Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > school like you have never seen it before

smart smart

by X_pansy_X 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-08-30 - Updated: 2009-08-31 - 555 words

ok im going to make this better then the last...enjoy

frank: what was that?

frank was lying on the ground and looked at gerard who was next to him

gerard: i have no idea.

they both looked up. they gasped for before them was bob in a banana costume

bob: IM A BANANA!!!!!

frank: he's crazy!

gerard: sure is

ray helped th two up and they carried on walking to "the wall".
"the wall" was a blue wall the that would randomly stand at after school.

frank: OMF its evil us... well i should say good us

they looked across the bus bay and saw the group of students that seemed to copy their looks.

mikey: OMF good frank dyed part of his hair red as well

frank: he did to... i wounder if they have the same names as us?

bob: maybe

frank hey guys could you help me keep an eye out for my moms car?

gerard: what color is it?

frank: blue

for the next 6 minutes the checked every blue car that came by them.
then a red car stopped in front of them

frank: that my mom. got to go

ray: so much for blue car

frank: hey i though it was

mikey: cya frank and your "blue" car

frank: shut up

and with that he was gone.

gerard: bye frank

gerard yelled. his voice childish.

bob: he cant hear you

gerard: oh im no calling to frank but his look a like.

after 10 minutes of gerard yelling "bye frank" to the look a like, the look a like turned to him

look a like: my name is not frank.. its JESS

gerard: who would have knew?

ray: well thats my daddy so i best go. hey bob want a ride?

bob: love one!!!

ray and bob get into a yellow mini,

gerard: bye bye

mikey: you yell like a little girl

gerard: i know. it sucks

mikey: wall

gerard: yeah....

the two brothers exchanged a look then both backed up then ran towards the wall.

gerard: hahaha ow

mikey: i so did not know you were about to do that too

gerard: i know

mikey: so gerard i hear that we have to do debates in English soon

gerard: i know and our group will be doing the topic of "is beauty better then brains"

mikey: lame... brains will win

gerard: i know. your smart smart

mikey: why wont you let that go!!!!

(last year in mikeys speech he said that intellectuality intelligent people rule. basically he said smart smart people rule)

gerard: i never will. you smart smart person

mikey: what ever. hey isn't mom meant to be here, wait never mind there she is

gerard: why is you late mom?

gerard quickly got into the front seat making mikey sit in the back

mom: i hit a per-schooler

mikey: WHAT?!?!

MOM: never mind that. i heard you were late to school today gerard?

gerard: that is the truth

mom: why?

gerard: on my way to school today i came across a group of children bullying a small i helped it.

mom: oh that poor turtle

mikey: and you call me smart smart. . . . .

thats the end of this chapter! please review! and yes this really did happen at my school.
next chapter there will be fire!!!!
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