Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Unwanted Attention

Uncertain Thoughts

by InsertWittyNameHere 6 reviews

Why was River so upset?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-07-31 - Updated: 2009-07-31 - 1099 words

Just as she reached the front door, River slipped off her converse before placing the key in the lock. She held her breath and inched the old door open. All the lights were out, this was a good sign. Slowly making her way around the house she checked each room, making sure she was alone. Sighing in relief the young woman dropped onto the sofa savouring the feeling of having the night “off”.

After an hour of mindlessly flicking through TV channels River’s eyelids began to get heavy. Stretching her arms above her head she arched her back trying to loosen her sore muscles. Excitement sizzled inside her stomach as she began to think about the show the next day, her lips twitched upward at the idea. Switching off the television she made her way towards her bedroom before collapsing onto the lumpy unmade bed.

Memories of the night began to seep into her mind, as she crawled under the covers. River needed to redeem herself somehow. She couldn’t believe of all people, Gerard Way was the one to find her at her weakest. Just the thought of this brought a rosy colour to her cheeks. Sighing, she remembered what had caused her to breakdown.

She remembered how her mother’s “friend” insisted on escorting her to the concert, how she shouldn’t be around these streets late at night alone. She remembered how the music pulsed around her and how she sang the lyrics with all her heart. She remembered him moving with the beat not far behind her, she didn’t take any notice of this at the time. She remembered how he pushed himself on her; his hot breath reeked of beer as it danced across her neck. She remembered moving away, uncomfortable with his closeness but it wasn’t long before he moved near her once more placing his rough hands on her hips, forcing her to move with him. Turning to face him she placed her small hands on his chest in an attempt to shove him away.

His blue eye’s glazed over from the alcohol were ridden with lust, only to be consumed by anger at young girl’s rejection. Grabbing her wrist tightly he pulled her towards the nearest restroom.

There were a few women inside, fixing their make-up when the large man barged in pulling a distraught girl behind him. Each woman escaped quickly, already knowing the actions, which were about to take place but feared for their own safety rather than the girl’s. He forced her against the tiled wall, grabbing her chin tightly in his grubby hands.

River winced as her back harshly came into contact with the wall. She quickly began to claw at his hands in an attempt to escape. Through each sob she begged him to stop.

“Shut it, Bitch,” He growled, gripping her face tightly digging his filthy nails into her skin. River now beginning to panic whimpered quietly, struggling as each ragged breath burned her throat.

“P-please, please d-don’t.” She whispered.
The man laughed harshly at this, amused at her struggling.
“Oh I’ve heard things about you” He whispered, a sickening smirk played across his lips. “Great things.”

Placing a finger on her jaw, he slowly began to drag it down examining her face as he went causing River to shudder in disgust. She couldn’t believe this was happening, as if she needed more trouble in her life. She needed to get out of here quickly.
“I know all about that little business you have with your mother” He smirked. “I thought I could take a little test drive.”
“N-no” She squeaked, unable to find her words. “P-please, D-don’t”

“Oh my god!”
The man quickly glanced behind him to find the intruder. River used this to her advantage. She quickly forced her knee upwards, causing him to grunt loudly in pain. She watched as he fell to the floor clutching himself between his legs.

Jumping over the man she raced outside, tears threatening to escape. She shoved through the mass of people blocking her way to the door, some shouted in objection but River continued non the less ignoring each cry. She needed to get out of there. She needed to get away from him. She burst through the exit, gaining confused looks from the bouncers. The sudden burst of cold air slapped her face as she ran. She dropped to the floor gasping for air, each breath felt as if like she was swallowing hot angry flames.

She felt pathetic; everything he had said was true. She was disgusted with herself; she had never amounted to anything in her life. She never saw any of the money her mother received. Placing her head in her hands she began to shake violently. She was a failure. She sat there for hours and eventually Gerard had found her.

Now as she lay in her bed, she knew things had to change. River vowed not to live this life any longer than she needed to. But she had nowhere to go, no one to help her. How far would she actually get before crawling back to her mother? Her mother was right; she thought angrily, she would never amount to anything in her life. She just hoped that wasn’t true.


Gerard lay in his bunk, listening to the even breathing of each of his band mates. He cursed his stupidity. Why had he invited her backstage? She wouldn’t need a fuck up like him in her life. He sighed loudly once again moving around trying to find a comfortable position on the small bunk.

He couldn’t get those crystal blue eyes out of his mind, full of pain and sorrow. He knew he should keep away from her. He’d only mess up her life even more, although he couldn’t stop the need to help her. Save her, even. Save her from whoever caused her such pain. He cursed himself silently. Gerard barely knew the girl, he was sure she would be disturbed if she heard his thoughts.

Maybe he was over analysing things, maybe someone in her family was ill. Maybe she just heard some bad news. Yeah, he thought, that must be it.

However, Gerard couldn’t shake the feeling that it was something worse, something far worse.

me again. thank you so much for the reviews(: I know I was kinda quick but hey, if it's bad just let me know :] Review? good? bad? any idea, feel free to share.
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