Categories > Celebrities > Aerosmith > Tuesday's Gone

Write Me A Letter

by aerosmith14 2 reviews

Phone conversation between Joe and Cyrinda

Category: Aerosmith - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-12-04 - Updated: 2009-12-07 - 612 words - Complete

"Hey Cyrinda, How's everything so far?" Joe asked over the phone.
"Not the same. I miss you." She sadly said.
"I miss you too. I found out when the court date is. It's not on Monday."
"Oh when is it?"
"December 19"
"This year?"
"Oh." She paused and continued "It's because some cases take like a year or two to appear in court."
"Oh." He stayed quiet "So how's my mom and everybody else?"
"The band is shocked. They have faith that you're going to come out not guilty. Your mom isn't taking it too well."
"What is she doing?"
"Anne called me yesterday and told me your mom won't come out of the bedroom. She won't eat!"
"I wrote a letter to them, telling them I'm fine."
"She think you're going to get hurt"
"Who else thinks that?"
"Everybody. They're just worried about you."
His tone became angry "I'm not like Jared, going around, pissing everybody off. I'm not asking to get my ass kicked unlike him!!"
"I don't know... Just promise me that you won't get into any trouble!"
Joe stayed quiet
"Are you there? Joe?"
He stayed quiet for a few seconds before answering her question"Yeah, I'm here."
"Did you hear what I asked you?"
"Yeah I did."
"So what?"
"I don't know, I'd promise you but... ah I don't know okay?"
"Please? I worry about you, day and night." She pleaded.
"I worry about you too. I wanna be there with you." He felt his eyes water "Look I'll promise you that I won't get into any trouble. Now can we please talk about other things? I'm really close to crying!"
"Okay." She sighed and asked "So who do you share a cell with?"
He cleared his throat "I share a cell with James and Mike. They are both really nice. James likes to talk and Mike tells jokes."
"Why are they in there?"
"James got charged with drug possession and Mike violated his probation. Did you get my letters?"
"Yes I did. I'm keeping them in a scrapbook."
"Really? I like that."
"Thanks, so far I've got 2." She laughed. He laughed and then shared uncomfortable silence.
"So uh... what have you been doing to keep you busy?"
"I've been working and writing letters. It gets kinda boring every once in a while."
"How's work?"
"Fine, I guess."
"Why? What's going on at work?"
"Everytime I check in and go sit, there has to be the same girl who comes in to get her nails done. I don't really care but all she does is complain about her husband and how lazy he is. It's getting on my nerves, I get it, he's lazy!"
"Why can't she divorce him?"
"She loves him. Whatever."
He laughed "Oh god."
She laughed
He sighed "I have to go, so I'll talk to you tomorrow?"
"Okay. I love you!"
"Love you too." He hung up. The guard took him back to his cell. Joe laid down on his bunk and sighed.
"Anthony Perry?" A guard called out.
Joe sat up. He hasn't heard anybody call him by his real name in a long time.
"Here." He pulled out 8 letters. Joe stood up and got the letters "Thank you."
"MmHmm" The guard walked away. Four letters were from his band mates, One from his mom, One from his sister Anne and two from Cyrinda. He smiled as he sat down on his bunk.
'Something to keep me busy' He thought as opened the letter from Steven. He laughed at the first sentence "Have you dropped the soap yet? Hahaha just kidding!"
'What a dork' He thought to himself and continued reading....
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