Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Wake Me Up When The Nightmare Ends

Chapter 11

by areyounormal 1 review

Can the Wentz family escape? - Part II

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-10-23 - Updated: 2009-10-23 - 1099 words - Complete

Pete led the way down the long, dirty corridor. Paint peeled and flaked from the walls as he and Ashlee brushed against them, staying close and trying hard not to be spotted. Ahead of them, a noise drew their attention. Grabbing Pete’s arm urgently, Ashlee whispered.

“It’s Bronx, he’s crying.”
“It’s okay, Baby,” Pete replied soothingly. “It’s okay, it means we can find him.”
“If he’s hurt him…”
“I told you,” Pete’s voice darkened. “I’ll kill him.”

Finding it hard not to run towards the sound of the crying, the pair edged their way silently along the corridor until they were outside the room where their baby was being kept. Initially torn between racing in with the advantage of surprise but the risk of danger or creeping in with the advantage of stealth and the greater risk of being caught; Pete opted for the former. Racing in, yet at the same time pushing Ashlee protectively back, Pete found the room empty except for Bronx. Her mother’s instinct overriding all else, Ashlee was in the room and passing Pete before he even had time to give the all clear. Gathering her baby in her arms, with tears streaming down her face, Ashlee allowed Pete to steer her towards the door. With a quick glance out of the small window, Pete could see that there were other warehouses nearby; desperately he hoped that they weren’t all abandoned.


Only moments after leaving the room, Pete and Ashlee heard Connor’s voice coming from within. Pete recalled seeing a second door on the other side of the room. He could only have been there.

“Keep going!” Pete urged as he heard the sound of footsteps approaching the door.
“One more step and I’ll shoot you!”

Pete glanced over his shoulder, seeing the gun pointed directly at him. Turning back, they were so close to the next set of doors. Skidding to a halt, Pete pushed Ashlee through the doors.

“Pete! I…”
“Go!” he screamed again, pushing her forward as he did.

Turning back, he could see Connor advancing on him, the gun held high, the dull grey-black of the metal gleaming in the bright light of the corridor. Pete didn’t know much about guns, but it looked loaded and ready to fire.

“You won’t get away, Pete.”

Pete looked beyond Connor to see Patrick emerging from the room behind.

“Why are you doing this?” Pete asked still confused. “Fuck that! What are you doing? What the hell do you want, Patrick?”
“What do I want? I already got it,” Matthew smiled as he eased the gun from Connor’s grip and, to Pete’s dismay, pointed it in his direction once more.
“I don’t understand,” Pete shook his head in bewilderment. “What is it you want?”
“Never mind that! How did he get out?” Connor glowered at Pete.
“I don’t know,” Matthew replied quietly, “but I suspect Shawn will know.”
“What’s he done with my kid?” Connor demanded.
“He’s my kid, you fuck!” Pete snapped.
“They escaped,” Matthew explained flatly.
“We’ve got to get them back!” Connor cried. “You said I could have them!”
“Stay away from my family!”

Pete rushed forward, ploughing into Connor and knocking him backwards as he swung punches. Matthew smiled and stood back to watch the show. Connor was easily six inches taller than Pete and broader, yet here was this tiny whirlwind laying into him with everything he had. Pete seemed to have forgotten all about Patrick and the gun aimed at him; all he wanted to do was to beat Connor to a pulp. All his frustrations and anger spilled out in a blur of fury as he wrestled Connor to the floor and landed fist after fist into his soon bloodied face.

“Matthew!” Connor shouted in panic as yet another punch hit home.
Matthew’s brow creased in rage as the man called his real name.
“I knew you were a liability, Connor,” Matthew fumed.

Pete’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open in surprise as he stopped his attack and turned.

“Matthew?” he gasped, then noticed the way he was holding the gun. “You’re left handed! Who are you?”

Pete’s only reply was an unexpected vicious blow to the jaw from Connor, sending him spinning backwards, sprawling to the floor. A kick to the head from Matthew sent him into oblivion.

“We have to get after them before they get away!” Connor turned an anxious expression towards Matthew.

Shaking his head, Matthew sighed. “There are too many warehouses and factories here still operational. She’ll have found someone by now.”
“But… you said…”
“I lied.”

Matthew raised the gun and squeezed the trigger, hitting Connor squarely in the chest at close range. Watching him drop slowly and silently to the floor, Matthew smiled.

“You didn’t really think I was going to hand over that innocent baby to a psycho like you, did you? Even if they hadn’t escaped!” Matthew shook his head in disdain. “Well, it wasn’t what I had planned, but Wentz has no idea about the favour he’s just done me.”

Fishing a small bottle from his pocket and a still damp cloth, Matthew refreshed the cloth with a new dose of the drug and placed it over Pete’s nose and mouth for a few seconds.

“That’ll keep you out long enough and haze things up too. You’ll be going to jail for a double murder,” he chuckled. “Because, guess what I just heard on the radio? Patrick’s been arrested! It’s even better than I imagined. He’ll get the blame for your family’s kidnapping too. But when they find you,” he paused to wipe the gun of prints before easing it into Pete’s hand. “They’ll find that you shot Connor and strangled Shawn. You threatening to kill us all is on the security camera too. And me? Well, I wasn’t here, was I? I was in jail. I am a little concerned that the radio said Trohman was still alive, but in critical condition. Not to worry though, that can always be fixed. And Andy? Well, I can wait to see if Patrick gets bail, if not, an anonymous murder is almost as much fun.”

Chuckling to himself, Matthew stood up. It would be a quick matter to strangle the still unconscious Shawn, then drive off before the police could be summoned to the site.
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