Categories > Anime/Manga > Mirage of Blaze > Last life.

Last life.

by pearlhime 1 review

A Naoe and Kagetora love story,okay it'll take a while to be that way.

Category: Mirage of Blaze - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Naoe Nobutsuna,Uesugi Kagetora - Warnings: [!] [V] [X] - Published: 2008-07-28 - Updated: 2008-07-28 - 232 words

Disclaimer:wish I owned it,but I don't.A/N:for my dear friend,princesshinata14,you asked for it.

It was strange,the bond between Kagetora Uesugi and Nobutsuna Naoe. Neither it seemed could discuss their feelings with each other,well in Kagetora's case at least. Nor could one live without the other. Haruie and Nagahide had seen it throughout their various incarnations,the love-hate relationship that the two shared."It's just something that can never be bridged," Nagahide had explained to Haruie one summer evening not long ago,"just forget about it. Takaya the idiot is too dense to share any depth of feeling other than what Kagetora already feels," he leaned back,the wicker chair creaked.Haruie sighed heavily,"I know's just somehow I feel that'll be different."

"Call it a woman's intuition, if you want,"she muttered seeing the look of scepticism that he gave her.She crossed her arms over her chest,"you just wait and see that they don't prove you wrong,"she said with air of finality that closed their discussion for the time being.Little did they know that things were about to take an interesting turn for them.

A/N:this is just an intro to what the other characters are going to be thinking while the main story progresses.I only gave it the warning thing for later.
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