s been having that nightmare that I just told you about. I’m not sure what it all means… but he ended up leaving for some town not exactly on the map,” he said as he handed the card to Lindy. Jack got up and looked over his wife’s shoulder, both looking at the card incredulously.

Chris was just getting angry. “Why couldn’t he have told us about all this? Does he not trust us at all?”

“Christopher!” Lindy said sharply, though not as sharp as probably intended. Chris narrowed his eyes at her, “I’m just saying, what was keeping him from coming to us when he obviously needed some sort of help? I mean doesn’t he trust us? We’re his family!”

“On the contrary,” David said gently, “he might not want you all to get caught up in whatever this might be.”

“Oh Josh… I hope he’s okay…”
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