Categories > Original > Drama > Whisper These Words


by gnrgirl 1 review

Just because they don't believe it, doesn't mean it isn't real...

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2009-11-19 - Updated: 2009-11-20 - 104 words

3. Love

Those smart people...They say it's a chemical reaction in the brain, that it's a technicality, that it doesn't exist. But they're wrong. They're so wrong. They have no idea. How can something so wonderful, so amazing, so beautiful be a chemical reaction? How is it a technicality when one person loses them self in another? How can the feeling of wanting to be with someone forever not exist? Everyone feels it! Everyone, sometime in their life, will feel it! It's real. Just because the scientists don't believe it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist! Love is real, I mean, come's love.
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