Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and The Power of The Coven

Of Agreement

by alternatepersona27 0 reviews

Luna Love lonely liliputs...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Lucius,Snape - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-08-06 - Updated: 2009-08-06 - 5550 words

Also, again, I think Sev might be a bit OOC right here and in the chapter before, but part of it is the Curse and part is the situation and part is just my inability to get him perfect, which I sincerely apologize for.

P.S. anybody figure out my earlier references/ the answers to my earlier questions? No? oh well… that cookie is still up for grabs.

Last Chapter…

Harry stood slowly and turned to exit the room. He paused a moment, then turned back. “Are you…Are you pleased, at least? To have a son, I mean, even if it is me?”

Severus furrowed his brow. “I am naturally very pleased to have a son. And there is nothing wrong with you, Mr. Potter, no matter what I or anyone else has said in the past. Except maybe that you lack a certain amount of self-confidence.”

Harry grinned slightly at him. “Thanks, professor!”

With that, he exited the room, as if in a daze. Severus stared after him

Chapter 17 – Of Agreement

How long Severus stood simply staring at the closed door of his quarters, he did not know, but a light tapping on that same door eventually woke him from his stupor. Moving stiffly, he opened the door and stepped back to allow Ariadne entrance.

“Well, Severus? How did it go? What did he say?” she tilted her head at him in question as she went to sit in the place Harry had vacated.

Walking slowly, Severus took a place on one of the armchairs, sitting gingerly. “It went…better then expected. He did not attempt to simply eliminate me or maim me in any manner that is readily visible or noticeable. That I am aware.”

Ariadne chuckled. “Of course he didn’t! What did he say though? I am assuming he didn’t break down into tears, fling himself in your arms, and call you Daddy?”

The raven-haired man shuddered, then settled back into his chair. “He most certainly did not. Thank Merlin. He simply sat thinking for several moments then left. He asked me if I was pleased to have a son, even if it was him.”

The blonde narrowed her eyes. “What did you respond?”

“I told him that of course I was pleased to have a child. And that there was nothing wrong with him. Blasted Muggles.” Severus dropped his shoulders, guilt written in the lines of his frame. “Though I’m as much to blame.” He muttered.

Ariadne rolled her eyes, not this again. She was going to have to take serious action if this continued. “Severus, put the past into the past, for Goddess sake! The boy has obviously forgiven you for anything you think you may have done! Now it is time to forgive yourself!”

The black eyed man looked at her for several moments, not appearing to understand. He blinked and glanced away then back again. “You may have a point.”

“If you want to have any kind of relationship with your son, you need to forgive yourself and move on. Just don’t revert to old habits!”

Severus nodded. “I do believe we have enough information now, to discuss the Curse.” At the blonde’s nod, he continued. “I am distrustful of this link that calls for the reshaping of relationships.”

“As am I, but we have yet to see any negative effects. The only really noticeable difference in any of us is that my maternal instinct kicked in with a vengeance. Other then that, I am not sure I believe the other changes the Headmaster claims have occurred. He claims that our trust in each other has grown, but why must that be a result of the Curse? He claims that Harry and you have a smoother relationship, but why couldn’t that simply be that you are making an effort to be more accepting of the boy and he is responding in turn? These changes are subtle and there is no proof that they can be attributed to the Curse.”

“I concur. However, it is possible they are a result. We should monitor the relationship bond between the three of us for the remainder of the summer, to know for certain they are not strengthening beyond what is normal or natural, for us.”

Ariadne nodded in agreement.

“There is one more matter I wished to inquire about…”

“Yes, Severus?”

Snape stood and went to stand in front of the mantle. “In Dumbledore’s office, I wish to know why it is that you refused to allow me to explain what happened at that house.” Severus raised his head slightly and looked down his long nose at her.

From her position on the couch, he seemed regal, like an eagle, and, in some strange way, she found his condescension and disdain appealing. His black eyes glittered in the light from the fire at his feet. She shifted a little, attempting to turn her thoughts to the question he had posed. “Why I refused to allow you to relive an extremely traumatic experience? Why I wouldn’t let you describe in detailed the abuse your child suffered at the hands of his relatives? Severus, must you ask? Do you really not understand?” She trained a sharp gaze on him.

He blinked once and tilted his head back to look at her, appraising. Answering questions with more questions was a Slytherin trait indeed. “Be so kind as to answer me, if you would?” His tone was sugary sweet and full of scorn.

“Severus, I wished to spare you the pain. I wanted to protect you from the headmaster and from yourself. You allow yourself to be used as a toy or a slave. He requests and you comply, no matter the cost to your person or your wellbeing, just as the Dark Lord does. It is not right! I refuse to see that done to you. You deserve so much better!” Ariadne’s voice was earnest and filled with righteousness.

The potion’s master simply looked at her. His eyes widened fractionally. She stood and moved to his side. Slipping her arms around him, she hugged the forbidding man, hoping to offer both comfort and reassurance that she believed what she said, that she could follow through with it. She was about to pull away, when Snape’s arms twined around her and pulled her tight to his chest. She felt Severus lean his face down to her ear and the softly whispered “Thank you” would remain forever engraved on her heart.

She smiled against the fabric of his shirt and let her head drop against his shoulder. It had been a long day already, though it was not yet noon, and neither had gotten a good night’s sleep. It felt like home to be in his arms like this. She wondered vaguely if the Curse had anything to do with it, but dismissed it immediately, realizing that even if it did, she didn’t care.


As Ariadne relaxed in Snape’s embrace, Harry roamed the halls of Hogwarts in a stunned daze. He had a father… Not paying attention to where he was going, Harry inevitably ran right into someone, even thought the castle was nearly empty. He looked up with an apology on his lips, but grinned when he saw who it was.

“Hermione! Just the witch I wanted to see.”

The bushy-haired brunette smiled at her best friend. “What’s up Harry? Where did you and Professor Snape disappear to, by the way?”

“Follow me. I really need somebody to talk to, but not out here in the middle of the hallway.” So saying he finally took notice of his surrounding. “Perfect!” They were only one floor up from the Room of Requirement. “To the DA headquarters!”

Hermione chuckled and followed him down. He opened the door to find a room much like the Gryffindor common room, only smaller. Entering, the both took sets before the roaring fire.

“Did Professor Snape tell you about you parents?” Hermione came straight to the point.

Harry nodded. He repeated to her everything the man had said. “I…I just don’t know how to react, Herm. On the one hand, I actually have family! Close Family. I have a father! On the other, Snape has always hated me. I just don’t know where I stand with him. I don’t even know how he took the news of having a son because he seemed more interested in my reaction then telling me whether or not he wanted a son… I disliked him for so long and I thought he hated me and I blamed him for everything and I thought that one time that he was trying to kill me and I just don’t know what to feel or what to do! How will this change things? Will he treat me differently? Will I actually have a family? Does he still hate me? It doesn’t seem like it, but…” He took a deep breath to calm himself. “Help me, Hermione?”

“Oh, Harry!” Hermione stood and went to his side. Kneeling next to him, she said, “Of course, Professor Snape wants a son! You are the physical representation of the love he and Lily felt for one another all those years ago! I bet Snape was delighted to have a son…no, to have you for a son! Everyone always say that you have Lily’s eyes. I bet you remind him of her. That could be another reason he treated you so poorly… And, of course, he’d be interested in your reaction. He probably thought you were going to attack him for defiling your mum or some such nonsense. He couldn’t have known you’d be calm about it. I didn’t even think you’d be calm about it and I know you better then anyone! You could have discarded him or denied him as your father. You have the power to remove his only link to the woman he loved, Harry!” Hermione looked Harry right in the eye.

His eyes widened. “Oh. I guess that makes sense.”

“Harry, why are you taking this so calmly?”

He thought for a moment, his emerald eyes clouded with melancholy. “I never knew my da…James Potter anyway, so it’s not like I could feel betrayed or lied to or hurt or whatever. I never met that man. He was just a vision in my head of what a father should be. Of what could have been. And it makes more sense that they weren’t in love. I mean, they argued and bickered and fought, like you and Ron do, but no one ever said how they fell in love. It never really made sense, the transition. If they were friends and it was a cover, that seems more plausible to me.”

“You are being very mature and accepting of this, Harry, I am very proud of you. I am sure your mum would be too. But the only one who can answer the rest of your questions is your father.” Hermione took his hand and held it, smiling at him. He smiled warmly back.

They stayed like that for a few moments. Until Harry sat up abruptly. “I don’t know what to call him!”

Hermione leaned back, startled. “Call whom, Harry?”

“Professor Snape! I dunno what I should call him! I mean he is my father, but calling him dad would be too freaky and father is too. It also makes me think of Malfoy. It’s odd calling him Professor Snape, now that I know he is my father. This is just too weird!”

Hermione’s eye widened. “Oh! I… There is another thing to ask him next time you see him!”

“I will… Herm, did Dumbledore say when lessons are supposed to begin for us?”

She shook her head, “But he did say that you need to test your magic first. Maybe you should go ask? I will go with you if you want.”

“Thanks, Hermione. You are the best friend anybody could ever ask for! I don’t know what I would do without you!” Harry grinned and gave her a half hug. She smiled shyly at him and they went in search of the headmaster.


Dumbledore looked over the two teens that sat in front of him awaiting an answer to their question. He knew Severus had told Harry the news and was pleased to see that Harry was taking it remarkably well.

“Your testing can begin whenever you believe you are fit enough for it. We can’t have you straining yourself so soon after your illness, so you must feel 100%.”

Harry wrinkled his forehead. “I do feel fit enough. I am perfectly fine, Headmaster. Can I begin today? I want to get the testing over with so I can begin training.”

The old man smiled. “Alright Harry, we will begin after the noontime meal. I must speak with Ariadne and Olympia before we begin however. Enjoy your lunch and return when you have finished.”

So dismissed the two teen exited, leaving Dumbledore to ponder the best method of testing Harry’s magic. Quickly writing a short note, he sent Fawkes to deliver it. With a flash, the bird was gone.

With his fingers steepled, the headmaster sat back in his chair. He knew Harry, in times of great distress, would lose control of his magic. He also believed that it had only happened twice. Perhaps if they could find some way to provoke Harry into a rage, then his true strength would manifest. But Severus had never made Harry that angry, could he do it now?

As the old man sat, Severus and Ariadne were making their way through the corridors on their path to the Headmaster’s office. Olympia met them in the Great Hall and the three went up together. She grinned at seeing the two so close to one another. Ariadne shot her a withering glance and ignored the winked she received in return.

The old man was waiting for them when they arrived and waved them into chairs. A house-elf brought up a tray of sandwiches and pastries, along with the tea. Once they began eating, Dumbledore explain his plan.

“Headmaster, if I have not been able to do so before, how might I anger the boy now?” The raven-haired man arched a brow.

“What caused his anger in the past?”

“Headmaster, I am sure insulting his intelligence would not be a prudent thing to do, since he already has an inferiority complex, thanks to those filthy muggles. Taunting him about Black might work, but it never unleashed his accidental magic before, nor did taunts about his vulnerability. Criticizing James Potter may not have the same effect now as it did, with both the revealing of his paternity and the memory he saw in the pensive. I really have no idea what to tell you. Although, Umbridge seemed to be able to enrage him with a simple cough.”

“Yes, Dolores did seem to have quite the ability to anger dear Harry. Ariadne, do perhaps feel you could cause some accidental magic in the boy?” He turned twinkling eyes on her. She snorted.

“By angering him or some other means? I believe if you are looking for someone to anger him, the only professor you chose not to identify for him might work. Lucius is enough of a pompous, egotistic, slimy bastard to enrage anyone.” Olympia grinned and Severus snorted softly.

“Hmm… Sarcasm aside, Ariadne, you may have a point. Harry has an intense dislike of Lord Malfoy. I think you have found a solution.”

“Dislike?” Severus snorted again. “He hates Lucius ten times more then he ever hated me. I think the only…breathing entity, for I am loath to call him human, he hated more is the Dark Lord.”

“Quite. I wonder if Lord Malfoy would care to join in our little test…”

Severus sneered. “Lucius is drawn to anything with power. He feeds off power like an addict off heroine. He would be glad to join in any display of it.”

Dumbledore nodded and turned to the fire to call Malfoy. Several minutes later, he turned around again with a triumphant smile. “It seems you were correct, Severus. Lord Malfoy will be joining us in ten minutes time. He has agreed to provide his assistance to us.”

Severus narrowed his eyes, throwing a glance at the blond at his side. “Potter will not be pleased.”

Olympia rolled her eyes. This was not going to turn out at all well.

Also, again, I think Sev might be a bit OOC right here and in the chapter before, but part of it is the Curse and part is the situation and part is just my inability to get him perfect, which I sincerely apologize for.

[*P.S. anybody figure out my earlier references/ the answers to my earlier questions?No? oh well
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