Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Voices Mistaken

Best Friends and Kisses

by leeshdiddy22 3 reviews

Best friends can give kisses and not be gay, right?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-08-01 - Updated: 2009-08-02 - 1839 words


Real morning dawned with rays of light streaming through the bus windows, illuminating the peacefully sleeping band members. Mikey was fast asleep on the coffee machine, his head in his arms and still clasping a cold cup of coffee made in the early hours of the morning. Bob had not come out of his bunk yet and the only thing visible of Ray was a drooping arm poking out the side of his bunk curtain. I should probably wake them all soon because I could already see the crowd of our band crew forming outside our bus and no doubt wondering whether or not they should let themselves in.
I couldn’t sleep after Gee’s second nightmare. Maybe I was just feeling sympathetic insomnia, but it was amazing the transformation of his personality. Usually Gee was a smirking, sarcastic and affectionate leader who fearlessly led us through the fame cycle without batting an eyelash at the delicate situation of our popularity and income. But last night (or this morning?) and the evening before was the first time I had seen him this shaken ever. He was the vulnerable one now- not our fearless leader.
I looked over from my casual position on the couch and was relieved to find Gerard still sleeping peacefully without any sign of further nightmares. Walking over, I could study him more closely.
Under each closed eye, dark rings of stress colored his otherwise flawless, pale features. His brow was furrowed slightly as if he were frowning at something; but it just looked comical with his eyes shut. Black hair was messily strewn across his pillow and face and residue of his sweat was evident in the greasy nature of his dark locks.
I looked at my wrist and saw the clock slowly ticking towards 9am. Sighing, I reached out and gently placed my hand on Gerard’s forehead.
At my touch, he groaned softly in his sleep and turned over with his back to me. Seeing this as a challenge, an evil grin started to form on my face. I heaved my height of 4’9 into the bunk and plastered every inch of his face and neck that I could see with kisses, giggling all the while.
I hate my giggle. It’s all high pitched and yucky. But it seemed the perfect ingredient to properly wake him up, hopefully cheering him up too (although he would try and act pissed off).
I licked my lips and placed a big sloppy kiss right on his nose and sat back expectantly, with my body crammed in next to his and my arms folded on his chest. His eyelashes twitched and fluttered before opening slowly and setting his hazel orbs on me. Since he was already frowning from the strange expression he had on his face while sleeping, he could only deepen the frown and pout his lips which made me giggle again.

“Morning, precious!!!” I screeched happily in his face, grinning from ear to ear.

Gerard groaned unhappily and tried to push me off (unsuccessfully) and pouting his bottom lip out more. Even in his greasy, tired and stressed mode, I could still find the hilarity and cuteness of Gee. He’s my best friend; you have to love them even when they’re gross and icky. Also; you have to TELL them when they’re gross and icky, for they’re own good, of course.

“Gee, you’re gross and icky.” I pouted back at him sarcastically.

“Wow, thanks, Frankie.” He replied in a hazy jumbled and sleep-ridden voice.

“Shower time!” I announced wickedly, jumping out of bed and rushing towards the kitchen.
By this time the rest of the band members had woken up and stirred to watch the ritual of my waking Gerard up. I have to be creative with my methods; it’s not good to repeat yourself too often.
Mikey saw what I was trying to do and offered the cold coffee to me innocently, trying to keep the smile of glee off his face. I stopped filling the cup I was holding with ice and poured the frozen water into the coffee cup again; making a watery mix of horrible cold coffee that had chemically separated during the morning.

“What are you planning, Frankie?” I heard Gerard yell from his bunk. I knew he wouldn’t move. Not only is he too lazy to get up by himself, but I think he secretly likes my wake up calls.

“Noothinnggg!” I sung back to him, tip-toeing forwards with the freezing and fermented coffee held outstretched in my hands.
I inched forwards, bit by bit, with my back against the wall, darting my eyes back and forth for dramatic effect.

“Gotcha!” I screamed, flinging the liquid onto the head and torso of a very disgruntled (and cold) Gerard.

There was a small pause of silence within the bus. Everyone was watching to see what Gerard would do. Did I go too far? Was he still too upset about his nightmares? Gerard looked down at his soaked T-shirt and pulled it over his head, taking his finger and tasting some of it. He threw his blankets off his legs and swung over the side, the coffee from his hair now dripping onto his bare chest and making him shiver. He looked down at his chest to watch the rivers of coffee make designs down his front. The rest of us were still paused in anticipation.

Suddenly, and without warning, Gerard launched his freezing, wet body in my direction, spraying cold coffee everywhere.

“I’M GOING TO GET YOU, IERO!” He screamed, bolting after me as I sprinted down the bus as fast as my short legs could carry me. I whooped with glee and skipped a step at the fun of the chase and the knowledge that Gerard hadn’t changed one bit.

I skidded down the hallway and found myself at a dead end at the kitchen. I backed into the fridge, looking left and right for an escape route.
Gerard was advancing like a madman. His arms and legs were outstretched and he was stomping forcefully, snarling like a giant. The coffee was an off colour brown and it stained his face, making it look like he was decaying.
I screeched for help, but all the band members just laughed at the scene Gee and I were creating.

“You’re dead, Iero.” He whispered menacingly, my body almost within his grasp.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-…” My scream was cut short by a rampage of tickling fingers and splashes of coffee hitting my face.
I started giggling, unable to stop myself once they started. In an attempt to escape the torture of Gee’s tickling, I leapt over his shoulder, trying to pull off an air maneuver and land on the floor behind him, but instead I got stuck on his shoulder and smeared with the concoction I had mixed up.
He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me off his shoulder and onto the ground, sitting on my legs and continuing his tickling torture.
I flailed my arms around and tensed me body, laughing enough to pull the roof of the bus and kicking my legs, earning me more of the watery coffee.
Gerard had a big grin stretched across his face and he was obviously taking great pleasure in trying to kill me via laughter fits.
I could hear the rest of the band members cracking up behind Gerard’s massive smiling head and it motivated me to flail all the more ferociously.
In another surprising act, Gerard collapsed onto my body, purposely knocking the wind out of my lungs and crushing me slowly.

“Your big fat body is crushing me, Gee!” I choked out, my lungs trying to expand and refill with oxygen.

“Oh I’m sorry,” He said sarcastically, “Am I getting my icky grossness all over you?”
He wiggled for emphasis, making sure I was thoroughly coated with coffee.

“You’re so icky!” I grunted in exasperation.

“Icky like…THIS?” I saw his evil grin out of the corner of my eye before his great greasy mop of black hair descended over my face and eliminated all light.

“There’s hair in my mouth!” I tried to scream, but I’m sure it came out more like ‘ichairinmamouf’ because of the large quantities of gross hair that I was trying not to swallow.

Gerard pulled back for a moment and I grasped the opportunity to spit out stray chunks of his black strands and gasp some air. I looked up at him fearfully. What was he thinking of doing next?
He very slowly (and wetly) licked his lips all over, trying to get as much saliva as he could onto the surface of his mouth. I realized what he was about to do a millisecond too late.
Gerard planted a massive wet and sloppy kiss right on the tip of my nose. I screwed up my face and tried to crane my neck backwards and away from him, but it was too late. He got me. When he pulled back, strings of his saliva formed lines between my nose and his mouth.

“And THAT, is revenge.” He cackled morbidly and dismounted my legs, walking back down the hallway of the bus towards the shower.

“You got saliva all over my nose!! You tainted me!” I shouted at his receding back.

“You’re used to it.” He replied, not even bothering to turn around to witness my struggle of getting the germy spit off my nose.

It was true, though. I was used to his saliva. It sounds disgusting when I put it like that. But we all know the stories. Frerard and all that junk. The truth is, he is just my really good friend. Good friends can exchange saliva if they want without being gay, can’t they?



After the ‘interesting’ start to the morning, I was back to my normal self. I tried not to think about my nightmares because they just depressed me. I keep trying to tell myself that I was overtired from the concert last night, that I wasn’t myself- which was why I had those warped dreams, but the images kept coming back to me stronger than ever, as my subconscious-self tried to pass on a message from me to me (if that makes sense?) .
Luckily I have Frank around, because he is just what anyone needs when they are a little bit down in the dumps; another reason why he’s my best friend. Not just because he wakes me up with the sloppiest kisses ever!

A/N This chapter is basically just establishing the relationship between teh boys.
I was smiling all throughout writing this just coz it's cute n' stuff.
Anyway, if you like it, R&R. If you don't, review me and tell me how horrible it is.
Thanks so much for everyone who has given me feedback! Big smiles for all you peoples.
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