Categories > Original > Fantasy > ARCANA

The Empress

by TaishoTears 0 reviews

The forth part to Arcana. All characters are mine. Enjoy.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] [Y] - Published: 2009-11-23 - Updated: 2009-11-24 - 7390 words

Chapter 3 ~ The Empress, Lifting the Veil

Jennipher awoke this time crying. Her whole body ached and she found herself feeling very fearful, jumping at the shadows in her room. Not wanting to stay in the dark room any longer, she got up quickly and slipped on her shoes. Picking up the skeleton key from off of it’s hook, she unlocked her door and stepped out into the hallway.

She slipped the key into her pocket as she walked past her father’s dark room. It wasn’t just her dad’s room that was dark either, the entire house was dark. Both her mother and her father were night owls, so it had to be very late if no one in her family was awake. Probably around four or five o’clock in the morning.

As she walked down the dark hallway her fear grew. She could see things moving in the dark and wasn’t so sure if her mind was making them up.

She walked faster till she reached the front door. Finally, Jennipher paused with her hand on the door knob. She glanced back over her shoulder at the black hall behind her. She knew that she could leave in the middle of the night and that her parents would never be any the wiser. She felt bad about it though as her gaze drifted from the hallway to the staircase that lead up to her mother’s room. Sifting her weight from one foot to the other, she sighed and opened the door.

Walking out on to her covered porch she was greeted by her half Chow, Trixie. The dog waged her tail happily as she got up from her sleeping place under the porch swing and came over to see the little girl. Trixie circled her once before laying down at her feet and rolling over to have her belly rubbed. Jennipher smiled warmly at the dog and bent down to ruffle the soft fur of her belly. After this silent ‘hello’ Jennipher straightened up and began to walk toward the front gate, Trixie walked quietly by her side. However once she reached the front gate and opened it, Trixie stopped. She was a well trained dog and never left her fenced in yard. So Jennipher walked through the gate and gave her faithful, furry friend one last pat on the head before closing the gate and turning to walk down the street.

The moon was full that night and the sky was clear. There wasn’t a whole lot of traffic on her road at this time of night so she wasn’t worried about cars or being seen. The seasons were turning from summer to fall and the night was still mostly warm. She couldn’t see the colors of the leaves on the trees, but she knew that at least some of them had started to turn. They were leaving behind their dark green hues in place of bright reds and yellows. Everything seemed so quiet, not even the wind dared to break the silence. Before she knew it she found her self walking out across the parking lot of the church that stood in front of her house. She knew this area well. Often she played there with her best friend or the kids from the church.

She walked further through the dark parking lot till she reached a grassy hill towards the back. The hill was steep in some places and she fell forward digging her small fingers into the damp grass as she started to climb up. Once at the top she wiped the dirt off of her hands, onto her jeans and set off across the printing building’s parking lot. Carefully, Jennipher walked along the edge of the parking lot, which gradually inclined. She watched as the ground to her right got further and further away. From where she was, she could see very well into peoples backyards. She didn’t have far to go anymore. A few more steps lead her to her best friends’ house. She jumped down from the now four foot tall retaining wall and into the backyard.

Moving through Alisons’ backyard could sometimes prove to be difficult. Car parts and planks of wood littered the mostly flat, grassy area. Jennipher had to strain her eyes in the darkness at times to see where she was going and to keep from tripping. As she walked around the debris she remembered to step lightly too, for thinking back to a few years prior, she knew she had once gotten a long, rusty nail jammed in her foot... she didn’t want that to happen again.

Once out of the back yard she made her way up the side of the house and on to the porch. She knew better than to knock or walk in. So she tapped lightly at the glass of the first window a few times until Alison pushed up the glass pane and looked out at her with sleep filled eyes.

Alison was an adorable nine year old with short cropped brown hair and an olive complexion. She was thin and short, but if the length of her legs meant anything, she would one day be very tall. She looked at Jennipher, her big brown eyes still half shut from sleep. She yawned and then very carefully crawled through the window, her white, satin edged blanket still in hand.

“What are you doing here?” The little brown haired girl asked quietly.

Jennipher smiled at her best friend. “I couldn’t sleep... and I wanted to see you.” she stated.

Alison narrowed her eyes, “Shhhhhh.” she hissed, “keep it down.” she finished in a urgent sounding whisper.

The red head blinked and looked quickly at the front door. “Sorry...” she said softly as she looked back at her friend.

“It’s okay.” Alison replied as she yawned her sleep away. She rubbed her eyes and looked at her friend. “So... what’s up?” she asked.

Jennipher nodded toward the parking lot of the printing building that she had just come from and began walking back in that direction. The little dark haired girl sighed and followed her. Within moments they were standing in the very large, empty area, their only company the moonlight and the beginnings of a soft breeze.

The auburn haired girl stopped and turned to her companion. She looked down for a moment and thought that maybe she shouldn’t tell Alison about her dreams. After a bit of hesitation she began to tell her story. When she was finished she looked up at her friend, her face red with embarrassment.
Alison stood before her, the soft, white blanket wrapped around her thin shoulders. She was staring at Jennipher, the small traces of sleep starting to disappear from her face. ‘Wow’ was all she said.

“Well,” The red head said as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “What do you think?”

Brown eyes gazed at her in the darkness. “I think that sounds really cool.”

“Really? You don’t think it’s weird?”

“Not really... A little weird maybe.” Alison shifted and pulled her blanket closer to her. She smiled at her friend and then let a giggle slip past her lips.

“What?” Jennipher asked quizzically.

The chocolate haired girl smiled. “I think you have been reading to many vampire books!”

The red head smiled back and began to laugh, Alison’s voice joined in the laughter. After a few more good giggles the two walked back toward the house where they sat on the front steps. It should have been warm enough outside but Alison kept pulling at her blanket trying to warm her thin body. Jennipher looked at her small frame and reached over to rub her back, hoping that she could help warm the girl. Alison yawned and looking sleepy once again turned to the girl beside her.

“I really need to go back to bed.” She started, “Mom wants to go to the flea market tomorrow.”

Jennipher sighed and stretched. “I’m not tired...” she said under her breath.

“But I am...” Alison stated.

The red head rolled her eyes and looked up at the sky. Yawning she turned back to her best friend. “I guess if you HAVE to get up early than you should get back to sleep.”

The brunette frowned. “I do HAVE to get up,” she responded, mimicking her friends sarcasm. The she paused. “I can come over later tomorrow though, okay?” she said hoping that statement would cheer the red head up.

Jennipher was quiet for a moment thinking over this small problem in her head. If I let her go to sleep I’ll have to go home and no one is awake at house. I guess that means that I’ll have to go back to bed too... and if I do that I’ll have more of those messed up dreams. She frowned while thinking, but then she looked over at her friend. Alison’s head was drooping and her eyes were closed. The red head sighed, She really is tired.

Lightly she touched her friend’s shoulder. “Alison.... Al... i... son.” she said in a sing song voice.

The small girl’s eyes opened slightly. “What?” she asked in a half slur.

“Go inside... you can’t sleep out here.”

The larger girl helped the smaller one to her feet and lead her back to her bedroom window. She held the window open as the brunette child crawled through once more and knelt on her bed. She looked at her once more before closing the window.

“You will come over tomorrow, right?”

Alison yawned, “Yeah...” she responded, her voice trailing off.

As the window shut and Jennipher turned to leave she thought she heard a voice calling her name. She turned back towards Alison’s window, but it was indeed shut. She shivered and began to walk faster, ignoring the shadows and the moonlight through the trees on her way home.

Once home she paused at the gate to her house, hoping that Trixie would once more come to greet her. When that didn’t happen she that her sweet, dog must be asleep. She opened the gate quietly and walked to her front door. Reaching out to turn the doorknob, she hesitated for a moment.

“Stupid scared girl!” She chastised herself under her breath.

She hated being scared and was angry at her self for it. This gave her all the motivation she needed. Quickly she turned the knob and walked into her dark house. Shutting the door softly behind her, she walked into the black living room and through pale moonlight filtering through the dining room windows. Once in the kitchen she grabbed a coke from the fridge and headed down the hallway to her room.

When she entered her room it was still dark and carried an uncomfortable feeling. Ignoring the way the tree branches moved outside the window, she flipped on her light and half stomped over to her bed. Opening her coke, she took a drink and set it down on her end table.

She stifled a yawn, trying not to give in to the fact she was tired as she sat down. She didn’t want to sleep. Gazing around her room she found her sketch pad lying on the floor on the far side of the bed. She got up and walked around to the stereo. Turning it on and picking up her art book she sat back down on the bed and began to draw.

Jennipher sat like that for hours. Yawning, drawing, and sipping at her coke. When she finally looked up from what she was doing she found that her eyes burned and daylight was starting to come in through the windows. Setting the unfinished drawing aside, she rubbed her eyes, stretched and leaned back on her pillows. I’m only going to close my eyes for a minute. she thought.

Famous last words.


She awoke to find herself laying in a field. The grass was green and felt cool and soft under her skin. She looked around. All about her were trees but they were some distance away. Again it was night but the only moon she could see was the large, beautiful white one. The air was warm and smelled lightly of jasmine. The songs of night birds carried on the scented breeze and pale hues of pearl and topaz, cast by the moon’s light, shimmered over the damp grass.

How lovely, she sighed in her mind.

Slowly she stood, once on her feet she noticed her dress. Again this strange world had chosen her clothes for her. She ran her hands down her body and found that this medieval gown was made of green velvet. It was held in place by a linen bodice which was covered in intricate rose designs. The skirt flowed down to her ankles and seemed to shimmer with the same topaz and pearl hues of the grass. Her shoes were flat and simple and the sloping neckline showed off a beautiful emerald choker.

Feeling strangely calm and happy she began to walk. She didn’t really know were she was trying to go, nor at the moment did she care. She just felt the need to walk and enjoy the night air. She stayed in this state for a long time. Walking. Breathing. Smelling jasmine and listening to the sounds around her. She found her self not wanting to leave this place. It felt so calming. It felt like she was home. Like she had found her place in the world. Then she heard them.

She paused and stayed very still, trying not to disturb the air around her. It only took a moment before she heard the sound again. Soft neighing in the distance.

“Horses... But where are they?” she asked the air around her.

As if in response the wind picked up ever so slightly, pushing at her back. She didn’t fight it. Placing one foot in front of the other she started walking again. This time she moved in whatever direction the wind pushed her. It wasn’t long before she found the source of the neighing.

Just ahead of her, a little ways below the small rolling hill the she was standing on, was a decent size paddock. Within the fenced in area were six well groomed horses. Each animal was beautiful and different in it’s own right. Jennipher walked carefully down the hill and toward the lovely creatures.

The horses stayed calm as she moved closer to them, only lightly pawing at the ground as if to say ‘we know you are there and we see you.’ She only knew what type a few of the animals were. She could pick out a Blood Bay, an Appaloosa, and a Pinto. The one she was drawn too though was a white Arabian.

How cliche she thought to herself and she giggled.

She walked carefully to the animal trying not to startle it by making too much noise. As she came closer this majestic creature moved closer also. He walked to the fence and pawed lightly at the ground as if waiting for her to come to him. Once at the fence, she smiled at him as she tentatively held out her hand and stroked his soft nose.

I can ride him she mused in her mind. No sooner had she thought this she found herself atop him. No bridal, no saddle, not even a horse blanket between her and the strong back of this animal. Looking down at her own legs she also found that she was sitting side saddle.

“Well... it is my dream... I guess I’ll be fine.” she spoke aloud. The creature under her snorted as if in response and began to walk away from the paddock.

“Were are you taking me?” she questioned the animal as she wove her fingers into his mane. The slight wind and the sound of grass being crushed under the horses hooves where the only responses she received.

She enjoyed her ride though it seemed to take along time. Every so often she would reach down and pet the long white neck below her. Though she had no idea where she was being taken, the animal that was kind enough to give her this ride seemed to know where it was she needed to be. Strangely, she trusted in him the feeling of calm that had entered her earlier had yet to leave. For this she was thankful.

As she rode the scenery around her began to change. The trees gave away to a flat grassy meadow dotted with wild flowers. The sent on the breeze changed as well. No longer did she smell jasmine but the sweet smell of roses. Songs of night birds died away to be replaced by the happier songs of morning birds. The sky changed as well. She was now bathed in warmth from the morning sun which she could not yet see, but was changing the sky to a deep gold hue. The clouds now were tinted in pink as well.

More time passed as she rode but the sun never made it up over the horizon. She kept waiting for it and the blinding brilliance that would accompany it, but still, the sun never came. She found her self trapped in permanent morning. Dew from the night before collected on the grass and the petals of flowers. It was left there, not to dry up, but to continually sparkle like so many diamonds the way you would see it in only the best photographs. Though the beauty was breath taking, she didn’t know if she liked the idea of nothing changing.

Just as the calm started to leave her, slowly being replaced with unease, she spotted a house in the distance. Sighing in relief, she spurred the horse into a trot, wanting to get the this place as soon as she could. She dearly hoped someone was home and that maybe they would be able to explain a bit more about this beautiful, if slighting unnerving place. Things just seemed a little too perfect here, something she was certainly not use to.

As she rode closer the house became clearer. She found that it was a two story house, larger than she first thought, and it seemed to be painted a very light shade of blue. She could also see that a wooden fence blocked her from the front yard. Though this place seemed old, it was in very good repair. Reminding her of a restored plantation home.

She slowed the horse down again by tugging on his mane till she was close enough to the fence to stop. She dismounted quickly and patted the horse on his neck to thank him for his help. As she walked toward the fence, she expected the animal to turn and leave, but he didn’t. Instead he only walked away a few more feet and began grazing at a particularly green area of grass. Jennipher smiled to herself hoping that maybe, just maybe, she had made a friend in this strange dream world.

Turning away once more she started to pace the fence line, trying to build her courage to call out to whomever might be in the house. As she paced she noticed the flower garden within the fenced interior.

“Ahh,” She said aloud, “That’s where the smell is coming from.”

The garden was full of roses, roses of every shape and size. She could tell that some of them where wild while others must have taken years to perfect. Every color was present too. Red, yellow, white, pink, violet, even a soft shades of blue.

She breathed in and scent of roses was almost over powering. She felt heady as she sighed and the feeling of calm began to come back once again. This place felt very familiar to her, much like the woods and meadow had. Somehow it made her feel safe and warm inside, as if nothing bad could ever touch her.

So for no other reason than the fact it felt right she said aloud and almost under her breath, “I’m home.”

“Welcome home...”

Jennipher spun around to face the deep melodic voice. Before her stood a man in his middle to late 20's, smiling a small, serene smile. Long, black hair fell around him, draping down his back like a velvet curtain. This black velvet almost reached his knees and shimmered slightly in the golden morning sun. His skin was tan, but a light tan, it was a color that said he worked outside but not enough to turn him brown. He was about average height, but there was a presence about him that demanded attention. His lips were full and almost even in size. Ice blue eyes stood out against his darker complexion, giving his face a very beautiful quality.

The brown haired girl blinked up at him. She found that he too felt familiar, like the meadow and the house. A million questions can to mind, but after a moments silence she settled on one.

“Do you live here?” she finally asked quietly.

Again he smiled at her warmly, “Yes, this is my home.”

“What did you mean when you said ‘welcome home’? Do I know you?”

He paused as if taken aback and then let out a soft laugh. “Yes, you knew me...” he trailed off, “Once.”

Jennipher raised an eyebrow at him, doubting his words. I would have remembered someone as handsome as this. she thought to herself.

The raven haired man laughed once more and Jennipher had the passing thought that he might be reading her mind. That thought however was chased away by his charming smile. The smile on his face was so warm and so full of love, she felt as if she would melt if he continued to look at her that way. Without meaning to, she found herself smiling back at him. Slowly he reached out his hand and very gently placed it on the small of her back.

He looked down at her, “You have been traveling and I’m sure you would like to rest. Please, follow me inside and have breakfast with me.” his smile faded a bit as he spoke again, “I get so little company.”

Somehow the thought of this man being alone made the brunettes heart ache. She couldn’t picture him living alone in that big house, he seemed too kind for such a sad thing to befall him. She nodded quickly in acceptance and was lead through the gate and up to the house.

As she passed through the gates the smell of roses surrounded her making her feel as if she would pass out. Her steps started to falter as she walked toward the house. Suddenly strong arms were around her lifting her up. She looked up at the dark haired man in haze, trying to make sense of her own thoughts. He smiled at her once more and she smiled back before her eyes shut.


When she awoke she found herself laying on a soft brocade couch. The brocade was red and gold and seemed to shimmer slightly in the morning light coming in through the window behind her. In fact everything seemed to shimmer, or maybe she was just seeing things. Jennipher shook her head and closed her eyes trying to fix her vision, when a hand touched her shoulder gently.

“Beautiful.” a voice like music said.

Opening her eyes once again she looked up to find the same raven haired man from earlier. She smiled at him and he smiled back in return. She found that she was very happy that she was lying down. She could feel herself weakening again under his gaze. Slowly and without her knowledge, her hand drifted up to rest on his.

“What’s beautiful?” the girl asked quietly.

“You are.” he replied in the same melodic tone as earlier. He moved his hand gently from her shoulder to her neck, then his hand rested there as his thumb lightly stroked her throat.

This is beautiful... this is perfect. Jennipher thought to herself. Please don’t let me wake up. The smile on the dark haired man’s face broadened a bit and she felt sure that he could read her thoughts. But before she could ask he moved his hand up further on her neck.

The brown haired girl was still smiling when he stopped moving abruptly. His warm smile faded all to quickly. Suddenly she was being jerked up into a sitting position as her hair was flipped back over her shoulder. He knelt down, one knee on the floor. The girl in front of him brought her hands up to his chest, trying but failing to push him away.

“Be still!” he commanded, his voice sounding hollow. That cold, deep voice sent a chill down her spine and she found she could no longer move. She tried to struggle, to scream, to make her body respond to her orders, but it wouldn’t. It felt as if she was stuck in ice or being pressed down into the couch by some unseen weight. A tear slid down her cheek due to frustration and fear.

The black haired man looked in her eyes and his expression softened. His eyebrows knitted together with worry as he reached one elegant hand up to wipe away the tear.

His voice was like soothing music again when he spoke. “Shh... It’s going to be alright my beautiful one. I will not harm you. You will be release in just a moment, but I have to see something first.”

Slowly, almost painfully slow to Jennipher, his hands reached up behind her neck. Nimble fingers unfastened the clasp to her choker and quickly removed it from her throat. Setting the ornate cloth next to her, he turned his attentions once more to the girl in front of him. With one long fingered hand he gently tilted her head up and away a bit. With his other hand he held her hair away from her neck. With her pale throat exposed she found that his frown deepened.

He sighed and released whatever hold he had over her as he stood up and stepped back. She found that she could move once more and jumped back from him very quickly. Pulling her knees up to her chest she tried to disappear and relearn how to breath. She looked up at him with wide eyes, still scared that he somehow might force her to be still again.

Carefully and quietly she asked, “What did you do to me?”

The black haired man sighed once more and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He stood in the golden light looking very regal, his hip thrust out. His silk shirt shone in the same yellow gold hues as the rest of the room. He licked his lips once and turned his gaze away before speaking.

“My dear,” he started, only glancing back at the frightened girl for a moment, “You have been marked.”

Jennipher had relaxed a little seeing that the man in front of her was no longer making any movements towards her. She let her legs slide back down so that she was sitting properly. Placing her hands in her lap she spoke softly.

“What do you mean marked?” she asked, “Do you mean where Miguel bit me?”

Raven hair moved like water as he turned back to her. His arms dropped to his sides. Opening his mouth to speak, he closed it again as if changing his mind as to what to say. The man looked down at the floor as if thinking and stayed that way for a long time. Just as Jennipher thought that she should ask what was wrong, he looked up.

“So you know Miguel?” The dark haired man asked.

Jennipher blushed and looked away. She nodded as she answered, “Yes.”

The man in front of her arched an eyebrow and gave her a disapproving look. The girl shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. She found it very hard to think when he looked at her, she was also beginning to realize that for some reason his opinion of her mattered.

She forced herself the look into those blue eyes that were now edged in gold and staring at her with worry and what almost looked like sadness. A few minuets ago he had looked at her with such love. Now she couldn’t stand the way those eyes looked into her. She wanted to turn away, she wanted to run, she wanted to cry, but all she did was sit there in silence waiting for the world around her to explode. Finally it did.

The dark haired man sighed and turned away from her. He took a step forward and paused glancing over his shoulder. “Well,” he said softly, “are you coming?”

Jennipher tilted her head a little to the side as she spoke, “Coming where?” she asked quietly.

Again he sighed before speaking. “We were going to have breakfast, or are you not hungry?”

“You seemed angry or upset just a minute ago, Do you really want me to still have breakfast with you?” The girl asked as she looked at him with hopeful eyes.

He turned towards her and smiled. “Yes, as I said, I don’t get much company. It would be nice to have breakfast with someone.”

After a moment more of hesitation she walked toward him and begin following him to a very large and warmly decorated dining room. When they entered he walked very calmly and quietly over to the table and motioned for her to join him. As she bridged the gap between them he pulled her chair out and she sat down. Once she seemed comfortable he too sat down across from her. She realized that somehow she had walked to this room and sat down all while looking down at her feet. She brought her gaze up to meet his.

Just then a servant walked over, dressed in finely woven, burgandy linen. She spoke softly and then only to her master never giving the girl seated at the table a second glance. She spoke so quietly that Jennipher couldn’t hear what was being said. But the raven haired man nodded and stated, “That will be fine.” Then the woman walked away.

He looked back at the brown haired girl still smiling. “I hope you still like blueberry crepes.” The beautiful man half said and half asked.

All Jennipher could do was nod quickly. “I’ve only had them once. But I remember that they tasted really good.” she said.

“Well then, I suppose it will be a nice treat for you then.”

The girl sat there smiling until it hit her.... he’s a vampire. “Ummm....” she started, “You ARE a vampire right?” she asked. The man nodded in response. “Then how will you eat crepes? I thought vampires couldn’t eat... umm... food.”

The dark haired man laughed, throaty, rich laughter that seemed to fill the room. After a moment he answered her, his smile now broad and truly happy. “Oh my dear, we can eat. We may not be able to consume as much as a normal human, but we can eat. Our main diet must consist of blood, but we are allowed the simple pleasure and slight indulgences of a well cooked meal.”

The brunette smiled back at him. She knew that his words and tonality would normally make her believe that she was being picked on. She didn’t feel that way with him though. All she could say was, “Well, I’m glad that is a myth! I would hate to be the only one of us to enjoy breakfast.”

“You truly are cute, you know that right?”
She blushed and turned her head. “I don’t think so. I’m not really cute. People say that sometimes but I can never bring myself to believe them.”

A ‘hmm’ drifted across the table to meet her ears. “Maybe your lack of self esteem is part of the reason why you are here. Or do I speak out of turn? Do you know the reason why you are in this land, beautiful child?”

Her blush started to fade but she was determined not to look at him until it had faded completely, so she only tilted her head little to the side to show that she had heard his words. She sat there going over the events of her last encounter in this world. She thought of the necklace that had been taken away and of Miguel. Also her mind reeled as she recalled how horribly she had been treated at the hands of Issac and Sarah. She shivered and fought to keep control of her emotions. A gentle hand now rested on her shoulder and she jumped at the touch. Looking up she saw that her host had moved from his seat and now stood behind her, his eyes concerned, and his thumb tracing small circles over her shaking shoulder.

“I’m okay.” She laughed.

He removed his hand from her as he replied, “You didn’t seem okay. I’ll take it that you do know why you are here and the knowledge is quite unpleasant.”

Jenny smiled up at him the light of her smile not reaching her eyes. Shrugging she spoke, “Something like that. My grandmother died not to long ago, and I guess you could say that I’ve been depressed... kind of mourning her death. I think I’m here to learn how to cope.”

“Yes, that is very possible. Many come here for reasons much like that.” The dark haired man said, then softly, “Now I wonder how you happened upon my home?”

Her eyes brightened as her mind cleared away some of the negative thoughts she had been dwelling on. “Ummm, that reminds me. Earlier, outside, you said ‘welcome home’, what do you mean by that?”

He blinked and looked at her. Just as a faint blush started to creep into his face he turned away. “Well,” He started, “I’m not really sure how to explain this. It’s rather difficult you see. You and I have known each other for along time. I’m sure you feel a connection too.”

She nodded and then realizing that he couldn’t see that she said yes.

He nodded in return and began to pace back and forth. She scooted her chair out a bit so that she could watch him as he walked. All grace and no noise as he walked softly over the slightly worn, cream colored, Chinese style rug. Finally he stopped and sighed.

“It seems that you don’t remember me, but I remember you quiet well.” He said. “I know that your favorite color is silver and when you are having a bad day you like hot cocoa and peanut butter, pickle, and onion sandwiches. I know that your favorite flower is a red Spider Lily. I know that you like to flirt with danger. True danger not things like... what are the words I’m looking for? Ah, yes, not like riding a roller coaster. I know you love the sent of roses and mint. You can taste color. Your favorite times of day are early morning and evening, due to the colors that the sky can turn. I know that...”

“Okay! I get it!” She cut him off. “But how do you know all that? Did you read my mind or something?”

He shook his head, “No. Like I said before I’ve known you for a very long time. I wish you could remember me. Because you were my...” His back straightened suddenly and he stopped speaking. His head lifted up and she could tell that he was listening for a sound that she couldn’t hear.

She waited for him to speak again, but when he started to walk away from her, leaving the room, she spoke up, “I’m your what?” she asked.

“Shh!” He hissed. Standing in the doorway he glared at her from over his shoulder. “Stay in the house. Stay in the house no matter what. There is something I have to take care of outside.”


He turned quickly to look at her. “No ‘buts’, I said stay. It’s for your own good.”

With that said, he was gone. He hadn’t walked out, he was just gone. Stupid vampire tricks she thought. “All you guys are is smoke and mirrors!” she shouted to the empty room.

But all the same she sat and waited. After what had felt like 20 minutes or so she got up and started to look around the house. She found the kitchen and saw a bowl of fresh fruit on the table there. She took a strawberry and nibbled on it as she looked around some more.

Her next stop was what she guessed had to be a guest bedroom. The room was well lit with tall, high arced windows with shear light blue drapes. There was a small closet, a desk and chair, a dresser, 2 small night stands, and a soft looking bed. All the colors in the room where varying shades of blue and light brown. She sat on the bed for a moment before moving to the next room on her list, a library she had glanced at on the way into this room.

The library was large and well kept with no windows. Old books and papers sat upon a small study table, of which there were two of in this room. The old redwood bookshelves reached the ceiling and filled every wall. They were placed so closely together that no wall could be seen between them. Track lighting had been installed on the ceiling and the floor. Lighting the shelves, and though she looked, she couldn’t find a light switch any where. The books ranged from children’s fiction to doctor’s reference books.

She spent a great amount of time in the library sorting and flipping through books. Careful not to hurt the pages of some of the older titles. There were some book in here that she found she couldn’t touch. She would reach out her hand to pick the volume up and would find that her hand would just stop in mid-movement. No matter how hard she tried she could make her fingers touch the binding of these certain books. It was at one of these moments that she heard a noise behind her and turned to greet her dark haired host who she thought had just stepped into the room.

She found however that the person who had entered was not her raven haired host, but another man with silver-white hair. His hair fell bone-straight down his back, until about a half foot of said hair drug the ground. He looked to be about 7 feet tall, maybe even taller. His features were elfin, all sharp angles and high cheek bones. The eyes looking at her were a bright, penetrating, blue. He was long and lanky, she could tell that even through his black with red trim Japanese style kimono. The cloth flowed down around him in away that only a lighter material could, dragging the floor behind him.

She stared, open mouthed as if his presence demanded her attention. He took a step towards her, the cloth of his robe parting slightly to reveal bare feet with long, perfectly shaped toes. The long, flowing sleeve rustled slightly as he brought his one hand up to push a thin lock of hair out of his face. His hand stayed posed in his hair for a moment as if he were posing for her before dropping once again to rest at his side. When he stilled he seemed for all the world to be a painted statue.

She closed her mouth and shook her head. Finding her voice she said, “Uh, hello, and you are?”

He smiled and let out a throaty laugh. “I believe that it is customary for the one who starts a conversation between complete strangers, to give their name first.”

“Oh! I’m sorry! My name is Jennip... ah, Jenny. Nice to meet you.”

“You may call me Jarith.” He said as he bridged the space between them to kiss the girl’s hand in greeting.

Jenny pulled her hand away quickly due to the ice like temperature of the mans fingers. “Ah, yeah. Well, hello. Are you a guest here too? The guest room didn’t look as if it had been used.”

Jarith smiled his cat grin at her. “It hasn’t been used. I just now arrived. I met our gracious host outside and he sent me in. I believe he said something about it being safer in here at this moment and about keeping you out of harms way. I suppose he wanted me to keep an eye on you.”

“Oh. So you know him?” The brown haired youth asked.

“You could say that we’ve know each other for sometime. We go back, he and I.” Jarith replied. He reached his hand up and ran his frigid fingers through her hair. “Your hair is very lovely, such a warm color.” His hand then fell to touch her face so softly that she almost didn’t feel it. “Your complection is nice too, you seem so full of warmth, so full of life.” He smiled and pulled his hand away again as she fought not to take a step back.

“Umm, I don’t want to offend you, but could you maybe not touch me again? I’m not a really touchy type of person.”

“Truly sorry dear,” he said, still smiling. His eyes widened a fraction as he spoke again. “I almost forgot! I have something that belongs to you.”

“What?” Jenny asked as the white haired man’s hand disappeared into his robe.

“This.” He lifted his hand back out and opened in slightly. Her golden cross dropped down to dangle gently from his long fingered grasp.

“Oh, wow! Thank you! I thought it was gone forever! Where did you find it?” She asked as he place it in her hand.

“Well, you see precious, Miguel is my younger brother, so to speak. He gave it tome to give to you. That is why I am really here. Well, that and to visit an old friend.”

“That was very nice of you.” Jenny said as she fastened the necklace around her neck. She relaxed a little, feeling the weight of the cross hanging against her chest made her feel safer somehow. Then she spoke again, “Miguel didn’t strike me as the type to have a brother, but okay. Thank you again.”

Jarith shifted his weight a little. “Miguel also said to tell you that it is safe to come back now. All of his staff have been informed about who you are and that they are to treat you with the utmost respect. He stated that Issac, will be apologizing to you next time you visit.”

“Well he had better! He was terrifying!” The girl spat.

Jarith laughed. “Yes, I suppose that some of Miguel’s staff can be rather heavy handed.” He bent down so he was at eye level with the girl in front of him. “Come with me, it’s so quiet here. I would love for you to hear a new violin piece I’ve been composing.”

Jenny smiled brightly. “Sure! I love the violin!”

“I thought you might.” He said as he held her hand and started towards the door. As they reached the doorway and stepped through, she saw the raven haired man running toward them. She turned trying to get a better look. As she turned the room faded to black and all she could hear was the sound of Jarith’s laughter echoing around her.

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