Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

by xxMCRMYxx 2 reviews

“You shouldn't be talking to me” he said and I frowned “Why not?” I asked and he shrugged “My momsaid we can't talk to one another. Modern Day Romeo and Juliet.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2009-11-08 - Updated: 2009-11-08 - 1512 words

“How old are you?” the tall man with the glasses asked me. I held up six fingers and his eyes widened “Wow! Six already?” he asked and I nodded. These boring family reunions

“Hana!” I heard someone call from behind me, I spun around to face my cousin

“Katsuko!” I cried, running up into his arms. We sat down together and spoke for a while. He was three years my senior and he took great care of me, I loved him to bits.
I looked outside where I saw a young boy, around my age, standing by our front gate, looking in. I stood and walked outside and faced the boy

“Hello” he said and I smiled

“Hello” I replied. He looked passed me into our house, at the party

“You shouldn't be talking to me” he said and I frowned

“Why not?” I asked and he shrugged

“My mom said we can't talk to one another” he said. I heard a crash from inside and my mom ran out and grabbed my wrist

“Hana, come inside, NOW” she cried, dragging me indoors. I looked back at the boy, who waved at me. I smiled back at him, confused to what was going on

Six Years Later

Gerard's P.O.V.

I looked down at my uncle in the box. I hated going to court. I looked across the room at the box holding the Fukushima family. Our families had been rivals for centuries, going back to when our family where still in Italy and theirs where still in Japan. I scanned the rows of their family until I saw her.
Hana Fukushima was the daughter of Nakataku Fukushima, head of the Fukushima family. I watched her look down on the scene sadly until she met my eyes. I quickly looked away.
None from the Way family could even think of wanting friendship with anyone from the Fukushima family.
Yakuza and Mafia didn't mix, never have, never will.

Another Four Years Later

I pulled my black leather jacket collar up and leaded our group through the cafeteria.
We all wore the same thing: Skinny black jeans, white tee shirts under our black leather jackets with white converse and bleach blonde hair. Wherever we went everyone knew who we where.

The Mafia.

Katsuko's P.O.V.

I undid the button of my suit jacket and pulled my long back hair into a pony tail.
We all wore the same thing: boys in their suits over white button up shirts and blue ties, the girls in sleeveless kimono's in navy blue, with a green bow decorated in the family emblem. All of us with our natural black hair tied into a plait bun or pony tail. Wherever we went everyone knew who we where.

The Yakuza.

Gerard's P.O.V.

I sat down at one of the tables, puling my jacket off and dropping my bag onto the floor. My brother slid in next to me and put his hand on my shoulder

“By my head, here come that yakuza” he spat, gesturing with his head to the large group of Japanese teens standing in to door

“By my heel, I care not” Frank, my best friend said, putting his feet up onto the table. I rolled my eyes

“Guy's this aint some shitty Shakespeare play” I said and they both laughed. I watched the Fukushima clan take their seats

“Ugh, I hate that guy” my other friend, Alex, said. I followed his gaze till I was looking right at Katsuko Fukushima, Nakataku Fukushima's nephew and Hana's cousin. I stared at him until he turned to look back a me. His face turned into a scowl and I stood, staring him down. His hand moved across the waistband of his pants, making his sheathed samurai sword clearly visible. I moved my hand across the waistband of my own pants, making my holstered gun visible. Hana looked up from her lunch and looked between me and her cousin, grabbing his arm and saying something, he hesitated before turning away from me and sitting down. I moved my hand back, covering my weapon again and sat back down. Frank looked up at me and I nodded to him. We ate in silence until the bell rang.
I walked quietly to class with Mikey, Frank, Alex and Bob. I took my seat and sat silently as I watched Katsuko walk in followed by several of his Fukushima men. Like in every class the Fukushima's sat in the far right corner and we sat in the far left corner. It was the principle's orders that we had to keep separated.

Pete Wentz, a wealthy Yakuza loving buisness man's son walked into the room and took the seat in between Katsuko and the teacher. He smiled brightly at the Yakuza group and Katsuko, who was leaning back in his chair, scowled.
It was common knowledge that the Fukushima's where trying to get Hana to marry Pete but obviously Katsuko want's none of it. The teacher walked into the room and opened her books

“Class today we will be working on the war with Japan” she said and I saw all the Yakuza scowl making me laugh

“What about the war with Japan, th stuff about statistics or the stuff about how we won?” Alex asked and Katsuko stood, moving his hand so his sword was visible again. I watched Alex and Bob both stand and I swore under my breath, as I saw Alex bite his thumb at them. One of Katsuko's men stood

“Do you bite your thumb at us sir?” he asked and Alex looked back at me and I face palmed

“No I do not bite my thumb at you sir” he said and the man raised an eyebrow

“But you bite your thumb?” he asked

“Yes I bite my thumb but I do not bite my thumb at you sir” Alex said quickly

“Do you quarrel, sir?” the same Yakuza asked and Alex looked at me again and I shook my head

“Quarrel sir? No sir” he said

“But if you do sir, I serve as gooder man as you” the man said

“No better” Alex replied

“What of this quarrel? Draw if you be men” Katsuko said, placing his hand on the sword I looked at the teacher, looking at all of us in fear and I stood

“Nay good Katsuko, I will not let them put up their swords” I said and Katsuko turned to me

“What art thou drawn among these heartless kinds? Turn thee, Gerard! Look upon thy death” he said, pulling out his sword and resting it on his shoulder

“I do but keep the peace” I said and Katsuko laughed

“Peace? What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word as I hate hell, all Way's and thee” he said and I grabbed Alex's shoulder, pulling him back into his seat

“Do go on” I said to the teacher who came out from behind her desk to stand in front of the class. She pressed a button the ws on the side of the desk and mere seconds later the principle entered the room

“What's gone on here?” he asked and Pete walked up to him and they spoke briefly before the Principle sighed

“Gerard, Katsuko, come with me” he said and I stood, following them both out of the room

“What fray has occurred?” he asked and Katsuko frowned

“The quarrel was between our men” he said, glaring at me

“The man speaks true, we had nothing to do with it” I said, folding my arms across my chest

“Well don't let these quarrels occur” Principle Esculus said. The bell went and we both grabbed our bags, glaring at one another before making our way to the next class. As I walked through the halls I saw Katsuko rejoin the Fukushima's. Hana looked at me before Katsuko pulled her away.
I stared at the roof You have to stop thinking about her I thought to myself.
What more was she than just forbidden fruit?


If you haven't noticed this is based on Romeo and Juliet.
Now I have a little bit of talking to do
Yakuza are the Japanese Mafia, known for having dragons tattoos on their backs
Now I have to say pronunciation and character guides

Principle Esculus (Ess-coo-loo-s) – Prince Esculus

The Mafia:

Gerard Way – Romeo Montague

Alex Gaskarth – Abraham Montague

Bob Bryar – Balthazar Montague

Mikey Way – Benvolio Montague

Frank Iero – Mercucio Esculus

The Yakuza (Ya-koo-zuh) :

Hana Fukushima (Hah-nah Foo-koo-she-mah) – Juliet Capulet

Katsuko Fukushima (Kut-soo-koh Foo-koo-she-mah) – Tybalt Capulet

Nakataku Fukushima (Na-ka-ta-koo Foo-koo-she-mah) – Lord Capulet


This FF will not be a long one. Somehwre between 10 and 20 chapters but leaning closer o ten I think

I promise there won;t be as much Shakespearian in the rest of it than there was here. Im a masive Shakespeare freak so I HAD to do SOMETHING to do with my fave book

I hope you enjoyed it!!

I got all the Japanese names from the net btw
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