Categories > Anime/Manga > Gundam Wing > Christmas Dreams and New Year's Wishes

Part 2 Chapter 2 Scars Ewwww

by kittnami 0 reviews

Category: Gundam Wing - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-09-22 - Updated: 2009-09-23 - 1601 words

Chapter 2 Scars, Ewww!

That was how it was for a week with only a few variations. Twice a day each of them were taken out of the cell one at a time to be tortured in some random way and asked questions of by the same mysterious voice. Neither had been able to get a look at the voice’s owner but both agreed that it was definitely a woman. She always asked the same questions and took them out in the same order. A bowl of acrid smelling water always waited for Duo when he got back. After about the third time, Duo began to consider breaking the silence and telling the bitch off, but each time it seemed Heero read his mind and would remind him that the silence was annoying her. Duo would calm down, take his torture and come back to the welcome feel of Heero’s hands. How in the world Heero got to his own injuries Duo would never know, but no matter what happened to Duo, Heero always took care of it. At first Duo had thought it was just because Heero thought he was too weak to handle the torture and then take care of his wounds on his own, but by the end of the week Duo had begun to believe Heero just wanted assurance Duo was not fatally wounded or something like that.
It made Duo feel a bit happier to think that Heero did not want anything happening to him. He wished that just once in the night he could turn to Heero and give him a hug or whisper his fingers over the other man’s cheek. Duo contained himself well.
The end of the week came and surprised them both when the woman had them both brought before her at the same time. Duo and Heero had kept silent the entire time, only speaking to each other and it was more and more obvious that this angered their “host”. It also raised the question “Why hasn’t she separated us?”, but they remained in the same cell. That gave them the advantage of being able to plan together their escape and the completion of the mission, but unfortunately they had been unable to come up with any ideas.
There were two guards this time, one for each prisoner. After retrieving Duo and Heero from the cell, the guards took them down the same route as always and pushed them into the usual room where the woman waited. The room looked the same as it usually did with the stark darkness and the outline of a chair with its back to them.
“I see you have arrived. Good. Sit.”
Accustomed to the command and by now well acquainted with the general area the chairs would be in, Duo and Heero moved forward and sat. True to the woman’s predictions, they had learned to follow her less important orders. For Duo it had been a painful lesson.
“You are both before me today because you have information I need and I don’t seem to be getting it interrogating you alone. This week you have flown easily by my anger, but my fuse is getting rather short, as is my time. Your silence has been an annoyance that I will no longer tolerate. Now, listen carefully for though I am addressing both of you I shall only ask my questions once.”
Here the woman paused and seemed to gather herself. The chair swiveled, startling the two pilots as the woman stood and placed her hands on the desk about shoulder width apart. It was dark and hard to see, but what Duo could see was enough. The woman’s hair hung around her head, swaying gently by her jaw line. Her dress covered her completely and was entirely black; there was not a gleam of flesh to be seen at all throwing the flesh of her neck into light. Her neck seemed to glow in the blackness and the scars crossing her neck glowed even brighter. Duo was horrified at the ugliness and quickly averted his gaze only to be more horrified as he looked directly into her face.
“Perhaps I can arrange for you to get a picture, it will last longer.”
It was then that Duo realized he was staring, but still could not stop. The same scars that marred her neck also crawled over her face. Her hair hid a lot of it, but no woman deserved a face as mangled as this woman’s. The scars turned what should have been beautiful or at least comely into a monster. Even if this woman had been one of the good guys her face would turn any one she looked at insane. Duo could not help wishing she would sit back down and turn back around so he would not have to think about how she had been so badly scarred.
“Now, tell me what your names are.” The woman ignored Duo’s obvious staring though he could see it angered her to no end.
The question brought Duo back to reality. He waited for Heero to lead him; after all, Duo had been following his lead from the beginning.
“Fine. Tell me who sent you.”
Again each pilot stayed silent. Duo had stopped staring and was now looking at the desk. Thankfully he could not see anything on the desk and the woman’s hands were gloved or something.
“Ok. What was your mission?”
At this time, the woman sat back down. She folded her hands in front of her and looked at them intently. Beside him, Duo could hear Heero’s breath lightly stirring the air and hoped that Heero was thinking of a way out of this stupid imprisonment.
“This was your last chance. If you won’t speak I have no further use for you. Execution will be in one hour. I’ll see you there.”
With that the chair swiveled and the woman disappeared out of sight. Heero and Duo were taken back to the cell and shoved inside. The cuffs were taken off as they had been for a few hours ever since the third day of imprisonment. Rubbing his wrists and swinging his arms to put some circulation back into them, Duo looked over at Heero and noticed the way Heero’s head hung as he sat on the cot. Hoping it did not mean what Duo thought it meant, Duo sauntered over to Heero and sat beside him.
“So, I don’t suppose you have a plan?” Duo asked him.
“No.” For once, Duo could hear something in Heero’s voice but tried not to think too keenly on what it was.
“Well, what should we do?” Duo asked completely lost.
“Hn.” Heero’s grunt struck Duo hard. (Translation for those of you who aren’t Duo: I don’t know.)
Unable to sit there and face the oblivion trying so desperately to catch his eye, Duo got up and walked around the cell. Since there was nothing really better to do, Duo leaned against a wall and started lightly banging his head against it. He turned around and slid down the wall uncaring of what grime was on it anymore. At the very bottom, Duo fell on his ass with a bump and hit his head hard against the wall. Duo looked back up toward the ceiling and noticed a bit of movement.
“Now what is thOW!” Duo clutched his head as something hard and very solid hit it. He heard a clank as whatever hit him fell on the floor to his right.
“What was that?” Heero asked. Duo just sat where he was clutching his head. Heero got up and came over to him. “What hit you?”
“I don’t know, but it hurt.” Duo said and felt off to his right. His hand found the rough square of half a brick. “It’s a brick. I didn’t know my head was so hard.”
Duo joked and handed the brick to Heero. Heero took it and helped Duo to his feet. Heero began searching the wall around where Duo had been sitting and Duo followed his example looking for the other half of the brick. It only took a few minutes of searching before Duo’s fingers brushed over a missing spot in the wall.
“Found it.” Duo said and took Heero’s hand to guide him to the spot. Heero promptly pulled out the rest of the brick. Duo probed the hole and discovered that it went farther back. “Hey, there’s a hole back here.”
Heero stood close to him and waited for Duo to continue. Shortly Duo felt something long and cold.
“There’s something hidden back here. Another prisoner must have put it there and couldn’t find it again.”
“What is it?” Heero asked and watched as Duo pulled out a standard issue army knife.
“It’s a knife.” Duo told him and held it out so Heero could examine it.
Heero looked at the knife then at the two pieces of brick Duo had picked back up. Duo waited patiently for Heero to say something. As usual, Heero remained silent and went back over to the cot. Duo followed him and sat back in the accustomed position with his legs sprawled out and the brick pieces held loosely in his lap.
“Duo.” Heero said after about ten minutes.
“Yeah?” Duo answered hoping that the tone in Heero’s voice was a positive one.
“I have a plan.” Heero said.
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