Categories > Anime/Manga > Yu-Gi-Oh! > The ring

The ring

by sailor_star_healer

Vanessa, Mokuba and Noa Kaiba watches a video that only gives them seven days to live, Can they do something to get away from this Rebecca Hopikins killer.

Category: Yu-Gi-Oh! - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Rebecca Hawkins - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2005-05-17 - Updated: 2005-05-17 - 320 words

The ring

One Night Tea and Mai are sitting in Tea's room. Mai started telling Tea a true story.

"Ok, their was this weird video that kills people in seven days., I was told a group of teenagers watched this video and was killed on the seventh day at the same time they watched it, 10.00 pm at night"

Tea shivers with fear. "Wait, I think I watched that video, with Yugi, last week from today, what was on the Video Mai" Tea Shouted

"They said that it has a lot of disgusting things on, like a bunch of horse's running into the sea"

Tea started to panic big time.

"Mai, I watched it, what am I going to do, now I'm going to die over a video"

Mai got a hold of Tea, "It's just a story, and it isn't true"

"Yeah but what if it is"

Mai slapped Tea, "Look it's just a story, now, let's go to bed already"

All of a sudden the phone rang down stairs. The two girls went down stairs and Mai picked up the phone.

"Hello" Mai passes it to Tea as it was for her Mai then goes off.

After the phone call, Tea went for a drink but the TV turned on it's self.

"Stop it Mai, stop being a pest"

Tea switches the TV off, but then it goes on again, to Tea went and pulled the plug out. Tea slowly walked up the stairs back to her room but there was a big puddle of water out side her bedroom door, she slowly puts her hand on the handle and opens the door. She then screams, and the TV was on in her room as well. Rebecca Hopkins came out of the TV screen and killed Tea.

To be continued.

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