Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Innocence From Ashes

Chapter 3

by Ren421 0 reviews

Sasuke's Point of View

Category: Naruto - Rating: G - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Characters: Naruto,Sasuke - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2009-10-20 - Updated: 2009-10-20 - 1423 words - Complete

Innocence From Ashes
Chapter 3

While Naruto remembered nothing of their previous lives, Sasuke did. Surely, when he’d been reborn, he’d had no more wit or memories than his ‘littermate’ did. But when he slept, even that first day, he dreamt things that distressed him, even if he didn’t understand. He’d wake, and feel a drive so strong it was obsessive, to get close to Naruto. Get close and hold on tight, little eyes screwed tight lest tears escape.

By the second day, he’d noticed that Chichiue treated him differently than the fox did Naruto. Naruto was the golden child, the prince of the litter, the heir apparent. And Sasuke was… Sasuke didn’t know what he was in his father’s eyes. Surely, Chichiue kept him fed and clothed, and gave him the shelter and succor of his warm body at night, and the protection of his fierce teeth and claws by day, but not once did Chichiue ever purr when he nursed, as the fox did with Naruto. Never did Chichiue lavish up to hours of tender grooming upon him as he did with his sibling.

At first this hurt, but then during the third day, the fox had pulled him aside after Naruto had dozed off after a wonderful session of deep drinking and loving grooming and nuzzling. Chichiue had taken him to the back of the den and looked deep into his eyes.

All the hurt, the resentment, it all melted away, and when the fox finally looked away, Sasuke was sobbing, staring down at his still slightly chubby hands, unable to bear it all. He’d fallen into his Chichiue’s eyes, and in the whirling votex behind those eyes, he’d been taken into the very darkness of his dreams. Only to find they weren’t dreams at all. But memories. Memories of crimes so heinous, so terrible, he’d been executed for them. And he’d gone to his death gladly, willingly, his heart singing with joy. Joy that he could finally, in some small part, atone for it all by dying.


And Sasuke’s heart, his spirit, was crushed anew. How could he have done what he had to his most precious, his most beloved person? How could he have done what he did to Naruto? Of all people?

The fox make a soft sound in the back of his throat, and gently nudged his cub. “He is ours to love and protect,” Chichiue told him. “And this time around, you will be all that you should have been then. It is a second chance. Don’t waste it.”

Afterwards, his Chichiue was a little gentler around him. Not, of course, to the extent he was with Naruto, but still… And Sasuke was grateful. No one save Naruto had more cause to hate him than Kyuubi did. And yet, the fox had given up even more of himself to bring Sasuke back too. And was generous enough to feed and clothe and care for him. And he understood. Naruto was theirs… to love, and cherish and protect. And most importantly, to make happy.

And this time, Sasuke would not fail.

But even with the accelerated growth, Sasuke was still just a very young child, and it was a heavy burden; the knowledge of what he’d done with his first life, and to whom he’d done it. Thankfully, after the first memory surge, they had all died back to what they’d been before; vague stirrings of regret, unease, and fear. But now he knew those feelings had sprung from a lost yet not quite forgotten past.

And of course, Naruto noticed the change in his beloved littermate. “Sas’ke?” he sniffled, nose glowing cherry red, and eyes moist and grieving. “No sadness, ‘kay? Love you so much. Smile for me.” And Naruto had thrown himself upon the Uchiha and had cuddled and squirmed and laid many wet and smacking kisses wherever he could.

And Sasuke had crushed Naruto in his toddler’s arms, and had felt his heart throb fiercely. Yes, it was another chance. One that would be very different. Naruto would never know anguish again.

The next day brought more learning and growing, and Sasuke was helpless to do anything but watch Naruto. Beautiful, bewitching Naruto. This time around, Naruto had more than enough to eat, was wondrously smothered with constant love and affection from his two companions, and was the unstated and uncontested hub of their universe. He grew tall and strong, being almost of the same height as Sasuke.

And there were other changes too; delicious, exciting changes. Naruto’s body, as smooth and sleek and silky as ever, was delightfully responsive. Sasuke was enthralled as he ran his hands all over that warm velvet, and was rewarded not with stiffness and stoic endurance, but with resonating purrs of pleasure, mewling cries of need, and a mouth and body eager and willing for any pleasurable games that Sasuke could introduce.

Their first kiss was intoxicating; Sasuke had immediately become drunk from it, and hopelessly addicted. They started with warm, slightly moist lingering kisses, firmly closed but touching lips. Over the next two days, they would grow to be more open, deeper, wetter, and hotter. Naruto had squeaked the first time Sasuke’s tongue touched his, drew back with a wrinkled brow, and then dove right back in, matching his partner’s ardor with eager aggression. Now whenever Naruto lay in Sasuke’s arms, which was almost constantly, and still not enough for the Uchiha, they were kissing; long drugging passionate kisses, and neither of them cared if Kyuubi saw them or not. If anything, Chichiue encouraged their youthful passion, admonishing Sasuke that it was his responsibility to love and please his kit. And Sasuke was more than willing.

And their play changed drastically. From rough and tumble mock fights, to sensual explorations of each other’s bodies. Sasuke quickly discovered and memorized the spots that made him giggle and thrash, to the ones that made Naruto arch and mew and purr so loudly. And then, the day at the pond; Sasuke had lured Naruto there with promises of shining water and playful swimming. But they made it as far as the sandy jut of land by the shimmering waters, and no farther; the moment Naruto slipped from his shorts and shirt, Sasuke lost his head. By all that was holy, Naruto tasted so damn good! The buttery, slightly salty tang of throat and belly, and then he scented something dark and earthy, musky and enthralling… eagerly, he’d traced it to it’s source; between the tanned and perfect thighs of his Naruto. Hard flesh, throbbing heat, and it was suddenly in his mouth, and Naruto bucked and cried, and then had stiffened with a scream that echoed from the shifting leaves of the trees and the pebbly hillsides surrounding them. And then Sasuke was drinking, drinking, drinking and it was more delicious than the sweetest berries he’d ever tasted, thicker than the cream stolen from the farmer’s churns, and more filling that the tastiest roast provided by their Chichiue. Sasuke had gorged himself, shuddering and shaking, gripping Naruto’s knees so hard he’d have left lingering bruises if his blonde didn’t heal so amazingly fast. He’d shuddered and gave a muffled groan, grinding himself against that wondrous silken warmth until sticky heat blossomed in his suddenly ill fitting shorts.


They’d collapsed in a tangled sweaty heap and fallen asleep, not waking until the shadows were small, to find their Chichiue looming over them, and then escorting them drowsily back to the warm security of their den. They’d devoured the meal waiting for them, played and tussled, and Sasuke loved every second of it. Oh, god, he’s so damn warm and strong! And he’s mine… mine to love, mine to protect… all mine… Then the shadows grew long and Naruto was curled up in the snug haven of Chichiue’s glorious red tails with him, where he belonged. But sleep was far away, having indulged in such a long and deep nap earlier. And once again, Sasuke was compelled to hear his littermate purr and sigh, arch and writhe, and then his beautiful blonde was screaming again, and Sasuke was moaning in bliss to taste that intoxicating essence that was his Naruto.

And thus, six days passed in halcyon enchantment, for all of them.
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