Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Cellist and the Songbird

Chapter 1

by ElaLovesYou 1 review

A random story I wrote while depressed and bored. Not actually my chem. tried to add the band but it wouldn't add so fail. *I've updated it a bit so please reread or the rest won't make sense. Tha...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-09-25 - Updated: 2009-12-29 - 1003 words

Chapter One:

Dew drops sparkled like diamonds in the morning sun. The grass swayed in the gentle breeze. A horse snorted in contentment outside and the sound of munching animals was prevailant in this beautiful paradise. Yet this is no happy tale. There may be butterflies dancing on the outside but inside this calm white house in the countryside, a true horror occured every day and in the beauty of the moment, passers by may have tuned out to the high pitched screams that echoed in this area.
A fifteen year old girl was standing outside the house staring in wonder at the glowing sunrise. She sighed slightly as she watched a pure white horse wander past, trying to find the best peice of grass to eat. She chuckled quietly to herself as she spotted the two young foals, twins, chasing eachother around in circles. 'How ironic.' she thought as the light grey foal circled in perfect unison with the black one.
"Yin and Yang." She said to herself, deciding, finally, on their names.
She slipped quietly into the paddock and they both came running up to her, nuzzling and licking her fingers.
One gently butted her ribs and she gasped as pain went shooting up her side. She pushed the foal away saying, "Now now Yin. You must be gentle with me, I'm fragile." The foal backed off with a shake of it's head and ran off with his sister to play.
She turned at a soft whicker from behind her. The mare walked up and lowered her nose into the girls hand. "Hello Aiedail." She murmured, gently stroking the horses soft muzzle.
The call shattered the calm scene. The strong male voice with an undertone of malice belonged to the girls stepfather. A cruel, heartless beast of a man. She had never known her mother or father. They died, she was told. Her job was to dress, feed and care for him. She was also the one who had to quell his sexual desires and if she called out during his acts she was beaten.
"Yes father," she said, turning and running back into the house.
"Where is my breakfast girl?" He roared as she darted past his bedroom door to the kitchen.
"Coming!" She called in the general direction of his room. She fixed his usual bacon and eggs in record time, saving a peice of burnt toast for herself.
"It's about time girl!" He said as she struggled into his room, arms laden with the huge pile of food, all for her stepfather of course.
He paused after taking a few bites. "Well Jessi," he said, reverting to her nickname to tell her he was pleased, "I have to rush you more often." He did not compliment her, that would take away her respect for him.
"Umm daddy?" she said gently, trying to sound innocent, "I have been working extra hard lately and I haven't taken my day off in years so I thought maybe could I have it next week please? I will work overtime to make up for it." She braced herself.
"No." he said in quiet finality. "You will not. And you will not leave this property either except for school." He turned back to his food with an air that closed the matter.
Back outside, she let the tears overflow. Her only reason for life was coming to her town and she couldn't even go to their concert!
She walked hopelessly into the paddock and looked up when her big 16hh black stallion nudged her back. "Hey Isidar," she said between sobs, "Can i ride you today?" Isidar snorted and nodded his head in a grand sweep. That wasn't an affermitive but Jessi had a language of her own with the horses so she understood he would let her. She gently gripped his flowing mane and pulled herself up onto his back in a quick, fluid movement. Using only subtle shifts in body weight Jessi urged her horse into a walk.
The gentle rocking was all she needed to become calm again. Isidar shifted his weight slightly, jogging a little, to indicate his wish to go faster. Jessi leaned forward slightly and adjusted her seat as Isidar bounced willingly into a trot.
After a while Jessi found herself cantering rhythmically around the paddock and, without realising what she was doing, turned Isidar to face the fence. His pace quickened as the six bar, wooden slat fence came closer and closer. Right at the foot of the fence he slowed just a twitch then launched himself into the air with such power that Jessi thought she would take to the air flying.
Isidar hit the ground running, his mind in such a tizz that he immediately threw himself into a headlong gallop. That was when Jessi felt the first flutter of nervousness in her belly. She hadn't been working with Isidar for that long and he was still young. She had just began gently easing him back when she saw the headlights of a big black bus round the corner on the road that Isidar was heading straight for. Jessi realised she wouldn't be able to stop him in time. Her only option now was to try and beat the bus.
She threw all her might into urging Isidar back into his gallop but it was already to late. She screamed in terror as the bus bore down on them.
She suddenly felt herself fly forward as Isidar spooked at the bus. He managed to turn and run back down Jessi's driveway, but Jessi had been thrown right into the path of the oncoming bus. She covered her head with her arms, waiting for the impact.
She was thrown a good fifteen feet and blacked out momentarily when she hit the tarmac.
Jessi was vaguely aware of people scrambling out of the bus then a pair of gentle arms lifted her.
"You're going to be ok!" A calm voice said, then everything faded.
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