Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Forgotten Events

Event 22

by Mikari 0 reviews

Event 22: A Taste of Your Own Medicine

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Itachi - Published: 2009-09-09 - Updated: 2009-09-10 - 1403 words - Complete

Forgotten Events

Event 22: A Taste of Your Own Medicine

Itachi lay motionless on the ground next to their camp site, while Kisame poked him with a stick. The shark man dropped the stick, bent over and proceeded to poke Itachi with his finger. "Hey, wake up!" No reply came from the comatose Uchiha.

That morning, Kisame had woken up to Itachi's voice singing, "I'm too sexy for Akatsuki, too sexy for Akatsuki, too sexy yeah!" The handsome Uchiha was sitting on a log, having already packed up his tent. He was currently brushing his long black hair. He made faces at the mirror and ran his fingers over the lines on his face. They had bothered him before, but soon he noticed he was too good looking to be affected by such small details so he paid less attention to them these days.

Kisame was thankful that Itachi lost his complex, since he had stopped going into every pharmacy they came across to buy a different brand of facial cream. His self confidence had certainly gone up ever since he accepted the cute little lines as simply part of his face. Unfortunately for Kisame, who had to put up with him, his ego had gone up too. Every morning it was the same thing. Itachi would wake up singing that same song, while he stared at himself in the mirror adoringly and brushed his hair.

That morning had been no different. Kisame got up in a foul mood, feeling somewhat jealous that he looked so ugly compared to Itachi, or compared to most people for that matter. Even so, he brushed it off. At least he wasn't terrified of scratching his nail polish like Itachi was. Oh yes the Uchiha's nails were always perfectly manicured. "Good morning Kisame!" Itachi cheerfully greeted with a smile on his face that he would not show, should an enemy ninja be anywhere near by.

"Morning," Kisame was not feeling too energetic. "I'm going to the river near by to get some water." The shark man left. By the time Kisame returned, he found Itachi knocked out on the ground. It couldn't be the work of thieves because nothing was missing from their camp. It couldn't be fan girls, because otherwise they would have kidnapped Itachi. Who did this was a big mystery to Kisame. Itachi was a strong ninja; he shouldn't be defeated so easily. Furthermore, Kisame found no traces of anyone other than Itachi being in the area during his short absence.

"Ow," Itachi stirred. "Oh..."

"Itachi?" Kisame poked him once more.

"Ouch, stop poking me." With some help from Kisame, Itachi stood up still using his partner for support. "Mirror... evil... Mangekyo Sharingan..." After saying those words, he collapsed back into a coma.

xoxox xox xoxox

"Kisame! Kisame!" Itachi wondered around in circles in a clearing in a forest. "Kisame, where did you go?" His partner lay dead on the ground with the sword of Kusanagi stabbed into his heart. A grinning boy with black hair and red eyes stood other him.

Making a hand sign the boy used a transformation jutsu to turn into Kisame. "I'm right here Itachi," the fake Kisame replied. He noticed the older Uchiha was extending his hand as if waiting for Kisame to serve as a guide. His headband was over his eyes instead of on his forehead.

"Don't abandon me like that," Itachi took his hand and they started walking.

"That's right, sometimes I forget you were blinded that time," the fake Kisame searched for information as to how it happened.

"Don't make fun of me," Itachi complained. "I can see I'm just... well... you know what happened with the Sharingan and the mirror."

The fake Kisame, who was really Sasuke in disguised. held back a laugh. "You're afraid of your own eyes?"

"Don't make fun of me! You're not too fond of mirrors either, remember?" Itachi argued.

Sasuke was planning to kill him there and then, but decided that there was another way. On his search to find Itachi and take revenge, he found a place that angered and disturbed him. That place was now his destination.

"Are we near the Akatsuki Headquarters?" Itachi asked. They had been walking for quite some time.

"Almost there." They arrived at the place and Sasuke grinned evilly, looking at the large sign at the door that read 'Itachi Fan Club'. He opened the door and led Itachi inside. "I have a gift for you ladies," Sasuke, disguised as Kisame announced. The squeals of many fan girls were heard.

"Kisame, where are we? What's going on?" Itachi was panicked. Squeals were not a good sign and that many could only make it worse.

"I'm not Kisame," Sasuke spoke in his normal voice, since he had been trying to sound like Kisame before, although he still maintained his disguise. He backed away towards the door, far from the fan girls so he could make a quick escape after revealing his identity. "Farewell, brother!" Sasuke was gone with the speed of a true ninja.

"No!" Itachi screamed. As if on cue, countless fan girls pounced on him. It is said that his terrified screams were heard by Naruto in the Hidden Leaf village, by Gaara in the Hidden Sand village, by Kabuto in the Hidden Sound village and even the Third Hokage, may he rest in peace, had heard.

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Itachi slowly opened his eyes, regaining consciousness. "Kisame!" He screamed when the face of his partner came into focus. "What a terrible thing to wake up to."

Kisame frowned. "What ever happened to thank you for your concern Kisame, I'm sorry I worried you?"

Itachi rubbed his aching head and extended his hand. Kisame noticed he wanted help getting up refused to take it. Sighing hopelessly, Itachi recited Kisame's words as if it was a hastily learnt song, "thank you for your concern Kisame, I'm sorry I worried you."

After hearing that, Kisame helped Itachi to his feet. "What happened to you?"

"I accidentally activated the Mangekyo Sharingan while looking in the mirror and had a terrible nightmare. I was afraid of my own eyes so I covered them with my headband. Sasuke came and murdered you with Orochimaru's sword. Then he pretended to be you and led me into a trap full of rabid fan girls and the girls tore me apart fighting over who would keep me and... and... it was scary!" Itachi was near the point of tears. "You don't know what it's like to be fought over for three days even if it was three seconds in real life. In my dream, they tossed me around and poked me and glomped me for three days, until they finally tore me appear by pulling me in different directions and I died. You don't know what it's like to have crazy wild fan girls following you like hunter ninjas!" Itachi was in hysterics. "You don't know what it's like! You don't know how scary it is!" The tears started to escape from his red eyes.

Kisame nearly turned from blue to green with jealousy. He would never know what it was like to have fan girls. Even so, he tried to be supportive and gave Itachi a gentle pat on the back, trying to console the frightened Uchiha. "There, there Itachi, it was just a nightmare."

Itachi hugged Kisame and let himself cry. He didn't care about ninja rule number twenty five anymore, the rule about not showing emotions and not crying. He may be a shinobi but he had no intentions of keeping his emotions bottled up this time. He was scared and mentally scarred and he needed to let it out. After a while, the crying came to an end. "Thanks Kisame, but it would have been better if the nice fan girl who tried to set me free in my dream was the one hugging me. She was the only one who treated me like a person rather than an object of affection to obsess about and they killed her." Itachi sniffled and let go of Kisame. He wrinkled his nose and stressed his point. "Honestly, I really wish she was real and hugging me instead of you."

"Ingrate, I get it, I'm not easy on the eyes," Kisame grumbled, "but your eyes are not easy on anyone."

End of Event 22

Disclaimer, I don't own Naruto.
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