Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tainted Shadows

Screw You Edward Cullen

by chicago_fire 1 review

Couldn't help myself. Just couldn't. Enjoy!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2009-07-28 - Updated: 2009-07-28 - 804 words

Adam hesitated a moment then nodded at Frank. He motioned toward our little pod, and he followed meekly. I could tell he was really shaken up and I felt horrible about it, and thankful at the same time it wasn’t me. I felt a swarm of guilt come over me again but Frank wouldn’t allow it.

“Okay boys, from this point on, no frowns or sad feelings. Today is a day to just fuck around and have fun. Understood?”

We answered in unison trailing slightly behind him, afraid to walk beside him. I walked cautiously, attempting not to step on his heels. Once, I got close and bumped into him, quickly muttering apologies. I bumped into his back, which smelled so good, he smelled so good. I suppose it was a happy little accident.

“Oh shit, I forgot. Mikey, Gerard. This is Adam.”

“I know Adam from class.” I said blankly staring at my feet as they walked.

“I’m new I’m from New York. Just transferred here.” Adam mumbled.

I looked to Mikey, who was chewing on his jacket sleeve, with his arms crossed. He seemed to be staring at Adam, but then darted his eyes away as he noticed my glance. Mikey was always shy, but he never stared. I decided to brush it off as innocent curiosity. I returned to looking at the hallway tile.

“Oh, a New York kid, eh? It’s a bit less civilized here in Jersey. Some call it the ghetto of New England.” He chuckled slightly, trying to ease the air.

Not really an easy feat at the moment, but I commended him for trying. He helped take the edge off like a painkiller, my own personal brand of Tylenol.
Screw you Edward Cullen and your Bella heroin. I had Frank Iero, extra strength. At least I’m not a creep who watches him sleep. I laughed to myself a little bit, about the thought.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Nothing just something stupid.”

“Whatever makes you smile, man. Today is all about putting smiles on faces.”

“Then why don’t you just fucking put a smiley face sticker on our faces and be done with it?” Mikey suddenly commented.

Adam burst into laughter, followed by Frank and Mikey. Then I couldn’t help it. It was contagious. We made our way to the main exit, still laughing.

“Good one, Mikey.” Adam said out of breath.
“Thanks.” Mikey beamed with a smile.

I hadn’t seen him smile like that since we were kids. This was so backwards, our mom was in the ICU and we were laughing our asses off, skipping school to go get frozen yogurt, for Christ’s sake. It is what it is, I suppose. I just relished in the fact I was this close to Frank Iero. Frank Iero, the boy I would have given anything to talk to. The very same guy I was now chumming around with. Blessing in disguise? I didn’t know, but I was grateful. We arrived at an old beat up, soccer mom van and piled in, book bags and all.
Suddenly it hit me, how the hell were we going to get passed the security?

“Frank? What about security?”

He looked back at me and smirked; now donning a pair of stiletto sunglasses.

“You just let me take care of that.”

“Okay, I don’t know how you’re going to pull this off.”

“You did see me take on Bert and his goons earlier?”


“I can do this.”

I was in the first row of the back row; Adam had bravely taken a seat next to my brother. Both were talking now about a comic book they had just read. It was nice to see Mikey making friends. Neither of us really had any. There was this girl, Alicia. Our next-door neighbor and a fellow classmate in Mikey’s art class. He admitted she was cute but didn’t have the nerve to tell her, regardless of how many times I urged him on. She was really nice to us both, but never too close to me. Alicia mostly talked to Mikey. We approached the gate to our high school. Naturally, security stopped us. All Frank did was wave a badge and we got away scot-free. We drove to the local Mr. Frosty, and ate frozen yogurt in the park nearby. We played hide and go seek, like kids. Then when Frank found me, he called off the game, saying he had to piss. No shame, us boys, no shame at all. :] When he returned he called me over.

“Lets go for a walk.” Frank said.

“What about the other two?”

“They’ll be fine. I have to tell you something.” My heart dropped into my stomach.

“O-okay, sure.”
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