Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > A Vampire's Dark Heart Belongs To Her

Chapter 1

by CherryBlossom1210 0 reviews

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2009-09-19 - Updated: 2009-09-19 - 1446 words

School had ended and I left quickly beofre any teachers could stop me from leaving.I ran outside and most of the students were just stariung at me.
"Sakura!",a voice yelled.I turned to see Hinata running towards me.
"Hinata!",I said.
"So,is it really true?I never knew you had such a cool and cute boyfriend.",Hinata said.
"Yeah,hehe,guess it slipped my mind.",I said scrtaching my head nervously.Suddenly,tere were gasps and I turned to see Sasuke walking towards me.
"Oh,I guess I'll see you tomorrow.",Hinata said.I turned but she was already walking off before I could catch her.I turned back and Sasuke had grabbed me from the wrist starting to pull me.
"Wait!First say where we're going!And stop holding so hard!",I yelled.
"Look,we are just gonna meet up with Ino.",he said going ahead and just pulling me along.
He had pulled me all the way to another park where Ino and other people wwree at.He pulled me up to them and they turned to us.
There were three unfamiliar people.Two girls and a boy.
One girl and dirty blonde hair in four pigtails and wore baggy black pants with a black t-shirt and big boots.
The other girl had brown hair in two buns and brown eyes and wore short leather short with tall black boots and a short and tight leather shirt.
The boy had blonde wild hair with blue,shiny eyes and wore jeans with an orange t-shirt and normal sneakers.
"Umm,who are they?",I asked.
"The boy is Naruto,and the girls are Tenten and Temari.",Ino said pointing at each as she said the names.
"Oh.",I said.
"So,who is the cutie.",Naruto asked making me blush a little.
"Sakura Haruno.",Ino said.
"Oh,so she is the cottoncandy?",Temari asked making me stop blushing.
"I'm not a cottoncandy!",I yelled.
"Calm down,Pinky.",Sasuke ordered.
"No way!I don't even know what I'm doing here!I have a friend to hang out with,a family to eat dinner with,a brother to fight with,and some future guy to date!I'm out of here!",I yelled turning and walking away as fast as I could.
But Ino was in front of me as soon as I blinked.
"You are staying here and you are going to listen.",she ordered.
"NO!",I yeleld and walked past her giving her a shoulder bump.

I ran all the way home and ran into the house.They hadn't followed me,but I knew they weren't through with me.
"Yo,baby sis.",I heard my brother said.
"Shove it.",I said.
"Oh,don't be going all animal now.",he said snickering.
"Mom?",I asked walking past my brother.She was in the kitchen setting food on the plates.
"I'm here.What is it,sweetie?",she asked.
"Oh,I just wanted to ask if I could go out to the mall with HInata tomorrow.",I said.
"Yeah.It's a Saturday,isn't it?",she said.I nodded and turned back running upstairs to my room.I took a deep breath as I entered and closed the door locking it.I ran over to ym bathroom and undressed myself quickly taking a long,hot shower.I got out and dressed quickly into my pj's.
I brushed my hair down and dryed it quickly and ran back itno the bathroom washing my face and brushing my mouth.
I don't know,but I was moving too fast and soon it just got me tired and dizzy.I sighed and fell onto my bed loving the way the knots in my muscles started to loosen up.
I closed my eyes trying to get all that happened today out of my mind,and just fall into a deep dreamy sleep that I will have sweet and cool dreams at.
After a while that I started to feel sleepy,I started to sing some song that I heard from long ago...
Stars so bright in the sky tonight
Moon so glitsened at the sight of your might
Rowing your boat gently down the stream of dreams
You hum and whistle 'till you start to sleep
The water flowing past you as you lay
You close your eyes,look up at the sky
You breath in the air and start to fly fo high
The wind blowing by and the tears dropping down
One may feel so lost,but once again very found
Breath in the air and listen to the wind
Your spirit is calling,answer to her
Trying so hard not to let go of your soul
Yet,never have you felt so cold
Just let it all out,and then breath much in now
The more you find it out,it was meant to be
Stars so bright in the sky tonight
Moon so glistened at the sight of your might
Rowing your boat gently down the stream of dreams
You hum and whistle as you start to sleep

I recognized the song,my mother ad used to sing itt o me as a child growing up while I lay in bed closing my eyes and listening to her.
And just like that,I had fallen to sleep...

"Sakura!",I heard loud voice yell.My eeys shot open and I sat up with a gasp.
"What?",I asked.I looked up ot see Hinata smiling with her amrs crossed and her head shaking.
"We're supposed to go to the mall.Now,get up,take a shower,get dressed in good clothes,brush your hair,wash your mouth,whatever.Just do what you need to do so that we can leave.",she said.
"What time is it?",I asked.
"It's around 12 now.",she said.
"Wow,I totally slept in.",I said.
"Yeah,now hurry up.I'll be downstairs.,she said walking out of my room.I yawned stretching and stood up walking over to the bathroom and taking a hot shower.I washed my mouth and face and went out to my room walking to my closet.She said to wear some good clothes,I'm in a happy mood so I'll wear soemthing awesome!
I put on some tight jeans with a white and short shirt that went above my belly and had huge straps.I had already gotten a pierce in my belly button,but didn't like showing it off so much..
I grabbed my black hoodie that was short sleeved and short going over my belly and put it on zipping it half-way,and put on some high-top sneakers.I brushed my hair into a ponytail brushing my bangs down and put on some silver bang earrings.
I ran downstairs after rabbing my ipod and cell and met Hinata.
"Wow,haven't seen you dress like that in a long time.",she said.
"I don't know why,but I felt like it.",I said shrugging.I opened the door and smiled turning outside,but stopped smiling and stared.Sasuke and Naruto was there.
Naruto wore somr ripped jeans with a black short-sleeved shirt and orange sneakers.
Sasuke wore a whie t-shirt and a black dressy shirt he left unbuttoned,and the sleeved were pushed up,he wore ripped jeans and nice black sneakers.
"What the hell?",I asked.
"I saw him heading to your house,so I catched up and talk with him and Naruto-kun.I thought we can all just head to the mall together,a little surprise for you.",Hinata said.Yet,I hadn't even heard nothing until after Naruto-kun.
"Alright,let's go.",Naruto said grinning.
"Ok.",Hinata said walking past me and walking ahead with Naruto.
"Let's go,Pinky.",Sasuke said.I made my feet move,but just stayed dead silent as I walked past him closing the door behind me,ad we followed after Hinata and Naruto.

When we got to the mall,I can tell there was not going to be anything fun about this.But that feeling kinda changed when Sasuke invited me to the movies,and we watched that romantic vampire movie.I wonder,am I really starting to have feelings for a vampire.....?
Alright,see you all next time on A Vampire's Dark Heart Belongs To Her!
Oh,and I want all my readers to review and tell me your ideas for what should happen next on this story.I'll be asking this for every one of my stories now...Yay!Now you get to tell half of the story!Whoo!Power to the Readers!WHOO!!!!

Ok,enough of that.Now,tell me some ideas.
Have a good evening,Gentledudes and Dudettes....
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