Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > The Life of a Princess

A Few Fallen Angels

by SnowAhriman 0 reviews

Some new friends show up and so does a new Anime. Dark and Krad from DNAngel.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Humor - Characters: Sesshoumaru - Published: 2006-04-14 - Updated: 2006-04-15 - 2128 words

Snow: Yeah party for chapter 10!!!

Rain: I got the booze.

Zel: When don't you?

Kaden: When she is passed out.

Sesshomaru: Could we move on?

Snow: Honey you know full well that when we party we party hard.

Kurama: Don't we know it

Snow: With school I am having less and less time to update but I am trying.

Kaden: Aren't you forgetting something?

Snow: Oh yeah. I do not own any of the anime that I may use or mention in this fic. If I did things would be done way different.

Zel: In other words we all be in our mate's anime living it up.

Snow: (smiles big fangy smile) What else would we do all day?

Side Note....Kaden and Cegali are the same person. Her name is Kaden Cegali.

Chapter 10
A Few Fallen Angels

Snow was wiping down the bar as Rain was cleaning of a table and Cegali was sipping a bloody drink at the end of the bar. Cegali had to play bouncer last night to a couple of lower level demons that got in a fight. They were ready to head to bed.

"Rain, I am calling it."

"Sure thing."

Snow all but crawled up the stairs to her apartment. She had not been sleeping well with Sesshomaru off on patrols. Next time she was going with him no matter what. Rin had told her that Sesshomaru had spent little time at the castle before her coming. Snow knew she was the reason he stayed so much in resent days.

Snow went into the apartment. It was dark with no window. Snow found that she slept better with no light when her lord was not in bed with her. That most likely came from being a night owl much like her friend Cegali. They each had no problem with the sun but it was on good at times.

Cegali was the one that lost the draw and had to wake up Snow. Snow was known for violence when woken up at an early hour, any time before noon. (Rain: You said it Snow even out side the fic is a night owl.) Snow was about to throw a lamp when she saw the vampire. Even though Snow had a good 2 inches on her she scared her to no end.

"What is it?"

"Breakfast is almost ready and Sesshomaru-sama will be here soon." Snow's eyes widened.

"Why didn't you say so?" Snow was up and out the door to the springs in under a minute. The only way you got Snow out of bed peacefully was food, bacon was a must.

At the Springs

Sesshomaru would soon be at the Fox and Wolf to pick up his mate. He had not slept well and was ready to take advantage of being mates. That was when he heard it, someone was singing.

They sounded like a dark angel. Sesshomaru knowing what killed the cat went to check it out any way. In the springs he saw a demoness bathing, about to turn and leave he saw her move her hair. There were Snow's markings on her back. It was his mate.

"Sesshomaru, if you are going to stare at least wash my back." He again had been caught by her. She was his enigma.

"Hai, m'lady," he answered in the same way he did any time she asked any thing of him.

Soon they were bathing each other in the springs. Rain was going to see if Snow needed any thing because she had been gone for a while. "Oops." Rain said when she saw Snow and Sesshomaru in the springs. She would leave the couple to themselves. She knew what is was like to be away from the one you loved.

Back to the Bar

Snow lead Sesshomaru through the door. She set him down at the bar where Rain and Cegali stood up only to set back down as he did. They mumbled good mornings and Snow went into the kitchen. When she returned she placed a plate and mug in front of him. Sesshomaru picked up the mug and sniffed the contents.

"Just drink it," Snow said as she sipped at her own. "It's called coffee and trust me it won't kill you." Sesshomaru took a sip.

"Do you think you would want sugar or milk in it?" Sesshomaru did not answer but took another sip.

"Hey Snow he takes it like you strong and straight."

"Shut up, Rain." Cegali and Sesshomaru both raised an eyebrow. "Um ha ha inside joke," Snow answered the unasked questions. She glared at the kitsune.

She went into the kitchen to get her breakfast off the stove. "You know you are weird?"

"Truly one of a kind."

"What a freak." Cegali, Sesshomaru, and Rain said in order.

"Whatever." At that time a hottie with feathered wings walked in the door. Rain's jaw dropped.

"Hello, I was wondering if you needed some help around here."

"New blood is always good," Cegali said.

"Don't you mean fresh blood?" Snow said taking in the man. He had dark hair and wings, black angel wings. He was thrown from heaven. 'What could he have done?'

"So you have a name?" Cegali asked, Rain's jaw was just now coming off the floor.


"What can you do?"

"You name it. If I don't know I can learn." Rain got that smile on her face.

"Down girl. Come back tonight we will give you a test run.

Five minutes later Rain and Snow were talking about the new guy when they heard it. Some thing was upstairs it just crashed through the roof and now was on the floor in front of them. When the dust finally settled a six winged angel stood under the gapping hole in the ceiling. Snow and Cegali had to hold down Rain from jumping her. She was ready to kill.

"You little bitch you put a hole in my roof!!"

"Who are you?"

"The name's Zel Have you seen Dark? I thought I sensed his aura here a few minutes ago. None of you youkai better have touched my Dark."

"Again who are you?"

"Zel. I am an a angel or was. After was thrown out I could not handle life. Sure the other angels tried to help but I went for it I stepped from grace."

"So you left HEAVEN for a guy?" Cegali said.

"Yeah. If you felt the way I do you would know what I mean."

"I would do it for Sesshomaru."

"Youko would have a stalker."(1)

"Now that I think about it. Duo did that for me and I would repay the favor, for him or Orphen."

Zel went on to tell them what she did in heaven. She conducted the choir and was a great singer. She would not have left if it was not for her heart break from Dark's exile. She said she would love to help around the bar, she would not work for much just a place to stay. So they all got to teaching her the ways of the tavern wench. (2)


Every one but Snow and Zel were asleep. They were talking and enjoying a cup of coffee. CRASH! The third angel of the day just came in through the window. Rain looked down through the hole in her floor.

"I give up. I just give up. Sesshomaru-sama do you have a room at the castle?"

"No," he answered flatly.

"Yeah Rain you and your pride won't fit," Snow said also in a flat tone.

"Mind giving us your story?" Cegali was the only one with an eye on the newcomer.

"I am here for my future mate."

"But why the hell did you bust through my window? Three out of five us are matted and the other two don't want you." Rain jumped down through the hole and in a flash was next to Snow and Cegali.

This guy could be a threat even Rain's fox familiar was once again headed upstairs to protect Shippo. The blonde angel looked around the room Zel was his final target. "Zel if you come home now there will be not punishment for you. Everyone knows why you did this. You and I can be together forever."

"No." Every one turned to Snow? "You don't love her. You want something you can't have. How childish from an angel. Zel don't even think of stepping from that spot he will be your down fall."

"Good thing I love Dark, huh?"

"Dark? That low down son of a..."

"Watch your language you are an angel, fallen or not." Cegali rolled her eyes.

"He is no better than a youkai." At this the two in the room stood. Then the vampire stood. She may not be a youkai physically but in beliefs.

"You are standing in a youkai's home and you have the balls to insult them?" Rain was about to tear him limb from limb from wing. Snow put a hand on her shoulder.

"Listen you crack pot angel. Go back to were you have come from. Zel will not be returning to you as long as I draw breath. And trust me I too have a god on my side," Snow glared at the angel as she spoke.

"Krad, please leave in peace with your life or leave to your grave." The angel now known as Krad left out the window. Zel released a sigh as Rain yelled at him for breaking another window.

That night Dark and Zel would talk when they got a chance. The six winged angel would blush at his flirting. Rain and Kaden were talking as Snow was taking orders again. Sesshomaru was called back to the castle and left orders that Snow was to come home in the morning.

The place smelled so strong of booze that even those that were not drinking were getting a little dizzy. Zel had to hid out in the office more than once yet Dark was fine. Dark was playing a stringed instrument and Zel was helping clean off tables.

"Sake, Sake, Sake, don't these idiots know that there are some great drinks out there. Sake is not the greatest thing in the world." Snow again was wishing to shove something better down their throats. "I could kill for some rum."

"Here is that order and try to play nice." Rain laughed at her friend. That night they closed early they ran out of sake. So Kaden and Snow went back to the castle. Snow went to bed and slept in Sesshomaru's arms.

Outside the Castle

Kaden went to the small house near the wall around the castle. She was greeted by Duo and Orphen. Both gave her a hug. Duo smiled and left the two of them alone. Orphen kissed Kaden.

Where Kaden was from vampires were entitled to have a mate and a lover. Neither were higher in ones heart but lovers were not always vampires.

Orphen a sorcerer with extended life first fell for Kaden when they had a run in and she kicked his ass. After a couple of run ins they just stopped fighting and soon became lovers. Soon he was sent on a no return mission. They said their goodbyes and tried to move on with their lives.

Duo soon came into the picture. He stole her heart when he gave up his humanity and taste for solid foods. They matted after a short courting period. Orphen did the impossible and returned. He was heart broken to see Kaden matted. Duo knowing vampiric (3) law welcomed him into their home as his mate's other love.

All three of them lived together and the guys may not officially work for Sesshomaru but they knew what it meant to Kaden and they would give their lives for this place and its peace. (4)

End Chapter

1. Stalker keep that in mind.

2. HAHAHA Zel is a tavern wench! Now she can't say anything to me.

3. This is a word right? My spell check doesn't think so.

4. I will not be killing Orphen or Duo so don't ask.

Snow: I would die if I did.

Brittney: You wouldn't I would

Jen: AJ would kill all of us.

Zel: I am in the story I am in the story.

Rain: Yeah we know.

Sesshomaru: Yet another fan girl we must deal with.

Naraku: I still fear her

Zel: Naraku-kun how are you today? (glomps Naraku)

Snow: Hey leave the poor bishi alone.

Cegali: Practice what you preach.

Snow: What? (Hugging Sesshomaru.)

Rain: You too (Has Kurama in death hold.) I don't think Duo or Orphen can breathe.

Cegali: Whatever

Zel: Review or Cegali will throw your shoes at you.

Rain: Read my fic for the joke.
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