Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy


by EveieLiar 1 review

Run from them. Run to them. Misguided ghosts.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-10-04 - Updated: 2009-10-05 - 745 words


With No Direction

His feet felt like they were dipped in lead. He couldn’t quite pick them up from the floor, and he feared that if he did he’d become disconnected with the world and float above the city. So he continued on, dragging his feet, his hat low over his eyes. Around him the hospital moved around him in ordinary disorder. How could the world still continue while he was breaking apart inside?

And suddenly he remembered a line from a book, a book connected and covered in her essence. And to add salt into the steadily growing gasp in his heart he remembered the line in her clear voice. Perfect music to his ears, better than he could ever dream of.

I felt like a moon orbiting some planet that got destroy in some fantastic Hollywood explosion. And I was still orbiting the empty space where the planet had been…

Patrick ground his teeth. He tried to focus on other things, like the pretty nurse holding a terrified child’s hand. But her hair was the same color as… and the little boy’s green shirt looked like a sad attempt to capture her eye color.

“Damnit,” he muttered, rubbing his eyes. He had never been so pathetic! Whining about how nothing could compare to her beauty, she was a dirty rotten liar.

And she had seemed so sweet, so young and innocent, with wide eyes and pink lips. How could he not notice the blank and jaded look in her eyes. She was darker, changed, and he didn’t even see it. She was good at hiding from him, that was clear now. He could probably not be able to look fondly upon his memories of her.

A cold blast of air woke him up, and he realized vaguely he was outside of the hospital. He sighed, wondering how much farther he could go.

The L.A. sun was disappearing behind building in the distance. Patrick closed his eyes trying to block out the light, the impending darkness, and the noise. And, as hard as he tried, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. How her body was used to having chemicals pumped into it in various forms, how she gave a part of herself to someone else. He was her first, he took comfort in that, only knowing so because of the blood and crying. But he thought she was his and only his. But she found someone to help her out. Because he couldn’t deliver. He wasn’t enough.

“Patrick?” He looked up to see Pete and Ashley holding hands, worry wrinkles eched into their foreheads. Ashley was worried for the both of them, Patrick and…

But Pete was just worried about him. He was never fond of her, and Patrick wondered when his immature best friend became so insightful.

“Patrick?” Ashley said, her face trying not to fall. “Patrick, is she…?” Patrick shook his head, working his jaw.

“Then what happened man?” Pete dropped Ashley’s hand and stepped forward. His hand felt like a ton on Patrick shoulder. He dropped his eyes and tried to pull his hat farther down over his eyes. Pete ripped his hat from his head and commanded him to look up. Pete’s concerns stabbed Patrick, melted his resolve.

Patrick buckled, leaning into his best friend, trying to choke back the pain. He was trying to live up to ‘Boys Don’t Cry’, but it didn’t work. He buried his head into Pete’s shoulder and cried in pain, his heavy chest becoming heavier. She hurt him, she broke him because despite the fact that what she did alone would of damaged him for life, she still loved him. She loved him and hurt him intentionally. How could any sane person do that?

“What did she do to you?” Pete asked softly, not shying away from Patrick’s tears or grip on him. “Did she hurt you?”

Patrick nodded, unable to form words between sobs. Yes, she hurt him.

And run.
From them, from them,
With no direction.
We'll run from them, from them,
With no conviction.

'Cause I'm just one of those ghosts,
Traveling endlessly.
Don't need no roads.
In fact they follow me.
And we just go in circles.
Now I'm told that this life,
And pain is just a simple compromise,
So we can get what we want out of it.

She hurt him.
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