Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Cellist and the Songbird

Chapter 3

by ElaLovesYou 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-09-25 - Updated: 2009-09-26 - 1086 words


Eicca yawned and stretched slightly, pausing when he felt a mattress under him, a blanket over him, a pillow under his head and someone between his outstretched arms. His eyes shot open and he saw a sea of red brown hair infront of him. He was trying to think back on how he got there when the girl he held to his chest moved! She turned over in his arms, letting out a soft moan and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling herself closer to him. She snuggled into his chest and sighed. He gently put his arms back around her and hugged her to him. He kissed her forehead lightly and fell back to sleep.

2 hours later:

"Help me Eicca. Help." Jessi whimpered in her sleep.
Eicca was wide awake when he heard his name. "It's ok, I'm here." He murmured, stroking her hair. She lifted her head slightly when he took his hand away so he rested it back on her hair and she relaxed. He felt movement and her hand crept gently into his. He slid his fingers between hers and stroked her cheek with his other hand.
Her eyelids trembled and as he looked into her face adoringly, she opened her eyes. He smiled slightly. He had seen those eyes before, just in a darker shade of grey.
"Hello. I'm Eicca Toppinen, but judging by your face you already know that." He said with a warm smile and a soft chuckle.
She looked up at him and opened her mouth to reply but all that came out was a small squeak.
Eicca chuckled again looking at her with a new appreciation. Jessi just hid her face under the sheets, a blush spreading across her cheeks.
"There is no need to be afraid or embarrassed." Eicca said, squeezing her hand gently and pulling the covers back. She buried her burning face in his chest and shivered slightly as pleasurable feelings shot up her spine. She slowly closed her hand around his and, looking up into his now calm face, smiled.
It was a wonderous thing to behold, her smile. It started weakly but as it grew her whole posture improved and she seemed to shine. Eicca felt some emmense urges that he had never felt before but he knew he had to wait. He didn't even know if she trusted him yet. But as her smile returnd he knew that she trusted him with all her heart.
"So what is your name little one?" Eicca asked in a soft voice. The girl looked annoyed.
"Jessi and I'm not small, you're just huge! It took me ages to get your limp body onto the bed!" Eicca smiled.
"And I'm glad you did Jessi."
Jessi relaxed as he pulled her to his chest again and stroked the back of her head in a calming way. He gently, hesitantly, leant down and placed a warm, soft, lingering kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes, enjoying the moment, and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself up so he didn't have to lean down so far. Eicca slowly placed a hand under Jessi's chin, persuading her to look up into his eyes. He was so close, she could feel his breath blowing through her hair.
"Jessi..." He stopped, unsure of himself.
"Yeah? What is it Eicca?" She whispered softly.
"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. For everything that happened to you yesterday." He looked down and sighed, relieved he had got that out. Jessi looked confused.
"What do you mean? Were you driving?"
Jessi frowned. "Then why are you apologising? It wasn't your fault. If anything it was my fault for being so reckless on the roads."
Eicca looked like he was about to argue. Jessi leaned up and kissed him quickly on the lips. She then buried her face in his chest again, embarrassed. Eicca was frozen in bewilderment, a smile slowly crossing his face. He gently pulled her face to his and kissed her softly. She was so surprised that it took her a while to respond, but when she did, it got passionate quickly. She closed her eyes, relaxing into it. Eicca ran his tongue gently over her lower lip, asking permission to enter. She opened her mouth hesitantly and let Eicca carefully explore.
The door burst open and Jessi's stepfather, Aaron, charged into the room roaring. He ripped Eicca from the bed, punching him in the gut and shoving him into the wall. Eicca's head flew back, rebounding off the wall with an audible crack. He slid down the wall to the ground, dazed and confused. Coughing up blood, he groaned and clutched his head. There was blood leaking out from between his fingers.
"Eicca!!!" Jessi called out in shock. Eicca looked up, pain evident in his face. Jessi looked around and, finding nothing to use to attack her stepfather, leapt from the bed and tackled him to the ground. He twisted around and, gripping her by the hair, threw her into the window, shattering it and showering her in broken glass. She screamed as the shards cut into her arms and face. Aaron pulled a kitchen knife out of his pocket and started advancing on Eicca. He looked up with fear in his eyes and leaned away, stammering ""
He coughed again and spat out copious amounts of blood. He groaned, holding his side. Aaron raised the knife, ready to strike. Suddenly he was thrown down on the ground and the knife was yanked from his hand.
"This is for hurting my best friend." Adam said punching Aaron in the face. "Eicca! Are you ok?" He said, rushing over and putting pressure on his head wound. "Help!!! HELP!!!" He called in a panic. Brad, Neil and Perttu burst into the room. Neil and Perttu immediately ran over to help with Eicca but when Adam looked around, Brad was frozen on the spot, staring in shock at the man crumpled by the wall opposite the door. "BRAD! Help the girl!" Brad started at the shout and, looking around, gasped at Jessi dragging her weak, bloodied form across the floor. He ran over and picked her up gently. He then ran from the room at top speed. Adam turned back to Eicca just as three doctors ran into the room. They pushed the band back and patched Eicca up quickly. "He'll be fine." They told Adam then went and called the police to pick up Aaron.
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