Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and The Power of The Coven

Of Perturbation

by alternatepersona27 0 reviews

Thanks for the reviews and the support! Hope you like it!

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Dumbledore,Fred,George,Harry,Hermione,Snape - Published: 2009-08-05 - Updated: 2009-08-05 - 4701 words

From this point on, it gets kind of intense, which I think is a good thing. However, this is more of an actual story then my other ones and I have an idea about where this will go. So you might notice more of a purpose and a different tone, a little bit like the last chapter, from here on out.

Thanks for reading!

Here is another chappie…

Last Chapter…

Harry James Potter, The Chosen One, The appointed Savior of the Wizarding World, The Boy-Who-Lived, lay on the floor of the smallest bedroom of Number 4 Privet Drive and slipped into the blackness in his mind as his blood seeped between the wooden slats.

For the first time in her life, Hermione Jean Granger prayed to God, Merlin, and anyone else who was listening that she totally and completely wrong.

Curled in a ball on the floor of Ginny’s room, his tears soaking into the carpet, Ronald Bilius Weasley vowed never again to endanger his family.

Chapter 7 – Of Perturbation

The late evening sun sparkled brightly through Dumbledore’s office windows. The Coven sat in conjured armchairs and stared interestedly at the small group of fiery-haired men in front of them. Snape stood to the side, partially hidden by shadows. The shortest of the four redheads was speaking to the headmaster.

“Professor Dumbledore, I think it would be best if Norbert and Mittendorf were sent for as soon as possible in order for them to get used to their surroundings without any danger to anyone within the castle. Unsettled dragons are not fun to deal with and it would be easier all around if no one was worrying about a student getting injured or killed.”

The old man nodded. “Yes, that is wise. How soon can we expect them to arrive if they are sent for immediately following this meeting?”

The redhead looked slightly taken aback. It seemed he hadn’t expect the headmaster to agree so readily. “Three or Four days at the most, Professor. They need to be prepared and the equipment needs to be packed, but the flight itself only takes about 2 days, give or take.”

“Excellent! I would like to get them settled as soon as possible. Because, of course, the safety of those within these walls is our paramount concern right now. The safer those who reside in the castle the better it will be for all. We house here the future and hope of the Wizarding World.”

One of the twins standing next to the headmaster’s desk coughed and muttered, “Future and hope, by which—”

The other continued, “He means Harry. And Of Course, we—”

“Wouldn’t want anything to happen to Harry before—“

“He can save our arses!“

Aurelia giggled as the girls followed this tennis match back and forth. Everyone in the room looked at the old man upon its conclusion, waiting for his reaction.

Dumbledore’s sharp gaze was turned sternly on the twins and each arched an eyebrow. “Boys, I know you understand that I care a great deal for Harry and wish to protect him as much as I am able, yes, but I was referring to the whole student body, faculty, and staff. I do not protect everyone in my care simply so Harry can ‘save our arses’ as you say.”

This quotation caused everyone in the room to burst into fits of laughter, except Severus, who merely snorted softly.

The headmaster smiled benevolently around at them all. He waited for them to settle down.

“Now, boys, on to the second reason I asked you to come in today, for which I am glad you were able to be present. Ladies,” He said, turning his attention on the five women sitting at the far end of the room. “I would like to introduce to you several other new members of the faculty and staff.”

The Coven rose from their seats and the carrot-topped men turned to eye them curiously.

“Members of the Summer Coven,” Upon hearing this form of address, the tallest redhead blinked owlishly and gaped at them. “May I present a small part of the Weasley Clan? This is Bill, who is going to be helping us reinforce the castle’s magical protection and add anything necessary to ensure the wellbeing of Hogwarts’ inhabitants.”

The gaping man shut his mouth quickly and nodded to them. He had long fiery hair pulled back into a low ponytail, a small fang earring dangling from his ear, and a wicked smirk. He was tall and handsome, roguishly so. His eyes sparkled with laughter.

“A pleasure to meet such distinguished women.” He bowed briefly and flashed that smirk. Ariadne grinned proudly, fiercely wishing Lucius Malfoy could hear this.

“Charlie is a dragon tamer in Romania.” Dumbledore continued, gesturing to the man who had been speaking earlier. “He will be assisting Hagrid in teaching Care of Magical Creatures, while keeping an eye on things. There will be two dragons, Norbert and Mittendorf, situated at the Hogsmeade entrance to the Castle, as I am sure you gathered. He will be seeing to their care and maintenance.”

Next to Bill, Charlie was shorter and thicker, more muscular. His stature was confident and strong. He had broad shoulders and a hard, square jaw. His eyes, like those of his brothers, sparkled with mirth, but there was an underlying sadness there. He also bowed briefly, mimicking his elder brother.

“And these two trouble-makers are Fred and George. Don’t worry, very few people can tell them apart. They will be training and leading the DA’s Bomb Squad, which will be newly implemented this year. The D.A. is a Defense Against the Dark Arts study group, in which I am sure several of you young ladies will be interested in participating.”

Ekantika raised an eyebrow and threw a look sideways at Isoko. Isoko rolled her eyes.

The two boys were taller and thinner then their elder brothers with the same ginger hair that seemed to be a Weasley trademark. They both grinned fiendishly and winked. The Coven exchanged looks. They all liked the two instantly.

The headmaster introduced the girls to the Weasleys and bade them all sit.

“It has come to my attention that—“

The headmaster was interrupted by a sharp tapping on the window glass. A glossy eagle owl hovered outside, looking annoyed that it was taking so long for someone to let him in. Snape went quickly to the window and unhooked the latch. It swung wide and the bird entered with an irritated to hoot. It dropped a scroll into Dumbledore’s lap, looked scornfully around, and exited the same way it had come.

The old man stood and unrolled the parchment. The twinkle was soon snuffed out of his eye and his face took on a troubled expression. He sat heavily in his chair.

“It is from Ms. Granger, one of Harry’s closest friends.” He added with a glance at the Coven. “She states that she has had a dream, which she believes is prophetic. She also says that she does not believe in prophecy and divination. She dreamed that Harry had been severely abused by his relatives and he lays on the brink of death, beaten and bloody, on the floor of his bedroom. She claims that if we do not remove him from the premises immediately, we will lose our savior and she her best friend.”

Severus jerked. All four Weasleys gasped softly. The Coven sat straighter in their chairs.

“Albus…Albus, what about your monitors on the boy? Surely you would know? Especially about something like this.”

Only someone who was greatly acquainted with Severus Snape could pick out the desperation in his voice.

“Ah yes…well, you see, in my infinite wisdom,” Dumbledore snorted softly, an entirely self-deprecating sound. “I chose the worst possible time answer all the questions young Harry had for me. He rightly pointed out that if I had told him about the prophecy sooner, I could have prevented the events of last year. However, if I had told him, I am quite sure Arthur Weasley would be dead right now. So, the question of the hour is a father or a sister? Husband or daughter? However, that is not the point. By telling him, I made Harry very, very angry and he as usual lost control of his magic.”

“As usual?” Severus questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, my dear boy. You have never seen it?” Snape shook his head. “Then you have never truly angered…or rather shall we say, enraged Harry.”

The twin’s eyebrows were disappearing into their hair. Snape never truly anger Harry? Impossible.

“When he is truly angry, he loses all control of his magic and affects things around him. Lights flicker. Object rattle and shake. Winds blow. The last time Harry was so enraged, he blew up his aunt. Thus, his out-of-control magic attacked everything in the office that was attuned to it. The monitors on him and on the Blood Magic Ward on Privet Drive, along with anything else attuned to him simply exploded.”

The entire room waited for the old man to continue.

“However…the one object he did not destroy was the stone I keep in my drawer that is attuned to his life force. I was also able to replace the Blood Wards monitor.” This was muttered quietly, more to himself then those around him. Dumbledore pulled open one of the many drawers in his desk and extracted a small stone. His face seemed to crumple in on itself as he gazed at the pulsing red rock. “Severus…” He gaze flew up to meet Snape’s. There was urgency in his voice. “Go get him. Now!”

Ariadne stood quickly and intercepted the black haired man on his way to the fireplace. “I am going with you.” She shed her black robes and stood in muggle clothing: a long black skirt and red velvet bodice with black rose buttons. The Weasleys gaped at her. She pulled her wand from her pocket and turned.

Dumbledore gestured to a small pot of floo powder on the mantle. “Do what you must. If you revel yourselves to the muggles, do not fear the consequences. I am the Chief Mugwump of the Wizengamot and I will personally defend you to the Council. Bring him back. Alive, whatever it takes.”

This statement was uttered with a quiet intensity that stunned everyone in the room. If Dumbledore was willing to use his titles and the immense power that came with them in the wizarding world, this was very serious, indeed.

Ariadne nodded once and grabbed Severus’ arm. She called out, “Hog’s Head” and pulled the tall man into the fireplace with her. Time was of the essence. Her arms went around his waist and he clasped her shoulders before they disappeared in a flash of green flame, without a backward glance.

When they had vanished from sight, Dumbledore turned back to the group in front of him. His flat and despairing eyes landed on the rest of the Coven.

“Olympia, Ekantika, could you please go fetch Hermione Granger and bring her here? Explain to her who you are and why you are here. I am sure she has already heard of you, so it should be simple. Isoko, please alert Madam Pomfrey of Harry’s impending arrival. Tell her to be prepared for serious injury. Aurelia, go down to Severus’ potion’s lab and collect anything you can think of that Harry might need: blood replenishers, nutrition potions, and the like. The hospital wing does not remain stocked during the summer holidays.”

The girls nodded and quickly departed to carry out their duties. Dumbledore then turned to the redheads.

“Charlie, please contact your reserve and have the dragons sent here as soon as possible.” The man nodded and left.

“Bill, you should get to work on the reinforcements of the castle’s protection immediately. I fear we shall need them much sooner then I anticipated.” Dumbledore sighed and pointed Bill to a door in the office’s left wall. He disappeared through it as the old man turned to the twins.

“You two, I want you to go to headquarters and call a meeting of the Order. They need to be told what has happened. Please, also tell them about the Summer Coven, in case one of the girls needs to run an errand for us. Floo Professor McGonagall and your parents to use their authority if you have problems getting certain member to respond to your summons. Tell them it is urgently important. ”

The twins each snapped off a salute and left through the fire. When the office was clear, the headmaster slumped in his seat, a single tear escaping his old eyes. He murmured quietly, “I have failed you, Harry. I’ve failed everyone.”


As soon as she stepped out of the fireplace, Ariadne turned and began pulling at Snape’s robes.

“Mistress Aureus, what do you think you are doing? We need to go!”

“No, you need to remove this robe so I can fix your clothes to blend in with the muggles. He may be willing to use his title to protect us because of the situation, but I think we should avoid forcing that upon him. ” She stated plainly, eyeing him intently.

Heaving a sigh he complied. With a quick tap of her wand, his crisp white shirt turned crimson and his black pressed pants became black denim. Black dress shoes turned into sneakers. Her eyes widened at the sight. Who ever thought to see Severus Snape in jeans and converse high tops?

“Now, we have to go!” She tossed the discarded robe onto one of the armchairs. They made a swift exit: down the stairs and through the bar. Ariadne called a soft thanks to Aberforth, the bartender, as they passed. He gave her a curious look, but merely smiled. The two emerged into the late evening sun. Two loud pops sounded and the street was empty.

So, please review. Thanks so much.

From this point on, it gets kind of intense, which I think is a good thing. However, this is more of an actual story then my other ones and I have an idea about where this will go. So you might notice more of a purpose and a different tone, a little bit like the last chapter, from here on out.

Thanks for reading!

*Here is another chappie
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