Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Dark Times Call for Dark Measures

part 2

by vampirekitten67708 2 reviews

Ok heres the next part. It starts slow but trust me it does get better so keep reading and let me know what you think

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Pansy - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-08-22 - Updated: 2009-08-22 - 420 words

Lilith was laying in bed thinking. She had just came back from France and couldn’t believe she was about to go back to Hogwarts. She had been gone for so long. Things this time were gonna be different. She was no longer the foolish little girl she had been when she had first stepped foot into the castle, oh no. Back then she had been so dumb, naive even.
She looked out her window watching for her aunt or the to come over. It meant she gotta leave and could go off and see her father. She missed him. He was unlike mom who was always making her do things that were better for the family no matter what. It was funny how Pansy seemed to get everything she wanted. Well not for long, Lilith thought, soon they would all know. There was a knock at the door and Lilith jumped to her feet. Her aunt was here. “Oh goody, aunties here to take you away for a little bit that way you won’t be here when Draco gets here”, Pansy said as Lilith past her to go wait in the living room. Normally she would have said something back but that would have turned into a fight and she needed to keep everyone happy today.
“Lilith honey let’s go”, her aunt called from the doorway. Lilith made her way out to the fireplace. She hated Floo Powder it made her dizzy and sick. They traveled to the book store first to get the books. “Auntie why don’t I go over to the rob shop and get my robs while you get my supplies that way we can leave faster and get back sooner”, Lilith asked knowing that her aunt would be ok with it because she didn’t like to be late for anything and tonight’s dinner with the Malfoy’s seemed a bit important seeing as it was kinda her welcome back dinner. “Yes yes go but be quick. We’ll meet outside here when your done and you are not to go wondering on your own got it”, she asked. Lilith nodded and walked down to Madam Milliken, or at least it would look like she was going that way.
Once Lilith was sure she her aunt couldn’t see her she made a quick right turn and began walking in towards Knocktrun Ally.

Let me know what you think for more. It get's more intresting with a dinner at the Malfoy's
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