Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Wake Me Up When The Nightmare Ends

Chapter 14

by areyounormal 3 reviews

The police are finally on the right lines but will it be too late for Andy and Joe?

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-11-09 - Updated: 2009-11-09 - 1318 words - Complete

“Stokes,” Bramall called as he viewed the surveillance camera tapes back at the station. “Look at this.”

Stokes nodded his head as the tapes clearly showed Pete and Ashlee’s escape from the meat locker unfolding exactly as they had described it.

“Well, I guess that clears that up,” Stokes nodded with a slight smile.
“Wait, there’s more.”

Moving the tape on roughly twenty to thirty minutes, Bramall looked up to see Stokes’ stunned expression as the camera clearly picked out Patrick strangling the still unconscious Shawn.

“Is this time-stamped?”
“Certainly is,” Bramall replied. “Some two hours after we took Stump into custody.”
“This just keeps getting weirder!” Stokes shook his head. “Got anything on Stump yet?”
“No, just a charge for driving without a valid licence.”
“He’s real hardcore rock and roll then?” Stokes laughed. “And yet, the guy has a double. Wait… does he have a brother?”
“According to Google, he’s got an older brother, not a close match physically, though.”
“No, we need a twin.” Stokes gave a thoughtful frown. “Humour me, check his birth records, see if he does have a twin.”
“Wouldn’t he know if he did?”
“I don’t know, maybe he’s protecting him.”
“I’ll check it out,” Bramall shrugged.


Andy grabbed for the gun, succeeding in knocking the silencer from Matthew’s grip. Grunting in irritation, Matthew raised the gun sharply and caught Andy’s forehead with the bullet chamber. Reeling backwards from the blow, Andy heard Matthew laugh as it appeared he now had the upper hand.

“Andy!” Joe cried weakly.
“Don’t worry,” Matthew gloated as he kneeled over Andy, now sprawled on his back. “I’ll get to you soon enough.”

Joe cursed himself for being too weak to escape from the confines of the bed and all the machines he was hooked up to monitoring his vitals. Reaching out with his left hand, Joe’s fingers fell several inches short of the nurse call button, still hanging in its bracket on the wall. Desperately trying to stretch further, Joe used all of his remaining energy. The room swirled and blackness threatened to close in, it was all he could do just to fight it off.

Incensed by Matthew’s threat, Andy found new strength and landed a vicious punch to Matthew’s jaw sending him crashing to his right and allowing Andy to scramble to his feet. Rolling onto his back, Matthew aimed the gun upwards and caught Andy in his sights.

“On your knees and hands behind your head!” he demanded. Andy froze, hesitating as he stared down the barrel of the gun. “Now!”

Raising his hands slowly and carefully, Andy laced his fingers behind his head before easing down onto his knees.

“Sit back on your heels,” Matthew ordered as he glanced around looking for the silencer, smiling as he noticed that Joe was now lying motionless with his eyes closed.
“Look, man, I don’t know who you are, but do…” Andy began before, ignoring the gun utterly, his head spun as Joe’s heart monitor flat-lined. “No!” he screamed, pushing himself to his feet and leaning over Joe’s limp form, disregarding his own safety.
Matthew’s laughter rang in his ears. “Now you’re gonna join him,” he smirked, snatching up the silencer from where it had fallen.



Patrick looked up nervously. Sitting across from him in the cell was another young man, possibly Pete’s age, maybe a little more. He didn’t mind admitting that he was scared. What seemed to make matters worse was that they had taken his hat. He wasn’t entirely sure why, it was hardly a deadly weapon, but they had taken it anyway. He had been wearing hats so long that they felt a part of him and now, without one, he felt… strange. He felt vulnerable. It was true to say that, sitting in the jail cell would have provoked the same response, but he felt that the absence of his hat only increased his anxiety. He couldn’t explain it. It made no sense but it felt very real to him.

“What you here for?”
“Attempted murder and kidnapping,” he answered quietly. It just wasn’t worth saying that he was innocent, wasn’t that was the cry of them all?
“Dude!” the young man cried in something akin to respect as he wandered over with his hand raised ready to high-five the singer.
“Somehow, I don’t feel like celebrating,” he replied miserably, glad at least not to have been recognised.
“Let me guess,” he smirked, taking a seat next to Patrick on his bunk. “She cheated on you?”

Patrick turned a surprised eye to the young man before looking back down at his hands.

“Oh!” he grinned. “He cheated on you?”
“No!” Patrick turned a worried glance as the young man shuffled closer.
“You know, ‘cause that’s okay. I understand,” he grinned placing a hand on Patrick’s knee.
“No, you don’t!” Patrick replied quickly, shoving at the unwelcome hand but within moments it was back and gripping him hard, the man’s other hand was on his chest pushing him down onto the bunk.

Twisting his body, with the strength born of anger and fear, Patrick raised his knee sharply and gasped with relief as the man crumpled alongside him, moaning in pain. In moments, Patrick was on his feet, yelling for help through the bars.
“You don’t really believe they’re gonna come do you?” the man sneered as he finally recovered enough to sit up. “Well, it looks like tonight I’m getting my fun by taking some of the pretty off your face! Was your choice dude!”

Some choice!

The man rose; he was almost six feet tall, Patrick knew he had little chance of defending himself. All he felt he could hope for was to fend him off long enough to be rescued. It didn’t seem likely; that sort of thing only happened in the movies.

“Y… yeah!” In his panic, Patrick hadn’t even heard the police officer approach.
“Detective Stokes wants to see you.”

Patrick nodded with relief, grateful to, at least temporarily leave the cell.

“Later, dude!” the other prisoner called menacingly after him as he was led down the corridor.

This was it, Patrick thought to himself. His last chance to convince them that he was innocent. If he went back into that cell, he would be beaten to a pulp, or worse. One problem - frowning deeply, the young singer knew he had nothing new to say.


Looking back, Andy’s eyes narrowed in fury. Even looking down the barrel of Matthew’s gun couldn’t shake his anger. Joe’s heart had stopped, clearly still suffering the effects of the overdose given to him by Matthew and all Andy could hear was the man’s laughter! Before either of them had a chance to react, Matthew was tumbling to the floor as an emergency team entered crashing the door into Matthew’s back and head. The gun skittered from his hand as he landed, dazed and hurt.

“Never mind him,” Andy insisted. “Take care of Joe.”
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” Joe replied to everyone’s surprise and Andy’s great relief. “Stop him getting away.”
“My pleasure!” Andy growled furiously.
“What’s going on in here?” one of the doctors asked, confused by what was happening around her.

Andy lifted Matthew by his shirt and threw a hefty punch across his jaw, watching with satisfaction as he fell limply to the floor.

“What’s going on in here?” the doctor yelled again.
“He tried to kill us,” Joe explained weakly. “I couldn’t reach the call button. The only way I could get help was to pull the wires off me so the monitor flat-lined.”
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